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namespace BusinessLogic\Emails;
use BusinessLogic\IntegrationTestCaseBase;
use BusinessLogic\Tickets\Attachment;
class BasicEmailSenderIntegrationTest extends IntegrationTestCaseBase {
* @var $emailSender BasicEmailSender;
private $emailSender;
* @var $heskSettings array
private $heskSettings;
* @var $modsForHeskSettings array
private $modsForHeskSettings;
* @var $attachmentsToPurge string[]
private $attachmentsToPurge;
protected function setUp() {
global $hesk_settings, $modsForHesk_settings;
if (!defined('IN_SCRIPT')) {
define('IN_SCRIPT', 1);
require(__DIR__ . '/../../../../');
require(__DIR__ . '/../../integration_test_mfh_settings.php');
$this->emailSender = new BasicEmailSender();
$this->heskSettings = $hesk_settings;
$this->modsForHeskSettings = $modsForHesk_settings;
$this->attachmentsToPurge = array();
protected function tearDown() {
foreach ($this->attachmentsToPurge as $file) {
function testItCanSendHtmlMail() {
//-- Arrange
//$hesk_settings['smtp'] = 0 //Uncomment this to use PHPMail
$emailBuilder = new EmailBuilder();
$emailBuilder->to = array('');
$emailBuilder->cc = array('');
$emailBuilder->bcc = array('');
$emailBuilder->message = "Test PLAIN TEXT message";
$emailBuilder->htmlMessage = "Test <b>HTML</b> <i>message</i>";
$emailBuilder->subject = "BasicEmailSenderIntegrationTest";
$attachment = new Attachment();
$attachment->id = 1;
$attachment->fileName = "file.txt";
$attachment->savedName = "test1.txt";
$filename1 = __DIR__ . '/../../../../' . $this->heskSettings['attach_dir'] . '/' . $attachment->savedName;
file_put_contents($filename1, 'TEST DATA');
$otherAttachment = new Attachment();
$otherAttachment->id = 2;
$otherAttachment->fileName = "file2.txt";
$otherAttachment->savedName = "test2.txt";
$filename2 = __DIR__ . '/../../../../' . $this->heskSettings['attach_dir'] . '/' . $otherAttachment->savedName;
file_put_contents($filename2, 'TEST DATA 2');
$emailBuilder->attachments = array($attachment, $otherAttachment);
$this->attachmentsToPurge = array($filename1, $filename2);
//-- Act
$result = $this->emailSender->sendEmail($emailBuilder, $this->heskSettings, $this->modsForHeskSettings, true);
//-- Assert
if ($result !== true) {
function testItCanSendPlaintextMail() {
//-- Arrange
//$hesk_settings['smtp'] = 0 //Uncomment this to use PHPMail
$emailBuilder = new EmailBuilder();
$emailBuilder->to = array('');
$emailBuilder->cc = array('');
$emailBuilder->bcc = array('');
$emailBuilder->message = "Test PLAIN TEXT message";
$emailBuilder->subject = "BasicEmailSenderIntegrationTest";
//-- Act
$result = $this->emailSender->sendEmail($emailBuilder, $this->heskSettings, $this->modsForHeskSettings, false);
//-- Assert
if ($result !== true) {