You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

419 lines
23 KiB

define('IN_SCRIPT', 1);
define('HESK_PATH', '../');
require(HESK_PATH . 'install/');
require(HESK_PATH . '');
We have four possible validation scenarios:
1. Fresh install - the user has never installed Mods for HESK before. Nothing to validate.
2. Installed a really old version - we don't have a previous version to start from.
3. Installed a recent version, but before migrations began - just pull the version # and use the dictionary below.
4. Migration number present in the settings table. Take that number and run with it.
$tableSql = hesk_dbQuery("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "settings'");
$startingValidationNumber = 1;
if (hesk_dbNumRows($tableSql) > 0) {
// They have installed at LEAST to version 1.6.0. Just pull the version number OR migration number
$migrationNumberSql = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `Value` FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "settings` WHERE `Key` = 'migrationNumber'");
if ($migrationRow = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($migrationNumberSql)) {
$startingValidationNumber = intval($migrationRow['Value']);
} else {
$versionSql = hesk_dbQuery("SELECT `Value` FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "settings` WHERE `Key` = 'modsForHeskVersion'");
$versionRow = hesk_dbFetchAssoc($versionSql);
$migration_map = array(
// Pre-1.4.0 to 1.5.0 did not have a settings table
'1.6.0' => 22, '1.6.1' => 23, '1.7.0' => 27, '2.0.0' => 37, '2.0.1' => 38, '2.1.0' => 39, '2.1.1' => 42,
'2.2.0' => 47, '2.2.1' => 48, '2.3.0' => 68, '2.3.1' => 69, '2.3.2' => 70, '2.4.0' => 86, '2.4.1' => 87,
'2.4.2' => 88, '2.5.0' => 98, '2.5.1' => 99, '2.5.2' => 100, '2.5.3' => 101, '2.5.4' => 102, '2.5.5' => 103,
'2.6.0' => 121, '2.6.1' => 122, '2.6.2' => 125, '2.6.3' => 126, '2.6.4' => 127, '3.0.0 beta 1' => 130,
'3.0.0 RC 1' => 131, '3.0.0' => 132, '3.0.1' => 133, '3.0.2' => 135, '3.0.3' => 136, '3.0.4' => 137,
'3.0.5' => 138, '3.0.6' => 139, '3.0.7' => 140, '3.1.0' => 153, '3.1.1' => 154
$startingValidationNumber = $migration_map[$versionRow['Value']];
} else {
// migration # => sql for checking
$versionChecks = array(
// 1.5.0 ->
14 => "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "users` LIKE 'active'",
// 1.4.1 -> denied_emails
11 => "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "denied_emails'",
// 1.4.0 -> denied ips
9 => "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "denied_ips'",
// Pre-1.4.0 but still something -> statuses
7 => "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "statuses'"
foreach ($versionChecks as $migrationNumber => $sql) {
$rs = hesk_dbQuery($sql);
if (hesk_dbNumRows($rs) > 0) {
$startingValidationNumber = $migrationNumber;
<title>Mods For HESK Database Validation</title>
<link href="<?php echo HESK_PATH; ?>hesk_style.css?<?php echo HESK_NEW_VERSION; ?>" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="<?php echo HESK_PATH; ?>css/bootstrap.css?v=<?php echo $hesk_settings['hesk_version']; ?>"
type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="<?php echo HESK_PATH; ?>css/bootstrap-theme.css?v=<?php echo $hesk_settings['hesk_version']; ?>"
type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="<?php echo HESK_PATH; ?>css/hesk_newStyle.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="<?php echo HESK_PATH; ?>js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo HESK_PATH; ?>js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"
src="<?php echo HESK_PATH; ?>js/modsForHesk-javascript.js"></script>
<div class="headersm">Mods for HESK Database Validation</div>
<div class="container">
<div class="page-header">
<h1>Mods for HESK Database Validation</h1>
<p>The database validation tool will check your database setup to ensure that everything is set up correctly.</p>
<div class="panel panel-success" id="all-good" style="display: none">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> Success</h4>
<div class="panel-body text-center">
<i class="fa fa-check-circle fa-4x" style="color: green"></i><br>
<h4>Your database is valid</h4>
<div class="panel panel-danger" id="not-good" style="display: none">
<div class="panel-heading">
<div class="panel-body text-center">
<i class="fa fa-times-circle fa-4x" style="color: red"></i><br>
<h4>One or more columns / tables are not properly configured in your database. Please open a topic at the
7 years ago
<a href="" target="_blank">PHP Junkyard Forums</a> with this information for assistance.</h4>
<div class="panel panel-warning" id="some-skipped" style="display: none">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> Some Checks Skipped</h4>
<div class="panel-body">
You are not running the latest version of Mods for HESK, so some checks have been skipped.
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Database Change</th>
$validations = array();
output_header_row('1.0.0 - 1.3.x');
$validations[] = run_table_check('statuses', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'ID', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'TextColor', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'IsNewTicketStatus', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'IsClosed', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'IsClosedByClient', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'IsCustomerReplyStatus', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'IsStaffClosedOption', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'IsStaffReopenedStatus', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'IsDefaultStaffReplyStatus', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'LockedTicketStatus', 7);
$validations[] = run_column_check('users', 'active', 11);
$validations[] = run_column_check('users', 'notify_note_unassigned', 14);
$validations[] = run_table_check('settings', 20);
$validations[] = run_table_check('verified_emails', 23);
$validations[] = run_table_check('pending_verification_emails', 24);
$validations[] = run_table_check('stage_tickets', 25);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'IsAutocloseOption', 42);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'Closable', 44);
$validations[] = run_column_check('service_messages', 'icon', 48);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'Key', 49);
$validations[] = run_column_check('tickets', 'latitude', 53);
$validations[] = run_column_check('tickets', 'longitude', 54);
$validations[] = run_column_check('stage_tickets', 'latitude', 55);
$validations[] = run_column_check('stage_tickets', 'longitude', 56);
$validations[] = run_column_check('categories', 'manager', 57);
$validations[] = run_column_check('users', 'permission_template', 62);
$validations[] = run_table_check('permission_templates', 63);
$validations[] = run_column_check('permission_templates', 'id', 63);
$validations[] = run_column_check('permission_templates', 'name', 63);
$validations[] = run_column_check('permission_templates', 'heskprivileges', 63);
$validations[] = run_column_check('permission_templates', 'categories', 63);
$validations[] = run_table_check('quick_help_sections', 70);
$validations[] = run_column_check('quick_help_sections', 'id', 70);
$validations[] = run_column_check('quick_help_sections', 'location', 70);
$validations[] = run_column_check('quick_help_sections', 'show', 70);
$validations[] = run_table_check('text_to_status_xref', 76);
$validations[] = run_column_check('text_to_status_xref', 'id', 76);
$validations[] = run_column_check('text_to_status_xref', 'language', 76);
$validations[] = run_column_check('text_to_status_xref', 'text', 76);
$validations[] = run_column_check('text_to_status_xref', 'status_id', 76);
$validations[] = run_column_check('statuses', 'sort', 77);
$validations[] = run_column_check('attachments', 'download_count', 80);
$validations[] = run_column_check('kb_attachments', 'download_count', 81);
$validations[] = run_column_check('tickets', 'html', 82);
$validations[] = run_column_check('stage_tickets', 'html', 83);
$validations[] = run_column_check('replies', 'html', 84);
$validations[] = run_column_check('tickets', 'user_agent', 89);
$validations[] = run_column_check('tickets', 'screen_resolution_width', 91);
$validations[] = run_column_check('tickets', 'screen_resolution_height', 92);
$validations[] = run_column_check('stage_tickets', 'user_agent', 90);
$validations[] = run_column_check('stage_tickets', 'screen_resolution_width', 93);
$validations[] = run_column_check('stage_tickets', 'screen_resolution_height', 94);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('navbar_title_url', 96);
$validations[] = run_table_check('logging', 105);
$validations[] = run_column_check('logging', 'id', 105);
$validations[] = run_column_check('logging', 'username', 105);
$validations[] = run_column_check('logging', 'message', 105);
$validations[] = run_column_check('logging', 'severity', 105);
$validations[] = run_column_check('logging', 'location', 105);
$validations[] = run_column_check('logging', 'timestamp', 105);
$validations[] = run_table_check('user_api_tokens', 103);
$validations[] = run_column_check('user_api_tokens', 'id', 103);
$validations[] = run_column_check('user_api_tokens', 'user_id', 103);
$validations[] = run_column_check('user_api_tokens', 'token', 103);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('public_api', 104);
$validations[] = run_table_check('temp_attachment', 106);
$validations[] = run_column_check('temp_attachment', 'id', 106);
$validations[] = run_column_check('temp_attachment', 'file_name', 106);
$validations[] = run_column_check('temp_attachment', 'saved_name', 106);
$validations[] = run_column_check('temp_attachment', 'size', 106);
$validations[] = run_column_check('temp_attachment', 'type', 106);
$validations[] = run_column_check('temp_attachment', 'date_uploaded', 106);
$validations[] = run_table_check('calendar_event', 107);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event', 'id', 107);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event', 'start', 107);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event', 'end', 107);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event', 'all_day', 107);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event', 'name', 107);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event', 'location', 107);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event', 'comments', 107);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event', 'category', 107);
$validations[] = run_table_check('calendar_event_reminder', 108);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event_reminder', 'id', 108);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event_reminder', 'user_id', 108);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event_reminder', 'event_id', 108);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event_reminder', 'amount', 108);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event_reminder', 'unit', 108);
$validations[] = run_column_check('calendar_event_reminder', 'email_sent', 108);
$validations[] = run_column_check('tickets', 'due_date', 109);
$validations[] = run_column_check('tickets', 'overdue_email_sent', 110);
$validations[] = run_column_check('categories', 'usage', 112);
$validations[] = run_column_check('users', 'notify_overdue_unassigned', 113);
$validations[] = run_column_check('users', 'default_calendar_view', 114);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('enable_calendar', 115);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('first_day_of_week', 116);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('default_calendar_view', 117);
$validations[] = run_column_check('stage_tickets', 'due_date', 122);
$validations[] = run_column_check('stage_tickets', 'overdue_email_sent', 123);
$validations[] = run_column_check('logging', 'stack_trace', 140);
$validations[] = run_column_check('categories', 'background_color', 145);
$validations[] = run_column_check('categories', 'foreground_color', 143);
$validations[] = run_column_check('categories', 'display_border_outline', 144);
$validations[] = run_table_check('custom_nav_element', 141);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element', 'id', 141);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element', 'image_url', 141);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element', 'font_icon', 141);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element', 'place', 141);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element', 'url', 141);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element', 'sort', 141);
$validations[] = run_table_check('custom_nav_element_to_text', 142);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element_to_text', 'id', 142);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element_to_text', 'nav_element_id', 142);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element_to_text', 'language', 142);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element_to_text', 'text', 142);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_nav_element_to_text', 'subtext', 142);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_navbar_background', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_navbar_background_hover', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_navbar_text', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_navbar_text_hover', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_navbar_brand_background', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_navbar_brand_background_hover', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_navbar_brand_text', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_navbar_brand_text_hover', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_sidebar_background', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_sidebar_background_hover', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_sidebar_text', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_sidebar_text_hover', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_sidebar_font_weight', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_sidebar_header_background', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('admin_sidebar_header_text', 151);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('login_background_type', 146);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('login_background', 147);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('login_box_header', 148);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('login_box_header_image', 149);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('api_url_rewrite', 150);
$validations[] = run_table_check('audit_trail', 156);
$validations[] = run_table_check('audit_trail_to_replacement_values', 157);
$validations[] = run_column_check('categories', 'mfh_description', 154);
$validations[] = run_column_check('custom_fields', 'mfh_description', 155);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('migrationNumber', 158);
$validations[] = run_table_check('mfh_service_message_to_location', 164);
$validations[] = run_column_check('mfh_service_message_to_location', 'service_message_id', 164);
$validations[] = run_column_check('mfh_service_message_to_location', 'location', 164);
$validations[] = run_column_check('service_messages', 'mfh_language', 166);
$validations[] = run_table_check('mfh_calendar_business_hours', 167);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('calendar_show_start_time', 169);
$validations[] = run_setting_check('calendar_show_start_time', 999);
$passed = false;
$failed = false;
$skipped = false;
foreach ($validations as $validation) {
if ($validation === 'SKIPPED') {
$skipped = true;
} elseif ($validation === 'FAIL') {
$failed = true;
} else if ($validation === 'PASS') {
$passed = true;
if ($passed && !$failed) {
echo "<script>$('#all-good').show()</script>";
} elseif ($failed) {
echo "<script>$('#not-good').show()</script>";
if ($skipped) {
echo "<script>$('#some-skipped').show()</script>";
function run_setting_check($setting_name, $minimumValidationNumber) {
global $hesk_settings, $startingValidationNumber;
if ($startingValidationNumber < $minimumValidationNumber) {
$checks = 'SKIPPED';
} else {
$res = run_check("SELECT 1 FROM `" . hesk_dbEscape($hesk_settings['db_pfix']) . "settings` WHERE `Key` = '{$setting_name}'", false);
$checks = hesk_dbNumRows($res) > 0 ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL';
output_result('<b>Setting Exists</b>: ' . $setting_name, $checks);
return $checks;
function run_table_check($table_name, $minimumValidationNumber) {
return run_column_check($table_name, '1', $minimumValidationNumber);
function run_column_check($table_name, $column_name, $minimumValidationNumber) {
global $hesk_settings, $startingValidationNumber;
if ($column_name == '1') {
if ($startingValidationNumber < $minimumValidationNumber) {
$checks = 'SKIPPED';
} else {
$checks = run_check('SELECT ' . $column_name . ' FROM `' . $hesk_settings['db_pfix'] . $table_name . '` LIMIT 1');
output_result('<b>Table Exists</b>: ' . $table_name,
} else {
if ($startingValidationNumber < $minimumValidationNumber) {
$checks = 'SKIPPED';
} else {
$checks = run_check('SELECT `' . $column_name . '` FROM `' . $hesk_settings['db_pfix'] . $table_name . '` LIMIT 1');
output_result('<b>Column Exists</b>: ' . $table_name . '.' . $column_name,
return $checks;
function run_check($sql, $returnString = true) {
global $hesk_last_query;
global $hesk_db_link;
if (function_exists('mysqli_connect')) {
if (!$hesk_db_link && !hesk_dbConnect()) {
return false;
$hesk_last_query = $sql;
if ($returnString) {
return @mysqli_query($hesk_db_link, $sql) ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL';
} else {
return @mysqli_query($hesk_db_link, $sql);
} else {
if (!$hesk_db_link && !hesk_dbConnect()) {
return false;
$hesk_last_query = $sql;
if ($returnString) {
return $res = @mysql_query($sql, $hesk_db_link) ? 'PASS' : 'FAIL';
} else {
return $res = @mysql_query($sql, $hesk_db_link);
function output_result($change_title, $status) {
switch ($status) {
case 'PASS':
$css_color = 'success';
$text = '<span data-toggle="tooltip" title="This looks good!"><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> Success</span>';
case 'FAIL':
$css_color = 'danger';
$text = '<span data-toggle="tooltip" title="Oh no! Something isn\'t right."><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i> Failure</span>';
case 'SKIPPED':
$css_color = 'default';
$text = '<span data-toggle="tooltip" title="Skipped - You are not running a new enough version of Mods for HESK."><i class="fa fa-minus-circle"></i> Skipped</span>';
$css_color = 'danger';
$text = 'WTF?! ' . $status;
7 years ago
$formatted_text = sprintf('<tr class="'.$css_color.'"><td>%s</td><td style="color: %s">%s</td></tr>', $change_title, $css_color, $text);
echo $formatted_text;
function output_header_row($text) {
echo '<tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size: 1.2em"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i> ' . $text . '</td></tr>';