You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Responsible for loading in all necessary classes. AKA a poor man's DI solution.
use BusinessLogic\Categories\CategoryRetriever;
use BusinessLogic\Security\BanRetriever;
use BusinessLogic\Security\UserContextBuilder;
use BusinessLogic\Tickets\TicketRetriever;
use DataAccess\Categories\CategoryGateway;
use DataAccess\Security\BanGateway;
use DataAccess\Security\UserGateway;
use DataAccess\Tickets\TicketGateway;
class ApplicationContext {
public $get;
function __construct() {
$this->get = array();
// Categories
$this->get['CategoryGateway'] = new CategoryGateway();
$this->get['CategoryRetriever'] = new CategoryRetriever($this->get['CategoryGateway']);
// Tickets
$this->get['TicketGateway'] = new TicketGateway();
$this->get['TicketRetriever'] = new TicketRetriever($this->get['TicketGateway']);
// Bans
$this->get['BanGateway'] = new BanGateway();
$this->get['BanRetriever'] = new BanRetriever($this->get['BanGateway']);
// User Context
$this->get['UserGateway'] = new UserGateway();
$this->get['UserContextBuilder'] = new UserContextBuilder($this->get['UserGateway']);