Merge branch 'master' into html_stay

Jeroen Akkerman 5 years ago
commit d5d99e166e

@ -4,7 +4,20 @@ All notable changes to easymde will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
<!--## [Unreleased]-->
## [Unreleased]
### Added
- Upload images functionality (Thanks to [@roipoussiere] and [@JeroenvO], [#71], [#101]).
- Allow custom image upload function (Thanks to [@sperezp], [#106]).
- More polish to the upload images functionality (Thanks to [@jfly], [#109]).
## [2.7.0] - 2019-07-13
### Added
- `previewClass` option for overwriting the preview screen class ([#99]).
### Fixed
- Updated dependencies to resolve potential security issue.
- Resolved small code style issues shown by new eslint rules.
## [2.6.1] - 2019-06-17
### Fixed
- Error when toggling between ordered and unordered lists (Thanks to [@roryok], [#93]).
@ -101,6 +114,7 @@ Project forked from [SimpleMDE](
- Cursor not always showing in "text" mode over the edit field
<!-- Linked issues -->
@ -112,14 +126,22 @@ Project forked from [SimpleMDE](
<!-- Linked PRs -->
<!-- Linked users -->
@ -133,7 +155,8 @@ Project forked from [SimpleMDE](
<!-- Linked versions -->

@ -143,11 +143,35 @@ easyMDE.value('New input for **EasyMDE**');
- **strikethrough**: If set to `false`, will not process GFM strikethrough syntax. Defaults to `true`.
- **underscoresBreakWords**: If set to `true`, let underscores be a delimiter for separating words. Defaults to `false`.
- **placeholder**: If set, displays a custom placeholder message.
- **previewClass**: A string or array of strings that will be applied to the preview screen when activated. Defaults to `"editor-preview"`.
- **previewRender**: Custom function for parsing the plaintext Markdown and returning HTML. Used when user previews.
- **promptURLs**: If set to `true`, a JS alert window appears asking for the link or image URL. Defaults to `false`.
- **promptTexts**: Customize the text used to prompt for URLs.
- **image**: The text to use when prompting for an image's URL. Defaults to `URL of the image:`.
- **link**: The text to use when prompting for a link's URL. Defaults to `URL for the link:`.
- **uploadImage**: If set to `true`, enables the image upload functionality, which can be triggered by drag&drop, copy-paste and through the browse-file window (opened when the user click on the *upload-image* icon). Defaults to `false`.
- **imageMaxSize**: Maximum image size in bytes, checked before upload (note: never trust client, always check image size at server-side). Defaults to `1024*1024*2` (2Mb).
- **imageAccept**: A comma-separated list of mime-types used to check image type before upload (note: never trust client, always check file types at server-side). Defaults to `image/png, image/jpeg`.
- **imageUploadFunction**: A custom function for handling the image upload. Using this function will render the options `imageMaxSize`, `imageAccept`, `imageUploadEndpoint` and `imageCSRFToken` ineffective.
- The function gets a file and onSuccess and onError callback functions as parameters. `onSuccess(imageUrl: string)` and `onError(errorMessage: string)`
- **imageUploadEndpoint**: The endpoint where the images data will be sent, via an asynchronous *POST* request. The server is supposed to save this image, and return a json response.
- if the request was successfully processed (HTTP 200-OK): `{"data": {"filePath": "<filePath>"}}` where *filePath* is the relative path of the image;
- otherwise: `{"error": "<errorCode>"}`, where *errorCode* can be `noFileGiven` (HTTP 400), `typeNotAllowed` (HTTP 415), `fileTooLarge` (HTTP 413) or `importError` (see *errorMessages* below). If *errorCode* is not one of the *errorMessages*, it is alerted unchanged to the user. This allows for server side error messages.
No default value.
- **imageCSRFToken**: CSRF token to include with AJAX call to upload image. For instance used with Django backend.
- **imageTexts**: Texts displayed to the user (mainly on the status bar) for the import image feature, where `#image_name#`, `#image_size#` and `#image_max_size#` will replaced by their respective values, that can be used for customization or internationalization:
- **sbInit**: Status message displayed initially if `uploadImage` is set to `true`. Defaults to `Attach files by drag and dropping or pasting from clipboard.`.
- **sbOnDragEnter**: Status message displayed when the user drags a file to the text area. Defaults to `Drop image to upload it.`.
- **sbOnDrop**: Status message displayed when the user drops a file in the text area. Defaults to `Uploading images #images_names#`.
- **sbProgress**: Status message displayed to show uploading progress. Defaults to `Uploading #file_name#: #progress#%`.
- **sbOnUploaded**: Status message displayed when the image has been uploaded. Defaults to `Uploaded #image_name#`.
- **sizeUnits**: A comma-separated list of units used to display messages with human-readable file sizes. Defaults to `b,Kb,Mb`.
- **errorMessages**: Errors displayed to the user, using the `errorCallback` option, where `#image_name#`, `#image_size#` and `#image_max_size#` will replaced by their respective values, that can be used for customization or internationalization:
- **noFileGiven**: The server did not receive any file from the user. Defaults to `You must select a file.`.
- **typeNotAllowed**: The user send a file type which doesn't match the `imageAccept` list, or the server returned this error code. Defaults to `This image type is not allowed.`.
- **fileTooLarge**: The size of the image being imported is bigger than the `imageMaxSize`, or if the server returned this error code. Defaults to `Image #image_name# is too big (#image_size#).\nMaximum file size is #image_max_size#.`.
- **importError**: An unexpected error occurred when uploading the image. Defaults to `Something went wrong when uploading the image #image_name#.`.
- **errorCallback**: A callback function used to define how to display an error message. Defaults to `function(errorMessage) {alert(errorMessage);};`.
- **renderingConfig**: Adjust settings for parsing the Markdown during previewing (not editing).
- **codeSyntaxHighlighting**: If set to `true`, will highlight using [highlight.js]( Defaults to `false`. To use this feature you must include highlight.js on your page or pass in using the `hljs` option. For example, include the script and the CSS files like:<br>`<script src=""></script>`<br>`<link rel="stylesheet" href="">`
- **hljs**: An injectible instance of [highlight.js]( If you don't want to rely on the global namespace (`window.hljs`), you can provide an instance here. Defaults to `undefined`.
@ -201,6 +225,10 @@ var editor = new EasyMDE({
underscoresBreakWords: true,
placeholder: "Type here...",
previewClass: "my-custom-styling",
previewClass: ["my-custom-styling", "more-custom-styling"],
previewRender: function(plainText) {
return customMarkdownParser(plainText); // Returns HTML from a custom parser

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"files": [
@ -19,28 +19,29 @@
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Jeroen Akkerman",
"dependencies": {
"codemirror": "^5.47.0",
"codemirror": "^5.48.0",
"codemirror-spell-checker": "1.1.2",
"marked": "^0.6.2"
"marked": "^0.7.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/codemirror": "0.0.74",
"browserify": "^16.2.3",
"@types/codemirror": "0.0.76",
"browserify": "^16.3.0",
"gulp": "^4.0.2",
"gulp-clean-css": "^4.2.0",
"gulp-concat": "^2.6.1",
"gulp-eslint": "^5.0.0",
"gulp-eslint": "^6.0.0",
"gulp-header": "^2.0.7",
"gulp-rename": "^1.4.0",
"gulp-terser": "^1.2.0",
"gulp-uglify": "^3.0.2",
"typescript": "^3.5.1",
"typescript": "^3.5.3",
"vinyl-buffer": "^1.0.0",
"vinyl-source-stream": "^2.0.0"
"repository": "github:Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor",
"scripts": {
"prepare": "gulp",
"test": "npm run test:types",
"test:types": "tsc --project types/tsconfig.json"

@ -213,14 +213,12 @@
content: 'characters: '
.editor-preview {
padding: 10px;
.editor-preview-full {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background: #fafafa;
z-index: 7;
overflow: auto;
display: none;
@ -228,13 +226,11 @@
.editor-preview-side {
padding: 10px;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 50%;
top: 50px;
right: 0;
background: #fafafa;
z-index: 9;
overflow: auto;
display: none;
@ -251,21 +247,22 @@
display: block
.editor-preview > p,
.editor-preview-side > p {
.editor-preview {
padding: 10px;
background: #fafafa;
.editor-preview > p {
margin-top: 0
.editor-preview pre,
.editor-preview-side pre {
.editor-preview pre {
background: #eee;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.editor-preview table td,
.editor-preview table th,
.editor-preview-side table td,
.editor-preview-side table th {
.editor-preview table th {
border: 1px solid #ddd;
padding: 5px;

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/*global require,module*/
'use strict';
var CodeMirror = require('codemirror');
@ -123,8 +122,8 @@ function createToolbarButton(options, enableTooltips, shortcuts) {
enableTooltips = (enableTooltips == undefined) ? true : enableTooltips;
// Properly hande custom shortcuts
if( && in shortcuts ){
bindings[] = options.action;
if ( && in shortcuts) {
bindings[] = options.action;
if (options.title && enableTooltips) {
@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ function toggleFullScreen(editor) {
if (/editor-preview-active-side/.test(sidebyside.className))
if (editor.options.onToggleFullScreen) {
if (editor.options.onToggleFullScreen) {
editor.options.onToggleFullScreen(cm.getOption('fullScreen') || false);
@ -708,6 +707,33 @@ function drawImage(editor) {
_replaceSelection(cm, stat.image, options.insertTexts.image, url);
* Action for opening the browse-file window to upload an image to a server.
* @param editor {EasyMDE} The EasyMDE object
function drawUploadedImage(editor) {
// TODO: Draw the image template with a fake url? ie: '![](importing foo.png...)'
* Action executed after an image have been successfully imported on the server.
* @param editor {EasyMDE} The EasyMDE object
* @param url {string} The url of the uploaded image
function afterImageUploaded(editor, url) {
var cm = editor.codemirror;
var stat = getState(cm);
var options = editor.options;
var imageName = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
_replaceSelection(cm, stat.image, options.insertTexts.uploadedImage, url);
// show uploaded image filename for 1000ms
editor.updateStatusBar('upload-image', editor.options.imageTexts.sbOnUploaded.replace('#image_name#', imageName));
setTimeout(function () {
editor.updateStatusBar('upload-image', editor.options.imageTexts.sbInit);
}, 1000);
* Action for drawing a table.
@ -825,9 +851,23 @@ function togglePreview(editor) {
var toolbar_div = wrapper.previousSibling;
var toolbar = editor.options.toolbar ? editor.toolbarElements.preview : false;
var preview = wrapper.lastChild;
if (!preview || !/editor-preview/.test(preview.className)) {
if (!preview || !/editor-preview-full/.test(preview.className)) {
preview = document.createElement('div');
preview.className = 'editor-preview';
preview.className = 'editor-preview-full';
if (editor.options.previewClass) {
if (Array.isArray(editor.options.previewClass)) {
for (var i = 0; i < editor.options.previewClass.length; i++) {
preview.className += (' ' + editor.options.previewClass[i]);
} else if (typeof editor.options.previewClass === 'string') {
preview.className += (' ' + editor.options.previewClass);
if (/editor-preview-active/.test(preview.className)) {
@ -870,6 +910,7 @@ function _replaceSelection(cm, active, startEnd, url) {
Object.assign(startPoint, cm.getCursor('start'));
Object.assign(endPoint, cm.getCursor('end'));
if (url) {
start = start.replace('#url#', url); // url is in start for upload-image
end = end.replace('#url#', url);
if (active) {
@ -1009,7 +1050,7 @@ function _toggleLine(cm, name) {
char = '';
text = arr[1] + char + arr[3] + text.replace(whitespacesRegexp, '').replace(repl[name], '$1');
} else if (untoggleOnly == false){
} else if (untoggleOnly == false) {
text = char + ' ' + text;
return text;
@ -1134,10 +1175,28 @@ function _cleanBlock(cm) {
* Convert a number of bytes to a human-readable file size.
* @param bytes {integer} A number of bytes, as integer. Ex: 421137
* @param units {number[]} An array of human-readable units, ie. ['b', 'Kb', 'Mb']
* @returns string A human-readable file size. Ex: '412Kb'
function humanFileSize(bytes, units) {
if (Math.abs(bytes) < 1024) {
return '' + bytes + units[0];
var u = 0;
do {
bytes /= 1024;
} while (Math.abs(bytes) >= 1024 && u < units.length);
return '' + bytes.toFixed(1) + units[u];
// Merge the properties of one object into another.
function _mergeProperties(target, source) {
for (var property in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
if (, property)) {
if (source[property] instanceof Array) {
target[property] = source[property].concat(target[property] instanceof Array ? target[property] : []);
} else if (
@ -1291,6 +1350,12 @@ var toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
title: 'Insert Image',
default: true,
'upload-image': {
name: 'upload-image',
action: drawUploadedImage,
className: 'fa fa-image',
title: 'Import an image',
'table': {
name: 'table',
action: drawTable,
@ -1365,6 +1430,8 @@ var toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
var insertTexts = {
link: ['[', '](#url#)'],
image: ['![](', '#url#)'],
uploadedImage: ['![](#url#)', ''],
// uploadedImage: ['![](#url#)\n', ''], // TODO: New line insertion doesn't work here.
table: ['', '\n\n| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |\n| -------- | -------- | -------- |\n| Text | Text | Text |\n\n'],
horizontalRule: ['', '\n\n-----\n\n'],
@ -1380,6 +1447,31 @@ var blockStyles = {
'italic': '*',
* Texts displayed to the user (mainly on the status bar) for the import image
* feature. Can be used for customization or internationalization.
var imageTexts = {
sbInit: 'Attach files by drag and dropping or pasting from clipboard.',
sbOnDragEnter: 'Drop image to upload it.',
sbOnDrop: 'Uploading image #images_names#...',
sbProgress: 'Uploading #file_name#: #progress#%',
sbOnUploaded: 'Uploaded #image_name#',
sizeUnits: 'b,Kb,Mb',
* Errors displayed to the user, using the `errorCallback` option. Can be used for
* customization or internationalization.
var errorMessages = {
noFileGiven: 'You must select a file.',
typeNotAllowed: 'This image type is not allowed.',
fileTooLarge: 'Image #image_name# is too big (#image_size#).\n' +
'Maximum file size is #image_max_size#.',
importError: 'Something went wrong when uploading the image #image_name#.',
* Interface of EasyMDE.
@ -1435,7 +1527,7 @@ function EasyMDE(options) {
// Loop over the built in buttons, to get the preferred order
for (var key in toolbarBuiltInButtons) {
if (toolbarBuiltInButtons.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (, key)) {
if (key.indexOf('separator-') != -1) {
@ -1447,10 +1539,18 @@ function EasyMDE(options) {
// Editor preview styling class.
if (!, 'previewClass')) {
options.previewClass = 'editor-preview';
// Handle status bar
if (!options.hasOwnProperty('status')) {
if (!, 'status')) {
options.status = ['autosave', 'lines', 'words', 'cursor'];
if (options.uploadImage) {
@ -1486,6 +1586,17 @@ function EasyMDE(options) {
options.minHeight = options.minHeight || '300px';
options.errorCallback = options.errorCallback || function (errorMessage) {
// Import-image default configuration
options.uploadImage = options.uploadImage || false;
options.imageMaxSize = options.imageMaxSize || 2097152; // 1024 * 1024 * 2
options.imageAccept = options.imageAccept || 'image/png, image/jpeg';
options.imageTexts = extend({}, imageTexts, options.imageTexts || {});
options.errorMessages = extend({}, errorMessages, options.errorMessages || {});
// Change unique_id to uniqueId for backwards compatibility
if (options.autosave != undefined && options.autosave.unique_id != undefined && options.autosave.unique_id != '')
@ -1506,8 +1617,113 @@ function EasyMDE(options) {
if (options.initialValue && (!this.options.autosave || this.options.autosave.foundSavedValue !== true)) {
if (options.uploadImage) {
var self = this;
this.codemirror.on('dragenter', function (cm, event) {
self.updateStatusBar('upload-image', self.options.imageTexts.sbOnDragEnter);
this.codemirror.on('dragend', function (cm, event) {
self.updateStatusBar('upload-image', self.options.imageTexts.sbInit);
this.codemirror.on('dragleave', function (cm, event) {
self.updateStatusBar('upload-image', self.options.imageTexts.sbInit);
this.codemirror.on('dragover', function (cm, event) {
self.updateStatusBar('upload-image', self.options.imageTexts.sbOnDragEnter);
this.codemirror.on('drop', function (cm, event) {
if (options.imageUploadFunction) {
self.uploadImagesUsingCustomFunction(options.imageUploadFunction, event.dataTransfer.files);
} else {
this.codemirror.on('paste', function (cm, event) {
if (options.imageUploadFunction) {
self.uploadImagesUsingCustomFunction(options.imageUploadFunction, event.clipboardData.files);
} else {
* Upload asynchronously a list of images to a server.
* Can be triggered by:
* - drag&drop;
* - copy-paste;
* - the browse-file window (opened when the user clicks on the *upload-image* icon).
* @param {FileList} files The files to upload the the server.
* @param [onSuccess] {function} see EasyMDE.prototype.uploadImage
* @param [onError] {function} see EasyMDE.prototype.uploadImage
EasyMDE.prototype.uploadImages = function (files, onSuccess, onError) {
if (files.length === 0) {
var names = [];
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
this.uploadImage(files[i], onSuccess, onError);
this.updateStatusBar('upload-image', this.options.imageTexts.sbOnDrop.replace('#images_names#', names.join(', ')));
* Upload asynchronously a list of images to a server.
* Can be triggered by:
* - drag&drop;
* - copy-paste;
* - the browse-file window (opened when the user clicks on the *upload-image* icon).
* @param imageUploadFunction {Function} The custom function to upload the image passed in options.
* @param {FileList} files The files to upload the the server.
EasyMDE.prototype.uploadImagesUsingCustomFunction = function (imageUploadFunction, files) {
if (files.length === 0) {
var names = [];
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
this.uploadImageUsingCustomFunction(imageUploadFunction, files[i]);
this.updateStatusBar('upload-image', this.options.imageTexts.sbOnDrop.replace('#images_names#', names.join(', ')));
* Update an item in the status bar.
* @param itemName {string} The name of the item to update (ie. 'upload-image', 'autosave', etc.).
* @param content {string} the new content of the item to write in the status bar.
EasyMDE.prototype.updateStatusBar = function (itemName, content) {
var matchingClasses = this.gui.statusbar.getElementsByClassName(itemName);
if (matchingClasses.length === 1) {
this.gui.statusbar.getElementsByClassName(itemName)[0].textContent = content;
} else if (matchingClasses.length === 0) {
console.log('EasyMDE: status bar item ' + itemName + ' was not found.');
} else {
console.log('EasyMDE: Several status bar items named ' + itemName + ' was found.');
* Default markdown render.
@ -1702,22 +1918,22 @@ EasyMDE.prototype.autosave = function () {
if(this.options.autosave.binded !== true) {
if (easyMDE.element.form != null && easyMDE.element.form != undefined) {
easyMDE.element.form.addEventListener('submit', function () {
easyMDE.autosaveTimeoutId = undefined;
if (this.options.autosave.binded !== true) {
if (easyMDE.element.form != null && easyMDE.element.form != undefined) {
easyMDE.element.form.addEventListener('submit', function () {
easyMDE.autosaveTimeoutId = undefined;
localStorage.removeItem('smde_' + easyMDE.options.autosave.uniqueId);
localStorage.removeItem('smde_' + easyMDE.options.autosave.uniqueId);
// Restart autosaving in case the submit will be cancelled down the line
setTimeout(function() {
}, easyMDE.options.autosave.delay || 10000);
// Restart autosaving in case the submit will be cancelled down the line
setTimeout(function () {
}, easyMDE.options.autosave.delay || 10000);
this.options.autosave.binded = true;
this.options.autosave.binded = true;
if (this.options.autosave.loaded !== true) {
@ -1771,6 +1987,156 @@ EasyMDE.prototype.clearAutosavedValue = function () {
* Open the browse-file window to upload an image to a server.
* @param [onSuccess] {function} see EasyMDE.prototype.uploadImage
* @param [onError] {function} see EasyMDE.prototype.uploadImage
EasyMDE.prototype.openBrowseFileWindow = function (onSuccess, onError) {
var self = this;
var imageInput = this.gui.toolbar.getElementsByClassName('imageInput')[0];; //dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click')); // replaced with click() for IE11 compatibility.
function onChange(event) {
if (self.options.imageUploadFunction) {
} else {
self.uploadImages(, onSuccess, onError);
imageInput.removeEventListener('change', onChange);
imageInput.addEventListener('change', onChange);
* Upload an image to the server.
* @param file {File} The image to upload, as a HTML5 File object (
* @param [onSuccess] {function} A callback function to execute after the image has been successfully uploaded, with one parameter:
* - url (string): The URL of the uploaded image.
* @param [onError] {function} A callback function to execute when the image upload fails, with one parameter:
* - error (string): the detailed error to display to the user (based on messages from options.errorMessages).
EasyMDE.prototype.uploadImage = function (file, onSuccess, onError) {
var self = this;
onSuccess = onSuccess || function onSuccess(imageUrl) {
afterImageUploaded(self, imageUrl);
function onErrorSup(errorMessage) {
// show error on status bar and reset after 10000ms
self.updateStatusBar('upload-image', errorMessage);
setTimeout(function () {
self.updateStatusBar('upload-image', self.options.imageTexts.sbInit);
}, 10000);
// run custom error handler
if (onError && typeof onError === 'function') {
// run error handler from options, this alerts the message.
function fillErrorMessage(errorMessage) {
var units = self.options.imageTexts.sizeUnits.split(',');
return errorMessage
.replace('#image_size#', humanFileSize(file.size, units))
.replace('#image_max_size#', humanFileSize(self.options.imageMaxSize, units));
if (file.size > this.options.imageMaxSize) {
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('image', file);
// insert CSRF token if provided in config.
if (self.options.imageCSRFToken) {
formData.append('csrfmiddlewaretoken', self.options.imageCSRFToken);
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.upload.onprogress = function (event) {
if (event.lengthComputable) {
var progress = '' + Math.round((event.loaded * 100) /;
self.updateStatusBar('upload-image', self.options.imageTexts.sbProgress.replace('#file_name#','#progress#', progress));
};'POST', this.options.imageUploadEndpoint);
request.onload = function () {
try {
var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
} catch (error) {
console.error('EasyMDE: The server did not return a valid json.');
if (this.status === 200 && response && !response.error && && {
onSuccess(window.location.origin + '/' +;
} else {
if (response.error && response.error in self.options.errorMessages) { // preformatted error message
} else if (response.error) { // server side generated error message
} else { //unknown error
console.error('EasyMDE: Received an unexpected response after uploading the image.'
+ this.status + ' (' + this.statusText + ')');
request.onerror = function (event) {
console.error('EasyMDE: An unexpected error occurred when trying to upload the image.'
+ + ' (' + + ')');
* Upload an image to the server using a custom upload function.
* @param imageUploadFunction {Function} The custom function to upload the image passed in options
* @param file {File} The image to upload, as a HTML5 File object (
EasyMDE.prototype.uploadImageUsingCustomFunction = function(imageUploadFunction, file) {
var self = this;
function onSuccess(imageUrl) {
afterImageUploaded(self, imageUrl);
function onError(errorMessage) {
var filledErrorMessage = fillErrorMessage(errorMessage);
// show error on status bar and reset after 10000ms
self.updateStatusBar('upload-image', filledErrorMessage);
setTimeout(function () {
self.updateStatusBar('upload-image', self.options.imageTexts.sbInit);
}, 10000);
// run error handler from options, this alerts the message.
function fillErrorMessage(errorMessage) {
var units = self.options.imageTexts.sizeUnits.split(',');
return errorMessage
.replace('#image_size#', humanFileSize(file.size, units))
.replace('#image_max_size#', humanFileSize(self.options.imageMaxSize, units));
imageUploadFunction(file, onSuccess, onError);
EasyMDE.prototype.createSideBySide = function () {
var cm = this.codemirror;
var wrapper = cm.getWrapperElement();
@ -1779,6 +2145,19 @@ EasyMDE.prototype.createSideBySide = function () {
if (!preview || !/editor-preview-side/.test(preview.className)) {
preview = document.createElement('div');
preview.className = 'editor-preview-side';
if (this.options.previewClass) {
if (Array.isArray(this.options.previewClass)) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.options.previewClass.length; i++) {
preview.className += (' ' + this.options.previewClass[i]);
} else if (typeof this.options.previewClass === 'string') {
preview.className += (' ' + this.options.previewClass);
wrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(preview, wrapper.nextSibling);
@ -1888,6 +2267,20 @@ EasyMDE.prototype.createToolbar = function (items) {
toolbarData[ || item] = el;
// Create the input element (ie. <input type='file'>), used among
// with the 'import-image' icon to open the browse-file window.
if ( === 'upload-image') {
var imageInput = document.createElement('input');
imageInput.className = 'imageInput';
imageInput.type = 'file';
imageInput.multiple = true; = 'image';
imageInput.accept = self.options.imageAccept; = 'none'; = 0;
@ -1920,11 +2313,10 @@ EasyMDE.prototype.createStatusbar = function (status) {
var options = this.options;
var cm = this.codemirror;
// Make sure the status variable is valid
if (!status || status.length === 0)
if (!status || status.length === 0) {
// Set up the built-in items
var items = [];
@ -1974,6 +2366,10 @@ EasyMDE.prototype.createStatusbar = function (status) {
el.setAttribute('id', 'autosaved');
} else if (name === 'upload-image') {
defaultValue = function (el) {
el.innerHTML = options.imageTexts.sbInit;
@ -2152,7 +2548,6 @@ EasyMDE.prototype.isPreviewActive = function () {
return /editor-preview-active/.test(preview.className);
EasyMDE.prototype.isSideBySideActive = function () {
var cm = this.codemirror;
var wrapper = cm.getWrapperElement();

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
// Create new instance
import EasyMDE = require('./easymde');
const editor = new EasyMDE({
autoDownloadFontAwesome: false,
element: document.getElementById('mdEditor')!,
@ -7,6 +9,7 @@ const editor = new EasyMDE({
drawTable: 'Cmd-Alt-T',
toggleFullScreen: null
previewClass: 'my-custom-class',
spellChecker: false,
onToggleFullScreen: (full: boolean) => {
console.log('FullscreenToggled', full);
@ -28,3 +31,87 @@ editor.codemirror.setOption('readOnly', true);
EasyMDE.toggleItalic = (editor: EasyMDE) => {
const editor2 = new EasyMDE({
autoDownloadFontAwesome: undefined,
previewClass: ['my-custom-class', 'some-other-class'],
toolbar: [{
name: 'bold',
action: EasyMDE.toggleBold,
className: 'fa fa-bolt',
title: 'Bold',
}, '|', { // Separator
name: 'alert',
action: (editor: EasyMDE) => {
alert('This is from a custom button action!');
// Custom functions have access to the `editor` instance.
className: 'fa fa-star',
title: 'A Custom Button',
noDisable: undefined,
noMobile: false,
}, '|', {
name: 'link',
action: '',
className: 'fa fab fa-github',
title: 'A Custom Link',
noDisable: true,
noMobile: true,
const editorImages = new EasyMDE({
uploadImage: true,
imageAccept: 'image/png, image/bmp',
imageCSRFToken: undefined,
imageMaxSize: 10485760,
imageUploadEndpoint: 'https://my.domain/image-upload/',
imageTexts: {
sbInit: 'Drag & drop images!',
sbOnDragEnter: 'Let it go, let it go',
sbOnDrop: 'Uploading...',
sbProgress: 'Uploading... (#progress#)',
sbOnUploaded: 'Upload complete!',
sizeUnits: 'b,Kb,Mb'
errorMessages: {
noFileGiven: 'Please select a file',
typeNotAllowed: 'This file type is not allowed!',
fileTooLarge: 'Image too big',
importError: 'Something went oops!',
errorCallback: (errorMessage) => {
const editorImagesCustom = new EasyMDE({
uploadImage: true,
imageAccept: 'image/png, image/bmp',
imageCSRFToken: undefined,
imageMaxSize: 10485760,
imageUploadFunction: (file: File, onSuccess, onError) => {
onError('Failed because reasons.');
imageTexts: {
sbInit: 'Drag & drop images!',
sbOnDragEnter: 'Let it go, let it go',
sbOnDrop: 'Uploading...',
sbProgress: 'Uploading... (#progress#)',
sbOnUploaded: 'Upload complete!',
sizeUnits: 'b,Kb,Mb'
errorMessages: {
noFileGiven: 'Please select a file',
typeNotAllowed: 'This file type is not allowed!',
fileTooLarge: 'Image too big',
importError: 'Something went oops!',
errorCallback: (errorMessage) => {

types/easymde.d.ts vendored

@ -86,6 +86,22 @@ declare namespace EasyMDE {
noMobile?: boolean;
interface ImageTextsOptions {
sbInit?: string;
sbOnDragEnter?: string;
sbOnDrop?: string;
sbProgress?: string;
sbOnUploaded?: string;
sizeUnits?: string;
interface ImageErrorTextsOptions {
noFileGiven?: string;
typeNotAllowed?: string;
fileTooLarge?: string;
importError?: string;
interface Options {
autoDownloadFontAwesome?: boolean;
autofocus?: boolean;
@ -100,6 +116,7 @@ declare namespace EasyMDE {
lineWrapping?: boolean;
parsingConfig?: ParsingOptions;
placeholder?: string;
previewClass?: string | ReadonlyArray<string>;
previewRender?: (markdownPlaintext: string, previewElement: HTMLElement) => string;
promptURLs?: boolean;
renderingConfig?: RenderingOptions;
@ -113,6 +130,16 @@ declare namespace EasyMDE {
toolbarTips?: boolean;
onToggleFullScreen?: (goingIntoFullScreen: boolean) => void;
theme?: string;
uploadImage?: boolean;
imageMaxSize?: number;
imageAccept?: string;
imageUploadFunction?: (file: File, onSuccess: (url: string) => void, onError: (error: string) => void) => void;
imageUploadEndpoint?: string;
imageCSRFToken?: string;
imageTexts?: ImageTextsOptions;
errorMessages?: ImageErrorTextsOptions;
errorCallback?: (errorMessage: string) => void;
