You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

365 lines
8.8 KiB

namespace BusinessLogic\Tickets;
class Ticket extends \BaseClass {
static function fromDatabaseRow($row, $linkedTicketsRs, $repliesRs, $auditRecords, $heskSettings) {
$ticket = new Ticket();
$ticket->id = intval($row['id']);
$ticket->trackingId = $row['trackid'];
$ticket->name = $row['name'];
if ($row['email'] !== null) {
$emails = str_replace(';', ',', $row['email']);
$emails = explode(',', strtolower($emails));
$ticket->email = array_filter($emails);
$ticket->categoryId = intval($row['category']);
$ticket->priorityId = intval($row['priority']);
$ticket->subject = $row['subject'];
$ticket->message = $row['message'];
$ticket->dateCreated = $row['dt'];
$ticket->lastChanged = $row['lastchange'];
$ticket->firstReplyDate = $row['firstreply'];
$ticket->closedDate = $row['closedat'];
if (trim($row['articles']) !== '') {
$suggestedArticles = explode(',', $row['articles']);
$articlesAsInts = array();
foreach ($suggestedArticles as $article) {
$articlesAsInts[] = intval($article);
$ticket->suggestedArticles = $articlesAsInts;
$ticket->ipAddress = $row['ip'];
$ticket->language = $row['language'];
$ticket->statusId = intval($row['status']);
$ticket->openedBy = intval($row['openedby']);
$ticket->firstReplyByUserId = $row['firstreplyby'] === null ? null : intval($row['firstreplyby']);
$ticket->closedByUserId = $row['closedby'] === null ? null : intval($row['closedby']);
$ticket->numberOfReplies = intval($row['replies']);
$ticket->numberOfStaffReplies = intval($row['staffreplies']);
$ticket->ownerId = intval($row['owner']);
$ticket->timeWorked = $row['time_worked'];
$ticket->lastReplyBy = intval($row['lastreplier']);
$ticket->lastReplier = $row['replierid'] === null ? null : intval($row['replierid']);
$ticket->archived = intval($row['archive']) === 1;
$ticket->locked = intval($row['locked']) === 1;
if (trim($row['attachments']) !== '') {
$attachments = explode(',', $row['attachments']);
$attachmentArray = array();
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
if (trim($attachment) === '') {
$attachmentRow = explode('#', $attachment);
$attachmentModel = new Attachment();
$attachmentModel->id = $attachmentRow[0];
$attachmentModel->fileName = $attachmentRow[1];
$attachmentModel->savedName = $attachmentRow[2];
$attachmentArray[] = $attachmentModel;
$ticket->attachments = $attachmentArray;
if (trim($row['merged']) !== '') {
$ticket->mergedTicketIds = explode(',', $row['merged']);
$ticket->auditTrailHtml = $row['history'];
$ticket->customFields = array();
foreach ($heskSettings['custom_fields'] as $key => $value) {
if ($value['use'] && hesk_is_custom_field_in_category($key, intval($ticket->categoryId))) {
$ticket->customFields[str_replace('custom', '', $key)] = $row[$key];
while ($linkedTicketsRow = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($linkedTicketsRs)) {
$ticket->linkedTicketIds[] = $linkedTicketsRow['id'];
if ($row['latitude'] !== '' && $row['longitude'] !== '') {
$ticket->location = array();
$ticket->location[0] = $row['latitude'];
$ticket->location[1] = $row['longitude'];
$ticket->usesHtml = intval($row['html']) === 1;
if ($row['user_agent'] !== null && trim($row['user_agent']) !== '') {
$ticket->userAgent = $row['user_agent'];
if ($row['screen_resolution_height'] !== null && $row['screen_resolution_width'] !== null){
$ticket->screenResolution = array();
$ticket->screenResolution[0] = $row['screen_resolution_width'];
$ticket->screenResolution[1] = $row['screen_resolution_height'];
$ticket->dueDate = $row['due_date'];
$ticket->dueDateOverdueEmailSent = $row['overdue_email_sent'] !== null && intval($row['overdue_email_sent']) === 1;
$replies = array();
while ($replyRow = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($repliesRs)) {
$reply = new Reply();
$reply->id = $replyRow['id'];
$reply->ticketId = $replyRow['replyto'];
$reply->replierName = $replyRow['name'];
$reply->message = $replyRow['message'];
$reply->dateCreated = $replyRow['dt'];
if (trim($replyRow['attachments']) !== '') {
$attachments = explode(',', $replyRow['attachments']);
$attachmentArray = array();
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
if (trim($attachment) === '') {
$attachmentRow = explode('#', $attachment);
$attachmentModel = new Attachment();
$attachmentModel->id = $attachmentRow[0];
$attachmentModel->fileName = $attachmentRow[1];
$attachmentModel->savedName = $attachmentRow[2];
$attachmentArray[] = $attachmentModel;
$reply->attachments = $attachmentArray;
$reply->staffId = $replyRow['staffid'] > 0 ? $replyRow['staffid'] : null;
$reply->rating = $replyRow['rating'];
$reply->isRead = $replyRow['read'] === '1';
$reply->usesHtml = $replyRow['html'] === '1';
$replies[$reply->id] = $reply;
$ticket->replies = $replies;
$ticket->auditTrail = $auditRecords;
return $ticket;
* @var int
public $id;
* @var string
public $trackingId;
* @var string
public $name;
* @var array|null
public $email;
* @var int
public $categoryId;
* @var int
public $priorityId;
* @var string|null
public $subject;
* @var string|null
public $message;
* @var string
public $dateCreated;
* @var string
public $lastChanged;
* @var string|null
public $firstReplyDate;
* @var string|null
public $closedDate;
* @var int[]
public $suggestedArticles = array();
* @var string
public $ipAddress;
* @var string|null
public $language;
* @var int
public $statusId;
* @var int
public $openedBy;
* @var int|null
public $firstReplyByUserId;
* @var int|null
public $closedByUserId;
* @var int
public $numberOfReplies;
* @var int
public $numberOfStaffReplies;
* @var int|null
public $ownerId;
* @var string
public $timeWorked;
* @var int
public $lastReplyBy;
* @var int|null
public $lastReplier;
* @var bool
public $archived;
* @var bool
public $locked;
* @var Attachment[]
public $attachments = array();
function getAttachmentsForDatabase() {
$attachmentArray = array();
if ($this->attachments !== null) {
foreach ($this->attachments as $attachment) {
$attachmentArray[] = $attachment->id . '#' . $attachment->fileName . '#' . $attachment->savedName;
return implode(',', $attachmentArray);
* @var int[]
public $mergedTicketIds = array();
* @var string
public $auditTrailHtml;
* @var AuditTrail
public $auditTrail;
* @var string[]
public $customFields;
* @var int[]
public $linkedTicketIds = array();
* @var float[]|null
public $location;
* @var bool
public $usesHtml;
* @var string|null
public $userAgent;
* 0 => width
* 1 => height
* @var int[]|null
public $screenResolution;
* @var string|null
public $dueDate;
* @var bool|null
public $dueDateOverdueEmailSent;
* @var Reply[]
public $replies = array();