Allow users to migrate IP/email bans

Mike Koch 9 years ago
parent a26b25e36c
commit a9d8d13ebd

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
require(HESK_PATH . 'install/');
require(HESK_PATH . '');
$updateSuccess = true;
// Get the ID of the creator
$creator = $_POST['user'];
// Insert the email bans
$emailBanRS = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `Email` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."denied_emails`");
while ($row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($emailBanRS)) {
hesk_dbQuery("INSERT INTO `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."banned_emails` (`email`, `banned_by`, `dt`)
VALUES ('".hesk_dbEscape($row['Email'])."', ".$creator.", NOW())");
// Insert the IP bans
$ipBanRS = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `RangeStart`, `RangeEnd` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."denied_ips`");
while ($row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($ipBanRS)) {
$ipFrom = long2ip($row['RangeStart']);
$ipTo = long2ip($row['RangeEnd']);
$ipDisplay = $ipFrom . ' - ' . $ipTo;
hesk_dbQuery("INSERT INTO `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."banned_ips` (`ip_from`, `ip_to`, `ip_display`, `banned_by`, `dt`)
VALUES (".$row['RangeStart'].", ".$row['RangeEnd'].", '".$ipDisplay."', ".$creator.", NOW())");
// Migration Complete. Drop Tables.
hesk_dbQuery("DROP TABLE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."denied_ips`");
hesk_dbQuery("DROP TABLE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."denied_emails`");
if ($updateSuccess) {
<h1>Installation / Update complete!</h1>
<p>Please delete the <b>install</b> folder for security reasons, and then proceed back to the <a href="../">Help Desk</a></p>
<?php } ?>

@ -4,23 +4,31 @@ define('HESK_PATH','../');
require(HESK_PATH . 'install/');
require(HESK_PATH . '');
$updateSuccess = true;
hesk_dbQuery("ALTER TABLE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."attachments` DROP COLUMN `note_id`");
hesk_dbQuery("ALTER TABLE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."notes` DROP COLUMN `edit_date`");
hesk_dbQuery("ALTER TABLE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."notes` DROP COLUMN `number_of_edits`");
hesk_dbQuery("ALTER TABLE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."users` DROP COLUMN `default_notify_customer_email`");
//TODO Migrate Mods for HESK Banned IPs / Emails to HESK 2.6.0's tables. Luckily the table names are different, so there won't be a problem when HESK tries to install.
hesk_dbQuery("DROP TABLE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."denied_ips`");
hesk_dbQuery("DROP TABLE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."denied_emails`");
if ($updateSuccess) {
$banRS = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `ID` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."denied_emails`
UNION ALL SELECT `ID` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."denied_ips`");
if (hesk_dbNumRows($banRS) > 0)
$usersRS = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."users` WHERE `active` = '1' ORDER BY `name`");
<h1>Installation / Update complete!</h1>
<p>Please delete the <b>install</b> folder for security reasons, and then proceed back to the <a href="../">Help Desk</a></p>
<h2>Migrating IP / E-mail Bans</h2>
<p>Mods for HESK has detected that you have added IP address and/or email bans using Mods for HESK. As part of the upgrade process,
Mods for HESK will migrate these bans for you to HESK 2.6.0's IP/email ban feature. Select the user below that will be the "creator" of the bans,
then click "Submit".</p>
<form action="migrateBans.php" method="post" role="form">
<select name="user" id="user">
while ($row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($usersRS))
{ ?>
<option value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>"><?php echo $row['name']; ?></option>
<?php }
<input type="submit">
<?php } ?>