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require_once 'RequestMethod.php';
* @class Main class of the Link router that helps you create and deploy routes
class Link
* @var array A collection of the routes originally passed into all function. Used by static function route
private static $routes = array();
* @var array A collection of functions that are executed before a route completion ( valid for all routes ), aka universal before functions
private static $beforeFuncs = array();
* @var array A collection of function that are executed after a route completion ( valid for all routes ), aka universal after functions
private static $afterFuncs = array();
* Static function of the class Link that deploys the route according to the passed handler and path
* @param array $routes An array of combination of the path and its handler, that are final deployed for a particular url
public static function all( $routes )
/* Call all functions that are to be executed before routing */
foreach( self::$beforeFuncs as $beforeFunc ) {
if( $beforeFunc[1] ) {
call_user_func_array( $beforeFunc[0] , $beforeFunc[1] );
} else {
call_user_func( $beforeFunc[0] );
self::$routes = $routes;
$method = self::getRequestMethod();
$acceptedMethods = RequestMethod::ALL;
$path = '/';
$handler = null;
$matched = array();
$middleware = null;
if ( !empty ( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) ) {
$path = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
} else if ( !empty ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) {
$path = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
if ( isset($routes[$path] ) ) {
if( is_array( $routes[$path] ) ) {
$handler = $routes[$path][0];
$middleware = $routes[$path][2];
$acceptedMethods = $routes[$path][3];
} else {
$handler = $routes[$path];
} else if ( $routes ) {
$regex = array(
$replacements = array(
'([\d]+)' ,
foreach ( $routes as $routePath => $routeDesc ){
$routePath = preg_replace( $regex, $replacements, $routePath );
if( preg_match( '#^/?' . $routePath . '/?$#', $path, $matches ) ){
if( is_array( $routeDesc ) ) {
$handler = $routeDesc[0];
if( isset( $routeDesc[2] )) {
$middleware = $routeDesc[2];
$acceptedMethods = $routeDesc[3];
$handler = $routeDesc;
$matched = $matches;
unset( $matched[0] );
if( isset($middleware) ){
$newMatched = self::callFunction( $middleware, $matched, $method, $acceptedMethods );
/* If new wildcard param are there pass them to main handler */
if( $newMatched ) {
self::callFunction( $handler, $newMatched, $method, $acceptedMethods );
} else {
self::callFunction( $handler, $matched, $method, $acceptedMethods );
} else {
self::callFunction( $handler, $matched, $method, $acceptedMethods );
/* Call all the function that are to be executed after routing */
foreach( self::$afterFuncs as $afterFunc )
if( $afterFunc[1] ) {
call_user_func_array( $afterFunc[0] , $afterFunc[1] );
} else {
call_user_func( $afterFunc[0] );
private static function getRequestMethod() {
$headers = getallheaders();
$uppercaseHeaders = array();
foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
$uppercaseHeaders[strtoupper($header)] = $value;
if (isset($uppercaseHeaders['X-HTTP-METHOD-OVERRIDE'])) {
return $uppercaseHeaders['X-HTTP-METHOD-OVERRIDE'];
* Static function that helps you generate links effortlessly and pass parameters to them, thus enabling to generate dynamic links
* @param string $name name of the route for which the link has to be generated
* @param array $params An array of parameters that are replaced in the route if it contains wildcards
* For e.g. if route is /name/{i}/{a} and parameters passed are 1, aps then link generated will be /name/1/aps
public static function route( $name, $params = array() )
$href = null;
foreach ( self::$routes as $routePath => $routeDesc ) {
if( is_array( $routeDesc ) ){
if( $name == $routeDesc[1] ){
$href = $routePath;
for( $i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++){
$href = preg_replace('#{(.*?)}#', $params[$i], $href, 1);
return $href;
* Static function to handle cases when route is not found, call handler of 404 if defined else
* sends a 404 header
public static function handle404()
/* Call '404' route if it exists */
if( isset ( self::$routes['404'] ) ) {
call_user_func( self::$routes['404'] );
} else {
header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 404 Not Found");
* Static function to handle both middlewares' call and main handler's call.
* @param array|string $handler Handler that will handle the routes call or middleware
* @param array $matched The parameters that we get from the route wildcard
* @param $method string request method
* @param $acceptedMethods array Accepted request methods for the request
* @return array $newParams The parameters return in the case of middleware if you intend to
* the wildcards that were originally passed, this newParams will
* be next passed to main handler
public static function callFunction( $handler , $matched, $method, $acceptedMethods )
if (!in_array($method, $acceptedMethods)) {
print_r('Request method ' . $method . ' not allowed');
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 405 Method Not Allowed', true, 405);
if ( $handler ) {
if ( is_callable( $handler ) ) {
$newParams = call_user_func_array( $handler, $matched ) ;
} else {
/* Check if class exists in the case user is using RESTful pattern */
if( class_exists( $handler ) ) {
$instanceOfHandler = new $handler(); // Won't work in case of middleware since we aren't using RESTful in that
} else {
print_r('Class or function ' . $handler . ' not found');
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);
} else {
if( isset( $instanceOfHandler ) ) {
if( method_exists( $instanceOfHandler, $method ) ) {
$newParams = call_user_func_array( array( $instanceOfHandler, $method ), $matched );
if( isset( $newParams ) && $newParams ) {
return $newParams;
* Static function to add functions that are to be excuted before each routing, must be called before Link::all
* @param string $funcName Name of the funtion to be called upon before
* @param array $params Array of parameters that are to be passed to before function, can be null but if not
* it must be an array
public static function before( $funcName, $params = null )
array_push( self::$beforeFuncs, [ $funcName, $params ]);
* Static function to add functions that are to be excuted after each routing, must be called before Link::all
* @param string $funcName Name of the funtion to be called upon after
* @param array $params Array of parameters that are to be passed to after function, can be null but if not
* it must be an array
public static function after( $funcName, $params = null )
array_push( self::$afterFuncs, [ $funcName, $params ]);