Merge branch '510-custom-field-descriptions' into '3-2-0'

Resolve "Add function to add custom description or explanation of the custom fields for customers."

See merge request mike-koch/Mods-for-HESK!71
Mike Koch 7 years ago
commit 764fefb25a

@ -166,7 +166,31 @@ require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');
$descriptions = hesk_SESSION(array('new_cf','descriptions')); ?>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="description[]" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
<?php echo $hesklang['description']; ?>
<?php if ($hesk_settings['can_sel_lang'] && count($hesk_settings['languages']) > 1): ?>
<table border="0">
<?php foreach ($hesk_settings['languages'] as $lang => $info): ?>
<td><?php echo $lang; ?></td>
<textarea class="form-control"
name="description[<?php echo $lang; ?>]"><?php echo (isset($descriptions[$lang]) ? $descriptions[$lang] : ''); ?></textarea>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<textarea class="form-control"
name="description[<?php echo $hesk_settings['language']; ?>]"><?php echo (isset($descriptions[$hesk_settings['language']]) ? $descriptions[$hesk_settings['language']] : ''); ?></textarea>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="name[]" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
@ -772,7 +796,16 @@ require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');
<td><?php echo $tmp_id; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $cf['name']; ?></td>
echo $cf['name'];
if ($cf['mfh_description'] !== null && trim($cf['mfh_description']) !== '') {
echo ' <i class="fa fa-info-circle" data-toggle="popover"
data-title="' . htmlspecialchars($hesklang['description']) . '"
data-content="' . htmlspecialchars($cf['mfh_description']) . '"></i>';
<td><?php echo $cf['type']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $cf['use']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $cf['req']; ?></td>
@ -885,6 +918,7 @@ function save_cf()
`req` = '{$cf['req']}',
`category` = ".(count($cf['categories']) ? "'".json_encode($cf['categories'])."'" : 'NULL').",
`name` = '".hesk_dbEscape($cf['names'])."',
`mfh_description` = '".hesk_dbEscape($cf['descriptions'])."',
`value` = ".(strlen($cf['value']) ? "'".hesk_dbEscape($cf['value'])."'" : 'NULL')."
WHERE `id`={$id}");
@ -916,6 +950,9 @@ function edit_cf()
$cf['names'] = json_decode($cf['name'], true);
$cf['descriptions'] = json_decode($cf['mfh_description'], true);
if (strlen($cf['category']))
$cf['categories'] = json_decode($cf['category'], true);
@ -994,7 +1031,7 @@ function remove_cf()
$id = intval( hesk_GET('id') ) or hesk_error($hesklang['cf_e_id']);
// Reset the custom field
hesk_dbQuery("UPDATE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."custom_fields` SET `use`='0', `place`='0', `type`='text', `req`='0', `category`=NULL, `name`='', `value`=NULL, `order`=1000 WHERE `id`={$id}");
hesk_dbQuery("UPDATE `".hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix'])."custom_fields` SET `use`='0', `place`='0', `type`='text', `req`='0', `category`=NULL, `name`='', `mfh_description`=NULL, `value`=NULL, `order`=1000 WHERE `id`={$id}");
// Were we successful?
if ( hesk_dbAffectedRows() == 1 )
@ -1057,6 +1094,27 @@ function cf_validate()
$hesk_error_buffer[] = $hesklang['err_custname'];
// Descriptions
$cf['descriptions'] = hesk_POST_array('description');
// Make sure only non-empty descriptions pass
foreach ($cf['descriptions'] as $key => $description) {
if (!isset($hesk_settings['languages'][$key])) {
} else {
$description = is_array($description) ? '' : hesk_input($description, 0, 0, HESK_SLASH);
if (strlen($description) < 1)
$cf['descriptions'][$key] = stripslashes($description);
// Get type and values
$cf['type'] = hesk_POST('type');
switch ($cf['type'])
@ -1264,8 +1322,10 @@ function cf_validate()
$cf['names'] = addslashes(json_encode($cf['names']));
$cf['descriptions'] = addslashes(json_encode($cf['descriptions']));
$cf['value'] = $cf['type'] == 'date' ? json_encode($cf['value']) : addslashes(json_encode($cf['value']));
return $cf;
} // END cf_validate()
@ -1305,7 +1365,8 @@ function new_cf()
`req` = '{$cf['req']}',
`category` = ".(count($cf['categories']) ? "'".json_encode($cf['categories'])."'" : 'NULL').",
`name` = '".hesk_dbEscape($cf['names'])."',
`value` = ".(strlen($cf['value']) ? "'".hesk_dbEscape($cf['value'])."'" : 'NULL').",
`mfh_description` = '".hesk_dbEscape($cf['descriptions'])."',
`value` = ".(strlen($cf['value']) ? "'".hesk_dbEscape($cf['value'])."'" : 'NULL').",
`order` = 990
WHERE `id`={$_SESSION['cford']}");

@ -445,6 +445,9 @@ require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');
echo '<div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="' . $k . '" value="' . $option . '" ' . $checked . ' ' . $required_attribute . '> ' . $option . '</label></div>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div>
@ -475,9 +478,11 @@ require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');
echo '<option ' . $selected . '>' . $option . '</option>';
echo '</select>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '</select>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -498,6 +503,9 @@ require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');
echo '<div class="checkbox"><label><input type="checkbox" name="' . $k . '[]" value="' . $option . '" ' . $checked . ' ' . $required_attribute . '> ' . $option . '</label></div>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -512,8 +520,11 @@ require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');
<div class="form-group' . $cls . '">
<label for="' . $k . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'] . ' ' . $v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<textarea name="' . $k . '" class="form-control" rows="' . intval($v['value']['rows']) . '" cols="' . intval($v['value']['cols']) . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>' . $k_value . '</textarea>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<textarea name="' . $k . '" class="form-control" rows="' . intval($v['value']['rows']) . '" cols="' . intval($v['value']['cols']) . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>' . $k_value . '</textarea>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -532,8 +543,11 @@ require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');
<div class="form-group' . $cls . '">
<label for="' . $k . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'] . ' ' . $v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" name="' . $k . '" value="' . $k_value . '" class="datepicker form-control" size="10" ' . $required_attribute . '>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" name="' . $k . '" value="' . $k_value . '" class="datepicker form-control" size="10" ' . $required_attribute . '>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -548,8 +562,11 @@ require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');
<div class="form-group' . $cls . '">
<label for="' . $k . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'] . ' ' . $v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input class="form-control" type="text" name="' . $k . '" id="' . $k . '" value="' . $k_value . '" size="40" ' . $suggest . ' ' . $required_attribute . '>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input class="form-control" type="text" name="' . $k . '" id="' . $k . '" value="' . $k_value . '" size="40" ' . $suggest . ' ' . $required_attribute . '>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<div id="' . $k . '_suggestions"></div>
@ -570,8 +587,11 @@ require_once(HESK_PATH . 'inc/');
<div class="form-group' . $cls . '">
<label for="' . $k . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'] . ' ' . $v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="' . $k . '" size="40" maxlength="' . intval($v['value']['max_length']) . '" value="' . $v['value']['default_value'] . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="' . $k . '" size="40" maxlength="' . intval($v['value']['max_length']) . '" value="' . $v['value']['default_value'] . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>

@ -381,6 +381,10 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -410,8 +414,14 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<option ' . $selected . '>' . $option . '</option>';
echo '</select>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div></div>';
echo '</select>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div></div>';
/* Checkbox */
@ -432,6 +442,11 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<div class="checkbox"><label><input ' . $validator . ' type="checkbox" name="' . $k . '[]" value="' . $option . '" ' . $checked . $required_attribute . '> ' . $option . '</label></div>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div></div>';
@ -442,8 +457,13 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<div class="form-group' . $cls . '">
<label for="' . $v['name'] . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'] . ' ' . $v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9"><textarea class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" rows="' . intval($v['value']['rows']) . '" cols="' . intval($v['value']['cols']) . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>' . $k_value . '</textarea>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div></div>';
<div class="col-sm-9"><textarea class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" rows="' . intval($v['value']['rows']) . '" cols="' . intval($v['value']['cols']) . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>' . $k_value . '</textarea>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div></div>';
case 'date':
@ -458,8 +478,13 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
<label for="' . $v['name'] . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'].' '.$v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="datepicker form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" size="40"
value="' . $k_value . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
value="' . $k_value . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -471,8 +496,13 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<div class="form-group' . $cls . '">
<label for="' . $v['name'] . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'].' '.$v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" size="40" value="' . $k_value . '" '.$suggest.$required_attribute.'>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" size="40" value="' . $k_value . '" '.$suggest.$required_attribute.'>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
</div><div id="'.$k.'_suggestions"></div>';
@ -491,8 +521,13 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<div class="form-group' . $cls . '">
<label for="' . $v['name'] . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'].' '.$v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" size="40" maxlength="' . intval($v['value']['max_length']) . '" value="' . $v['value']['default_value'] . '" ' . $cls . $required_attribute . '>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" size="40" maxlength="' . intval($v['value']['max_length']) . '" value="' . $v['value']['default_value'] . '" ' . $cls . $required_attribute . '>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -753,7 +788,9 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="' . $k . '" value="' . $option . '" ' . $checked . ' ' . $required_attribute . '> ' . $option . '</label></div>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div></div>';
@ -780,7 +817,11 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<option ' . $selected . '>' . $option . '</option>';
echo '</select><div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div></div>';
echo '</select>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div></div>';
/* Checkbox */
@ -801,6 +842,9 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<div class="checkbox"><label><input ' . $validator . ' type="checkbox" name="' . $k . '[]" value="' . $option . '" ' . $checked . $required_attribute .'> ' . $option . '</label></div>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div></div>';
@ -810,8 +854,11 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<div class="form-group' . $cls . '">
<label for="' . $v['name'] . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'].' '.$v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9"><textarea class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" rows="' . intval($v['value']['rows']) . '" cols="' . intval($v['value']['cols']) . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>' . $k_value . '</textarea>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div>
<div class="col-sm-9"><textarea class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" rows="' . intval($v['value']['rows']) . '" cols="' . intval($v['value']['cols']) . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>' . $k_value . '</textarea>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div></div>
@ -827,8 +874,11 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
<label for="' . $v['name'] . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'].' '.$v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="datepicker form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" size="40"
value="' . $k_value . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
value="' . $k_value . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -840,8 +890,11 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<div class="form-group">
<label for="' . $v['name'] . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'].' '.$v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" size="40" value="' . $k_value . '" '.$suggest.' ' . $required_attribute . '>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" size="40" value="' . $k_value . '" '.$suggest.' ' . $required_attribute . '>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
</div><div id="'.$k.'_suggestions"></div>';
@ -859,8 +912,11 @@ $show_quick_help = $show['show'];
echo '<div class="form-group">
<label for="' . $v['name'] . '" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . $v['name'].' '.$v['req'] . '</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" size="40" maxlength="' . intval($v['value']['max_length']) . '" value="' . $v['value']['default_value'] . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="' . $v['name'] . '" name="' . $k . '" size="40" maxlength="' . intval($v['value']['max_length']) . '" value="' . $v['value']['default_value'] . '" ' . $required_attribute . '>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>

@ -302,6 +302,14 @@ div.setupButtons {
color: black;
.critical-priority {
background-color: #9400d3;
.lowPriority {
background-color: blue;
.pad-down-20 {
padding-top: 20px;

@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ function hesk_load_custom_fields($category=0, $use_cache=1)
// Decode options
$row['value'] = json_decode($row['value'], true);
// Description
$descriptions = strlen($row['mfh_description']) ? json_decode($row['mfh_description'], true) : array();
$row['mfh_description'] = (isset($descriptions[$hesk_settings['language']])) ?
$descriptions[$hesk_settings['language']] :
// Add to custom_fields array
$hesk_settings['custom_fields'][$id] = $row;

@ -499,6 +499,9 @@ function print_add_ticket()
echo '<div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="'.$k.'" value="'.$option.'" '.$checked.' ' . $required_attribute . '> '.$option.'</label></div>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -536,8 +539,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
echo '<option '.$selected.'>'.$option.'</option>';
echo '</select>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
echo '</select>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -565,6 +571,9 @@ function print_add_ticket()
echo '<div class="checkbox"><label><input ' . $validator . ' type="checkbox" name="'.$k.'[]" value="'.$option.'" '.$checked.' ' . $required_attribute . '> '.$option.'</label></div>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -579,8 +588,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
<div class="form-group '.$cls.'">
<label for="'.$k.'" class="col-sm-3 control-label">'.$v['name'].' '.$v['req'].'</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<textarea class="form-control" name="'.$k.'" rows="'.intval($v['value']['rows']).'" cols="'.intval($v['value']['cols']).'" '.$required_attribute.'>'.$k_value.'</textarea>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<textarea class="form-control" name="'.$k.'" rows="'.intval($v['value']['rows']).'" cols="'.intval($v['value']['cols']).'" '.$required_attribute.'>'.$k_value.'</textarea>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -597,8 +609,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
<div class="form-group '.$cls.'">
<label for="'.$k.'" class="col-sm-3 control-label">'.$v['name'].' '.$v['req'].'</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" name="'.$k.'" value="'.$k_value.'" class="form-control datepicker" size="10" ' . $required_attribute . '>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" name="'.$k.'" value="'.$k_value.'" class="form-control datepicker" size="10" ' . $required_attribute . '>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -613,8 +628,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
<div class="form-group '.$cls.'">
<label for="'.$k.'" class="col-sm-3 control-label">'.$v['name'].' '.$v['req'].'</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" name="'.$k.'" id="'.$k.'" value="'.$k_value.'" size="40" class="form-control" '.$suggest.' '.$required_attribute.'>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" name="'.$k.'" id="'.$k.'" value="'.$k_value.'" size="40" class="form-control" '.$suggest.' '.$required_attribute.'>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<div id="'.$k.'_suggestions"></div>
@ -642,8 +660,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
<div class="form-group '.$cls.'">
<label for="'.$k.'" class="col-sm-3 control-label">'.$v['name'].' '.$v['req'].'</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="form-control white-readonly" name="'.$k.'" size="40" value="'.$v['value']['default_value'].'" readonly>
<input type="text" class="form-control white-readonly" name="'.$k.'" size="40" value="'.$v['value']['default_value'].'" readonly>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '</div>
@ -660,8 +681,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
<div class="form-group '.$cls.'">
<label for="'.$k.'" class="col-sm-3 control-label">'.$v['name'].' '.$v['req'].'</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="'.$k.'" size="40" maxlength="'.intval($v['value']['max_length']).'" value="'.$v['value']['default_value'].'" '.$required_attribute.'>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="'.$k.'" size="40" maxlength="'.intval($v['value']['max_length']).'" value="'.$v['value']['default_value'].'" '.$required_attribute.'>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -829,6 +853,9 @@ function print_add_ticket()
echo '<div class="radio"><label><input type="radio" name="'.$k.'" value="'.$option.'" '.$checked.' '.$required_attribute.'> '.$option.'</label></div>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -865,9 +892,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
echo '<option '.$selected.'>'.$option.'</option>';
echo '</select>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '</select>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -895,6 +924,9 @@ function print_add_ticket()
echo '<div class="checkbox"><label><input ' . $validator . ' type="checkbox" name="'.$k.'[]" value="'.$option.'" '.$checked.' '.$required_attribute.'> '.$option.'</label></div>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -909,8 +941,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
<div class="form-group '.$cls.'">
<label for="'.$k.'" class="col-sm-3 control-label">'.$v['name'].' '.$v['req'].'</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<textarea class="form-control" name="'.$k.'" rows="'.intval($v['value']['rows']).'" cols="'.intval($v['value']['cols']).'" '.$required_attribute.'>'.$k_value.'</textarea>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<textarea class="form-control" name="'.$k.'" rows="'.intval($v['value']['rows']).'" cols="'.intval($v['value']['cols']).'" '.$required_attribute.'>'.$k_value.'</textarea>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -927,8 +962,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
<div class="form-group '.$cls.'">
<label for="'.$k.'" class="col-sm-3 control-label">'.$v['name'].' '.$v['req'].'</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" name="'.$k.'" value="'.$k_value.'" class="form-control datepicker" size="10" '.$required_attribute.'>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" name="'.$k.'" value="'.$k_value.'" class="form-control datepicker" size="10" '.$required_attribute.'>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
@ -943,8 +981,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
<div class="form-group '.$cls.'">
<label for="'.$k.'" class="col-sm-3 control-label">'.$v['name'].' '.$v['req'].'</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" name="'.$k.'" id="'.$k.'" value="'.$k_value.'" size="40" class="form-control" '.$suggest.' '.$required_attribute.'>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" name="'.$k.'" id="'.$k.'" value="'.$k_value.'" size="40" class="form-control" '.$suggest.' '.$required_attribute.'>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<div id="'.$k.'_suggestions"></div>
@ -972,8 +1013,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
<div class="form-group '.$cls.'">
<label for="'.$k.'" class="col-sm-3 control-label">'.$v['name'].' '.$v['req'].'</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="form-control white-readonly" name="'.$k.'" size="40" value="'.$v['value']['default_value'].'" readonly>
<input type="text" class="form-control white-readonly" name="'.$k.'" size="40" value="'.$v['value']['default_value'].'" readonly>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '</div>
@ -990,8 +1034,11 @@ function print_add_ticket()
<div class="form-group '.$cls.'">
<label for="'.$k.'" class="col-sm-3 control-label">'.$v['name'].' '.$v['req'].'</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="'.$k.'" size="40" maxlength="'.intval($v['value']['max_length']).'" value="'.$v['value']['default_value'].'" ' . $required_attribute . '>
<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="'.$k.'" size="40" maxlength="'.intval($v['value']['max_length']).'" value="'.$v['value']['default_value'].'" ' . $required_attribute . '>';
if (!empty($v['mfh_description'])) {
echo '<div class="help-block">' . $v['mfh_description'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>

@ -1136,8 +1136,16 @@ function execute320Scripts() {
global $hesk_settings;
executeQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "categories`
executeQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "categories`
ADD COLUMN `mfh_description` VARCHAR(255)");
executeQuery("ALTER TABLE `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "custom_fields`
ADD COLUMN `mfh_description` VARCHAR(255)");
// Purge the custom field caches as we're adding a new field
foreach ($hesk_settings['languages'] as $key => $value) {
$language_hash = sha1($key);
hesk_unlink(HESK_PATH . "cache/cf_{$language_hash}.cache.php");

@ -283,11 +283,13 @@ if (!$show['show']) {
$repliesColumnWidth = 2;
echo '<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-12 ticket-cell ';
if ($ticket['priority'] == 0) {
echo 'criticalPriority">';
echo 'critical-priority">';
} elseif ($ticket['priority'] == 1) {
echo 'highPriority">';
} else {
} elseif ($ticket['priority'] == 2) {
echo 'medLowPriority">';
} else {
echo 'lowPriority">';
echo '<p class="ticketPropertyTitle">' . $hesklang['priority'] . '</p>';
