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An advanced javaScript color picker (desktop use) using color.js for color conversion / calculation...
See demo at
All the W3C 2.0 calculations are also based on alpha levels on all layers<br>
Supported color spaces: (*: also displayed as colors)<br>
rgb *, hsv(b) *, hsl *, cmyk, cmy, Lab, XYZ, HEX
Uses, with IE9+ and internet browsers, only one .js file (no extra HTML, CSS, images, etc...), works though in all browsers and also on IE6+ (an extra CSS has to be made to make it work in IE6 though)
Convertions of 182 color space combinations (rgb2HSV, RGB2hsl, rgb2RGB, HEX2Lab, ...)
var myColors = new Colors({ // all options have a default value...
color: 'rgba(204, 82, 37, 0.8)', // initial color (#RGB, RGB, #RRGGBB, RRGGBB, rgb(r, g, b), ...)
XYZMatrix: ..., // Observer = 2° (CIE 1931), Illuminant = D65 --- see source for dedtails
XYZReference: ..., // back reference to XYZMatrix --- see source for dedtails
grey: {r: 0.298954, g: 0.586434, b: 0.114612}, // CIE-XYZ 1931
luminance: {r: 0.2126, g: 0.7152, b: 0.0722}, // W3C 2.0
valueRanges: {rgb: {r: [0, 255], g: [0, 255], b: [0, 255]}, hsv:...}, // skip ranges if no conversion required
customBG: '#808080' // the solid bgColor behind the chosen bgColor (saved color)
convertCallback: function(colors, type){}, // callback function after color convertion for further calculations...
allMixDetails: false // if set to true, Colors deliveres some more mixed layer informations for all color layers
colorPicker uses an instance of Colors and passes the options to it, so some values are the same...
var myColorPicker = new ColorPicker({
color: ..., // see Colors...
mode: 'rgb-b', // initial mode the color picker is starting with
fps: 60, // the framerate colorPicker refreshes the display if no 'requestAnimationFrame'
delayOffset: 8, // pixels offset when shifting mouse up/down inside input fields before it starts acting as slider
CSSPrefix: 'cp-', // the standard prefix for (almost) all class declarations (HTML, CSS)
size: 0, // one of the 4 sizes: 0 = L (large), 1 = S, 2 = XS, 3 = XXS; resize to see what happens...
allMixDetails: true, // see Colors...
alphaBG: 'w' // initial 3rd layer bgColor (w = white, c = custom (customBG), b = black);
customBG: '#808080' // see Colors...
noAlpha: true, // disable alpha input (all sliders are gone and current alpha therefore locked)
cmyOnly: false, // display CMY instead of CMYK
memoryColors: [{r: 100, g: 200, b: 10, a: 0.8}, ...] // array of colors in memory section
opacityPositionRelative: undefined, // render opacity slider arrows in px or %
customCSS: undefined, // if external stylesheet, internal will be ignored...
appenTo: document.body, // the HTMLElement the colorPicker will be appended to on initialization
noRangeBackground: false, // performance option: doesn't render backgrounds in input fields if set to false
textRight: false, // not supported yet. Make numbers appear aligned right
noHexButton: false, // button next to HEX input could be used for some trigger...
noResize: false, // enable / disable resizing of colorPicker
noRGBr: false, // active / passive button right to RGB-R display. Disables rendering of 'real' color possibilities...
noRGBg: false, // same as above
noRGBb: false, // same as above
CSSStrength: 'div.', // not in use
XYZMatrix: ..., // see Colors...
XYZReference: ..., // see Colors...
grey: ..., // see Colors...
luminance: ..., // see Colors...
renderCallback: // function(colors, mode){}, // callback on after rendering (for further rendering outside colorPicker)
actionCallback: function(e, action){}, // callback on any action within colorPicker (buttons, sliders, ...)
convertCallback: function(colors, type){}, // see Colors...
After initializing Color or ColorPicker you'll get a clean but rhich model of the instance:
Color: {
colors: {all kinds of color values...},
options: {all the options you set or that are set as default...},
__proto__: { // all methods Color uses
setColor: function(newCol, type, alpha) {},
getColor: function(type) {},
setCustomBackground: function(col) {},
saveAsBackground: function() {},
convertColor: function(color, type) {} // converts 182 different combinations
ColorPicker: {
color: { // instance of Color inside colorPicker
colors: {all kinds of color values...},
options: {all the options you set or that are set as default...}
nodes: {all kinds of cashed nodes, textNodes and styles, etc...},
__proto__: { // all methods ColorPicker uses
setColor: function(newCol, type, alpha, forceRender) {},
startRender: function(oneTime) {},
stopRender: function() {},
setCustomBackground: function(col) {},
saveAsBackground: function() {},
setMode: function(mode) {},
destroyAll: function() {}
The klass ColorPicker has some functions attached, used inside, exported for convenience...
ColorPicker.addEvent = function(obj, type, func){}; // with built in cashe
ColorPicker.removeEvent = function(obj, type, func){};
ColorPicker.getOrigin = function(elm){};
ColorPicker.limitValue = function(value, min, max){};
ColorPicker.changeClass = function(elm, cln, newCln){}; // a bit tricky to use...