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notify("")|Display a message in a box.
ask("")|Ask a question in a box. Supply question text.
diff('',"x")|Find the derivative of the function passed with respect to the second argument.
integrate('',"x")|Find the integral of the function passed with respect to the second argument.
rad(0)|Convert a given number in degrees to radians.
deg(0)|Convert a given number in radians to degrees.
subs('',"x")|Solve an equation for the second argument.
simplify('')|Simplify the given function.
vpa('')|Computes numerical value or simplifies.
plot()|Show the plot window.
plot('')|Graph the given function.
plotname("")|Sets the title of the graph window.
plotname()|Gets the title of the graph window.
10 years ago
xlim(min,max)|Sets the x-axis min and max values. Cannot be used after a formula has been graphed.
plotclr()|Reset the graph.
drawdot(x, y)|Places a dot at the given coordinates.
readfile("")|Read a text file from the given filename.
savefile(data,"")|Save the text data to a file.
save(key,val)|Save the text val to text key.
load(key)|Load the saved text related to key.
rand()|Random fraction from 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive)
rand(min,max)|Random number between min and max, inclusive
randb()|Random boolean (true or false)
perms(items)|Array of all possible combinations.
add(n1,n2,...)|Add the given numbers.
subtract(n1,n2,...)|Subtract the given numbers.
times(n1,n2,...)|Multiply the given numbers.
divide(n1,n2,...)|Divide the given numbers.
mod(n1,n2,...)|Divide the numbers and return the remainder.
factorial(n)|Get the factorial (n!) of n as a string.
factor(n)|Get an array of all the factors of n.
abs(0)|Absolute value of number.
asin(0)|Arcsine of number.
acos(0)|Arccosine of number.
atan(0)|Arctangent of number.
ceil(0)|Round the number up to the next integer.
gcd(a,b)|Find greatest common divisor of a and b.
floor(0)|Round the number down to the next integer.
log(0)|Natural log of number.
max(0,1,...)|Returns the highest number given.
min(0,1,...)|Returns the lowest number given.
powermod(a,b,m)|Find pow(a,b) mod m, or modular inverse if b=-1.
pow(x,y)|Raise x to y and calculate.
sin(0)|Find the sine.
cos(0)|Find the cosine.
tan(0)|Find the tangent.
print("")|Prints the supplied text or formula to the output.
solve(f,'x',0)|Solve function f for 'x' when it equals 0.
solve(f,'x')|Solve function f for 'x', assuming equal to 0.
solve(f)|Solve function f, assuming 'x' and 0.
printa(array)|Get array contents as text.