Add aliases to Python so "_." prefix no longer needed, update documentation

skylarmt 9 years ago
parent a9575e64e4
commit f81db07bf1

@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ public class CodeRunner {
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
text += line;
text += line+"\n";
} catch (Exception e) {

@ -243,6 +243,16 @@ public class Functions {
return item;
// Fix for Python reserved word "global"
public static void setglobal(String name, Object var) {
global(name, var);
// Fix for Python reserved word "global"
public static void getglobal(String name) {
* Clear all the GLOBALS.

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
<Property name="horizontalAlignment" type="int" value="11"/>
<Property name="text" type="java.lang.String" editor="org.netbeans.modules.form.RADConnectionPropertyEditor">
<Connection code="&quot;Version &quot;+MainGUI.VERSION_NAME" type="code"/>
<Connection code="&quot;&lt;html&gt;&lt;b&gt;Version &quot;+MainGUI.VERSION_NAME+&quot;&lt;/b&gt;&quot;" type="code"/>
<Property name="verticalAlignment" type="int" value="1"/>

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class SplashScreen extends javax.swing.JFrame {
jLabel1.setText("Version "+MainGUI.VERSION_NAME);
jLabel1.setText("<html><b>Version "+MainGUI.VERSION_NAME+"</b>");
jLabel1.setBounds(200, 110, 130, 30);

@ -1,42 +1,36 @@
'''def notify(msg):
def notify(msg):
def ask(msg):
return _.ask(msg)
def diff(fun,var):
return _.diff(fun,var)
def integrate(fun,var):
return _.integrate(fun,var)
def rad(num):
return _.rad(num)
def deg(num):
return _.deg(num)
def subs(fun,var):
return _.subs(fun,var)
def plot():
def plot(fun):
def plotname(fun):
def plotname():
return _.plotname()
def xlim(min,max):
def plotclr():
def drawdot(x, y):
_.drawdot(x, y)
def simplify(expr):
return _.simplify(expr)
def vpa(expr):
return _.vpa(expr)
def setglobal(key,val):
def getglobal(key):
return _.getglobal(key)

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
<br><b>integrate("3*x^2", "x")</b> Returns the integral of the function with respect to the second argument.
<br><b>$("command")</b> Parses the given text with the Symja library.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Aliases: sym</i>
<br><b>simplify("expr")</b> Simplifies the given expression.
<br><b>vpa("expr")</b> Attempts to find the numerical value of "expr".
<br><b>global("name",value)</b> Sets global variable "name" to value.
<br><b>global("name")</b> Gets the global variable with id "name".
<br><b>replace("text", "find", "replace")</b> Returns "text" with all occurrences of "find" changed to "replace".
<br><b>subs("function", "var", "replace")</b> Replaces all occurrences of "var" with "replace" and solves.
Returns the answer or 0.0 if there is no numerical answer.

@ -6,12 +6,8 @@
<h1>Code Editor</h1>
<p>The code editor allows you to make scripts that can do many things.
<br>Scripts can be written in JavaScript or in Python.
<br>To switch languages, use the Language option on the Edit menu.
<br>To switch languages, use the Language option on the Run menu.
Python scripts require
<span style="font-family: monospace;">_.</span>
before SyMAT commands.</i></p>
<h2>Exporting Code</h2>
<p>You can export syntax-highlighted (colored) code to
HTML or PDF with the Export tool. This is useful for generating

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ integrate('',"x")|Find the integral of the function passed with respect to the s
rad(0)|Convert a given number in degrees to radians.
deg(0)|Convert a given number in radians to degrees.
subs('',"x")|Solve an equation for the second argument.
simplify('')|Simplify the given function.
vpa('')|Computes numerical value or simplifies.
setglobal("", obj)|Set global variable with the given id.
getglobal("")|Get global variable with the given id.
plot()|Show the plot window.
plot('')|Graph the given function.
plotname("")|Sets the title of the graph window.

@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
_.notify("")|Display a message in a box.
_.ask("")|Ask a question in a box. Supply question text.
_.diff('',"x")|Find the derivative of the function passed with respect to the second argument.
_.integrate('',"x")|Find the integral of the function passed with respect to the second argument.
_.rad(0)|Convert a given number in degrees to radians.
_.deg(0)|Convert a given number in radians to degrees.
_.subs('',"x")|Solve an equation for the second argument.
_.plot()|Show the plot window.
_.plot('')|Graph the given function.
_.plotname("")|Sets the title of the graph window.
_.plotname()|Gets the title of the graph window.
_.xlim(min,max)|Sets the x-axis min and max values. Cannot be used after a formula has been graphed.
_.plotclr()|Reset the graph.
_.drawdot(x, y)|Places a dot at the given coordinates.
notify("")|Display a message in a box.
ask("")|Ask a question in a box. Supply question text.
diff('',"x")|Find the derivative of the function passed with respect to the second argument.
integrate('',"x")|Find the integral of the function passed with respect to the second argument.
rad(0)|Convert a given number in degrees to radians.
deg(0)|Convert a given number in radians to degrees.
subs('',"x")|Solve an equation for the second argument.
plot()|Show the plot window.
plot('')|Graph the given function.
plotname("")|Sets the title of the graph window.
plotname()|Gets the title of the graph window.
xlim(min,max)|Sets the x-axis min and max values. Cannot be used after a formula has been graphed.
plotclr()|Reset the graph.
drawdot(x, y)|Places a dot at the given coordinates.
simplify('')|Simplify the given function.
vpa('')|Computes numerical value or simplifies.
global("", obj)|Set global variable with the given id.
global("")|Get global variable with the given id.
fabs(0)|Absolute value of number.
