You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

270 lines
13 KiB

namespace DataAccess\Calendar;
use BusinessLogic\Calendar\AbstractEvent;
use BusinessLogic\Calendar\BusinessHours;
7 years ago
use BusinessLogic\Calendar\CalendarEvent;
use BusinessLogic\Calendar\ReminderUnit;
7 years ago
use BusinessLogic\Calendar\SearchEventsFilter;
use BusinessLogic\Calendar\TicketEvent;
use BusinessLogic\Helpers;
use BusinessLogic\Security\UserContext;
use BusinessLogic\Tickets\AuditTrail;
use BusinessLogic\Tickets\AuditTrailEntityType;
use Core\Constants\Priority;
use DataAccess\CommonDao;
class CalendarGateway extends CommonDao {
7 years ago
* @param $searchEventsFilter SearchEventsFilter
* @param $heskSettings array
* @return AbstractEvent[]
public function getEventsForStaff($searchEventsFilter, $heskSettings) {
$events = array();
7 years ago
$sql = "SELECT `events`.*, `categories`.`name` AS `category_name`, `categories`.`background_color` AS `background_color`,
`categories`.`foreground_color` AS `foreground_color`, `categories`.`display_border_outline` AS `display_border`,
`reminders`.`amount` AS `reminder_value`, `reminders`.`unit` AS `reminder_unit`
7 years ago
FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "calendar_event` AS `events`
INNER JOIN `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "categories` AS `categories`
ON `events`.`category` = `categories`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "calendar_event_reminder` AS `reminders`
ON `reminders`.`user_id` = " . intval($searchEventsFilter->reminderUserId) . "
AND `reminders`.`event_id` = `events`.`id`
WHERE 1=1";
if ($searchEventsFilter->startTime !== null && $searchEventsFilter->endTime !== null) {
$startTimeSql = "CONVERT_TZ(FROM_UNIXTIME(" . hesk_dbEscape($searchEventsFilter->startTime) . " / 1000), @@session.time_zone, '+00:00')";
$endTimeSql = "CONVERT_TZ(FROM_UNIXTIME(" . hesk_dbEscape($searchEventsFilter->endTime) . " / 1000), @@session.time_zone, '+00:00')";
$sql .= " AND NOT (`end` < {$startTimeSql} OR `start` > {$endTimeSql})
AND `categories`.`usage` <> 1";
if ($searchEventsFilter->eventId !== null) {
$sql .= " AND `events`.`id` = " . intval($searchEventsFilter->eventId);
7 years ago
if (!empty($searchEventsFilter->categories)) {
$categoriesAsString = implode(',', $searchEventsFilter->categories);
$sql .= " AND `events`.`category` IN (" . $categoriesAsString . ")";
7 years ago
$rs = hesk_dbQuery($sql);
while ($row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($rs)) {
$event = new CalendarEvent();
$event->id = intval($row['id']);
$event->startTime = $row['start'];
$event->endTime = $row['end'];
$event->allDay = Helpers::boolval($row['all_day']);
7 years ago
$event->title = $row['name'];
$event->location = $row['location'];
$event->comments = $row['comments'];
$event->categoryId = intval($row['category']);
$event->categoryName = Helpers::heskHtmlSpecialCharsDecode($row['category_name']);
7 years ago
$event->backgroundColor = $row['background_color'];
$event->foregroundColor = $row['foreground_color'];
$event->displayBorder = Helpers::boolval($row['display_border']);
$event->reminderValue = $row['reminder_value'] === null ? null : floatval($row['reminder_value']);
$event->reminderUnits = $row['reminder_unit'] === null ? null : ReminderUnit::getByValue($row['reminder_unit']);
$auditTrailSql = "SELECT `at`.`id` AS `id`, `at`.`entity_id`, `at`.`language_key`, `at`.`date`,
`values`.`replacement_index`, `values`.`replacement_value`
FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "audit_trail` AS `at`
INNER JOIN `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "audit_trail_to_replacement_values` AS `values`
ON `at`.`id` = `values`.`audit_trail_id`
WHERE `entity_id` = " . intval($event->id) . "
AND `entity_type` = '" . AuditTrailEntityType::CALENDAR_EVENT . "'";
$auditTrailRs = hesk_dbQuery($auditTrailSql);
/* @var $auditTrailEntry AuditTrail */
$auditTrailEntry = null;
while ($row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($auditTrailRs)) {
if ($auditTrailEntry == null || intval($auditTrailEntry->id) !== intval($row['id'])) {
if ($auditTrailEntry !== null) {
$event->auditTrail[] = $auditTrailEntry;
$auditTrailEntry = new AuditTrail();
$auditTrailEntry->id = intval($row['id']);
$auditTrailEntry->entityId = intval($row['entity_id']);
$auditTrailEntry->entityType = AuditTrailEntityType::CALENDAR_EVENT;
$auditTrailEntry->languageKey = $row['language_key'];
$auditTrailEntry->date = $row['date'];
$auditTrailEntry->replacementValues = array();
$auditTrailEntry->replacementValues[intval($row['replacement_index'])] = $row['replacement_value'];
if ($auditTrailEntry !== null) {
$event->auditTrail[] = $auditTrailEntry;
7 years ago
$events[] = $event;
7 years ago
if ($searchEventsFilter->includeTickets) {
$oldTimeSetting = $heskSettings['timeformat'];
$heskSettings['timeformat'] = 'Y-m-d';
$currentDate = hesk_date();
$heskSettings['timeformat'] = $oldTimeSetting;
$sql = "SELECT `tickets`.`id` AS `id`, `trackid`, `subject`, `due_date`, `category`, `categories`.`name` AS `category_name`, `categories`.`background_color` AS `background_color`,
7 years ago
`categories`.`foreground_color` AS `foreground_color`, `categories`.`display_border_outline` AS `display_border`,
CASE WHEN `due_date` < '{$currentDate}' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS `overdue`, `owner`.`name` AS `owner_name`, `tickets`.`owner` AS `owner_id`,
`tickets`.`priority` AS `priority`, `text_to_status_xref`.`text` AS `status_name`
7 years ago
FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "tickets` AS `tickets`
INNER JOIN `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "categories` AS `categories`
ON `categories`.`id` = `tickets`.`category`
AND `categories`.`usage` <> 2
LEFT JOIN `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "users` AS `owner`
ON `tickets`.`owner` = `owner`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "text_to_status_xref` AS `text_to_status_xref`
ON `tickets`.`status` = `text_to_status_xref`.`status_id`
AND `text_to_status_xref`.`language` = '" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['language']) . "'
WHERE `due_date` >= {$startTimeSql}
AND `due_date` <= {$endTimeSql}
7 years ago
AND `status` IN (SELECT `id` FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "statuses` WHERE `IsClosed` = 0)
AND (`owner` = " . $searchEventsFilter->reminderUserId;
if ($searchEventsFilter->includeUnassignedTickets) {
$sql .= " OR `owner` = 0 ";
if ($searchEventsFilter->includeTicketsAssignedToMe) {
$sql .= " OR `assignedby` = " . intval($searchEventsFilter->includeTicketsAssignedToMe);
if ($searchEventsFilter->includeTicketsAssignedToOthers) {
$sql .= " OR `owner` NOT IN (0, " . $searchEventsFilter->reminderUserId . ") ";
7 years ago
$sql .= ")";
if (!empty($searchEventsFilter->categories)) {
$categoriesAsString = implode(',', $searchEventsFilter->categories);
$sql .= " AND `tickets`.`category` IN (" . $categoriesAsString . ")";
$rs = hesk_dbQuery($sql);
while ($row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($rs)) {
$event = new TicketEvent();
$event->id = intval($row['id']);
$event->trackingId = $row['trackid'];
$event->subject = $row['subject'];
$event->title = $row['subject'];
$event->startTime = $row['due_date'];
$event->url = $heskSettings['hesk_url'] . '/' . $heskSettings['admin_dir'] . '/admin_ticket.php?track=' . $event->trackingId;
$event->categoryId = intval($row['category']);
$event->categoryName = Helpers::heskHtmlSpecialCharsDecode($row['category_name']);
$event->backgroundColor = $row['background_color'];
$event->foregroundColor = $row['foreground_color'];
$event->displayBorder = Helpers::boolval($row['display_border']);
$event->owner = $row['owner_name'];
$event->priority = Priority::getByValue($row['priority']);
$event->status = $row['status_name'];
$events[] = $event;
7 years ago
return $events;
7 years ago
* @param $event CalendarEvent
* @param $userContext UserContext
* @param $heskSettings array
* @return CalendarEvent
public function createEvent($event, $userContext, $heskSettings) {
hesk_dbQuery("INSERT INTO `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "calendar_event` (`start`, `end`, `all_day`, `name`,
`location`, `comments`, `category`) VALUES ('" . hesk_dbEscape($event->startTime) . "', '" . hesk_dbEscape($event->endTime) . "',
'" . ($event->allDay ? 1 : 0) . "', '" . hesk_dbEscape(addslashes($event->title)) . "',
'" . hesk_dbEscape(addslashes($event->location)) . "', '". hesk_dbEscape(addslashes($event->comments)) . "', " . intval($event->categoryId) . ")");
$event->id = hesk_dbInsertID();
if ($event->reminderValue !== null) {
hesk_dbQuery("INSERT INTO `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "calendar_event_reminder` (`user_id`, `event_id`,
`amount`, `unit`) VALUES (" . intval($userContext->id) . ", " . intval($event->id) . ", " . intval($event->reminderValue) . ",
" . intval($event->reminderUnits) . ")");
* @param $event CalendarEvent
* @param $userContext UserContext
* @param $heskSettings array
public function updateEvent($event, $userContext, $heskSettings) {
$sql = "UPDATE `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "calendar_event` SET `start` = '" . hesk_dbEscape($event->startTime)
. "', `end` = '" . hesk_dbEscape($event->endTime) . "', `all_day` = '" . ($event->allDay ? 1 : 0) . "', `name` = '"
. hesk_dbEscape(addslashes($event->title)) . "', `location` = '" . hesk_dbEscape(addslashes($event->location)) . "', `comments` = '"
. hesk_dbEscape(addslashes($event->comments)) . "', `category` = " . intval($event->categoryId) . " WHERE `id` = " . intval($event->id);
if ($event->reminderValue !== null) {
$delete_sql = "DELETE FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "calendar_event_reminder` WHERE `event_id` = " . intval($event->id)
. " AND `user_id` = " . intval($userContext->id);
$insert_sql = "INSERT INTO `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "calendar_event_reminder` (`user_id`, `event_id`,
`amount`, `unit`) VALUES (" . intval($userContext->id) . ", " . intval($event->id) . ", " . intval($event->reminderValue) . ",
" . intval($event->reminderUnits) . ")";
* @param $id int
* @param $userContext UserContext
* @param $heskSettings array
public function deleteEvent($id, $userContext, $heskSettings) {
hesk_dbQuery("DELETE FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "calendar_event_reminder`
WHERE `event_id` = " . intval($id) . " AND `user_id` = " . intval($userContext->id));
hesk_dbQuery("DELETE FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "calendar_event`
WHERE `id` = " . intval($id));
public function getBusinessHours($heskSettings) {
$rs = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($heskSettings['db_pfix']) . "mfh_calendar_business_hours`");
$businessHours = array();
while ($row = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($rs)) {
$businessHour = new BusinessHours();
$businessHour->dayOfWeek = intval($row['day_of_week']);
$businessHour->startTime = $row['start_time'];
$businessHour->endTime = $row['end_time'];
$businessHours[] = $businessHour;
return $businessHours;