You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

131 lines
5.8 KiB

define('IN_SCRIPT', 1);
define('HESK_PATH', '../../../');
define('API_PATH', '../../');
require_once(HESK_PATH . '');
require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');
require_once(API_PATH . 'core/headers.php');
require_once(API_PATH . 'core/output.php');
require_once(API_PATH . 'businesslogic/user_retriever.php');
require_once(API_PATH . 'businesslogic/security_retriever.php');
// Routing
$request_method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
* @api {get} /admin/user Retrieve a helpdesk user
* @apiVersion 0.0.0
* @apiName GetUser
* @apiGroup User
* @apiPermission canManUsers
* @apiParam {Number} [id] The ID of the user. Omit for all users.
* @apiSuccess {Number} id ID of the user
* @apiSuccess {String} username The user's username
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} admin `true` if the user is under a permission template that is market as an administrative group<br>`false` otherwise
* @apiSuccess {String} name The user's name
* @apiSuccess {String} email The user's email address
* @apiSuccess {String} signature The user's signature, in plaintext
* @apiSuccess {String[]} categories Ticket categories the user has access to. If the user is an admin, this list has one element: ""
* @apiSuccess {Integer} afterReply Action to perform after replying to a ticket:<br>
* `0` - Show the ticket I just replied to<br>
* `1` - Return to the main administration page<br>
* `2` - Open next ticket that needs my reply
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} autoStart Automatically start timer when the user opens a ticket
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} notifyCustomerNew Select notify customer option in the new ticket form
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} notifyCustomerReply Select notify customer option in the ticket reply form
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} showSuggested Show what knowledgebase articles were suggested to customers
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} notifyNewUnassigned Notify the user when a new ticket is submitted with owner: Unassigned
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} notifyNewMy Notify the user when a new ticket is submitted and is assigned to the user
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} notifyAssigned Notify the user when a ticket is assigned to the user
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} notifyReplyUnassigned Notify the user when the client responds to a ticket with owner: Unassigned
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} notifyReplyMy Notify the user when the client responds to a ticket assigned to the user
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} notifyPm Notify the user when a private message is sent to the user
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} notifyNoteUnassigned Notify the user when someone adds a note to a ticket not assigned to the user
* @apiSuccess {Unknown} defaultList ??? (Currently unknown)
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} autoassign Tickets are auto-assigned to this user
* @apiSuccess {String[]} heskPrivileges Helpdesk features the user has access to. If the user is an admin, this list has one element: ""
* @apiSuccess {Integer} ratingNeg Total number of negative feedback to "Was this reply helpful?" on replies by this user
* @apiSuccess {Integer} ratingPos Total number of positive feedback to "Was this reply helpful?" on replies by this user
* @apiSuccess {String} rating The overall rating of the user, as a floating point decimal
* @apiSuccess {Integer} autorefresh The ticket table autorefresh time for the user, in milliseconds
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} active `true` if the user is active<br>`false` otherwise
* @apiSuccess {Integer} defaultCalendarView The default view displayed on the calendar screen:<br>
* `0` - Month<br>
* `1` - Week<br>
* `2` - Day<br>
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} notifyOverdueUnassigned Notify user of overdue tickets assigned to others / not assigned
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {
* "id": 1,
* "username": "mkoch",
* "admin": true,
* "name": "Your name",
* "email": "",
* "signature": "Sincerely,\r\n\r\nYour name\r\nYour website\r\n\r\n& < > ^ &",
* "categories": [
* ""
* ],
* "afterReply": 0,
* "autoStart": true,
* "notifyCustomerNew": true,
* "notifyCustomerReply": true,
* "showSuggested": true,
* "notifyNewUnassigned": true,
* "notifyNewMy": true,
* "notifyReplyUnassigned": true,
* "notifyReplyMy": true,
* "notifyAssigned": true,
* "notifyPm": false,
* "notifyNote": true,
* "notifyNoteUnassigned": false,
* "defaultList": "",
* "autoassign": true,
* "heskPrivileges": [
* ""
* ],
* "ratingNeg": 0,
* "ratingPos": 0,
* "rating": "0",
* "autorefresh": 0,
* "active": true,
* "defaultCalendarView": 0,
* "notifyOverdueUnassigned": true
* }
* @apiError (noTokenProvided) 400 No `X-Auth-Token` was provided where it is required
* @apiError (invalidXAuthToken) 401 The `X-Auth-Token` provided was invalid, or the user does not have the 'can_man_users' permission
if ($request_method == 'GET') {
$token = get_header('X-Auth-Token');
$user = NULL;
try {
$user = get_user_for_token($token, $hesk_settings);
} catch (AccessException $e) {
return http_response_code($e->getCode());
if (!$user['isadmin'] && strpos($user['heskprivileges'], 'can_man_users') === false) {
return http_response_code(401);
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$results = retrieve_user($hesk_settings, $_GET['id']);
} else {
$results = retrieve_user($hesk_settings);
if ($results == NULL) {
return http_response_code(404);
return output($results);
return http_response_code(405);