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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: mkoch
* Date: 2/2/2017
* Time: 9:57 PM
namespace Tests;
use BusinessLogic\Security\BannedEmail;
use BusinessLogic\Security\BannedIp;
use BusinessLogic\Security\BanRetriever;
use DataAccess\Security\BanGateway;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class BanRetrieverTests extends TestCase {
* @var $banGateway \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject;
private $banGateway;
* @var $banRetriever BanRetriever;
private $banRetriever;
protected function setUp() {
$this->banGateway = $this->createMock(BanGateway::class);
$this->banRetriever = new BanRetriever($this->banGateway);
function testItReturnsTrueWhenTheEmailIsBanned() {
//-- Arrange
$bannedEmail = new BannedEmail();
$bannedEmail->email = 'my@email.address';
//-- Act
$result = $this->banRetriever->isEmailBanned('my@email.address', null);
//-- Assert
$this->assertThat($result, $this->isTrue());
function testItReturnsFalseWhenTheEmailIsNotBanned() {
//-- Arrange
$bannedEmail = new BannedEmail();
$bannedEmail->email = 'my@other.address';
//-- Act
$result = $this->banRetriever->isEmailBanned('my@email.address', null);
//-- Assert
$this->assertThat($result, $this->isFalse());
function testItReturnsTrueWhenTheIpIsBanned() {
//-- Arrange
$bannedIp = new BannedIp();
$bannedIp->ipFrom = ip2long('');
$bannedIp->ipTo = ip2long('');
//-- Act
$result = $this->banRetriever->isIpAddressBanned(ip2long(''), null);
//-- Assert
$this->assertThat($result, $this->isTrue());
function testItReturnsFalseWhenTheIpIsNotBanned() {
//-- Arrange
$bannedIp = new BannedIp();
$bannedIp->ipFrom = ip2long('');
$bannedIp->ipTo = ip2long('');
//-- Act
$result = $this->banRetriever->isIpAddressBanned(ip2long(''), null);
//-- Assert
$this->assertThat($result, $this->isFalse());