You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
2.3 KiB

//-- Mods For Hesk Theme Color Settings
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//-- Set this to 1 to show icons next to navigation menu items
$modsForHesk_settings['show_icons'] = 0;
//-- Set this to 1 to enable custom field names as keys
$modsForHesk_settings['custom_field_setting'] = 0;
//-- Set this to 1 to enable email verification for new customers
$modsForHesk_settings['customer_email_verification_required'] = 0;
//-- Set this to 1 to enable HTML-formatted emails.
$modsForHesk_settings['html_emails'] = 1;
//-- Mailgun Settings
$modsForHesk_settings['use_mailgun'] = 0;
$modsForHesk_settings['mailgun_api_key'] = '';
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//-- Default value for new Knowledgebase article: 0 = Published, 1 = Private, 2 = Draft
$modsForHesk_settings['new_kb_article_visibility'] = 0;
//-- Setting for adding attachments to email messages. Either 0 for default-HESK behavior, or 1 to send as attachments
$modsForHesk_settings['attachments'] = 0;
//-- Setting for showing number of merged tickets in the ticket search screen. 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
$modsForHesk_settings['show_number_merged'] = 1;
//-- Setting for requesting user's location. 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
$modsForHesk_settings['request_location'] = 0;
//-- Column to sort categories by. Can be either 'name' or 'cat_order'
$modsForHesk_settings['category_order_column'] = 'cat_order';
//-- Column to sort statuses by. Can be either 'sort' or 'name'
$modsForHesk_settings['statuses_order_column'] = 'sort';