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* Copyright 2021 Netsyms Technologies.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
var keymgr;
var keyring = new kbpgp.keyring.KeyRing();
* Load and unlock the private key in localstorage, prompting user as needed. If there is no key, generates, saves, and loads a new one.
* @param {function} callback Passed two arguments: message for user, and boolean true if OK false if error.
* @returns {undefined}
function loadKeyFromLocalStorage(callback) {
if (typeof keymgr != "undefined") {
callback("Key already loaded.", true);
$("#lockstatus").css("display", "none");
if (!inStorage("signingkey") || getStorage("signingkey") == "undefined") {
showPasswordPrompt("Generating a new signing key (might take a while, be patient). Enter a password to protect it. You'll need to save this password somewhere safe; it cannot be recovered.", function (pass) {
generatePrivateKey(getStorage("notary_name") + " <>", pass, function (key) {
if (typeof key == "undefined") {
callback("Could not generate key.", false);
keymgr = key;
setStorage("signingkey", keymgr.armored_pgp_private);
callback("Signing key generated.", true);
} else {
showPasswordPrompt("Enter password to unlock signing key:", function (pass) {
loadPrivateKey(getStorage("signingkey"), pass, function (key) {
if (typeof key == "undefined") {
callback("Could not unlock key. Password is probably incorrect.", false);
keymgr = key;
callback("Signing key unlocked.", true);
function unloadKey() {
keymgr = undefined;
$("#lockstatus").css("display", "");
showToast("<i class='fas fa-lock'></i> Signing key locked.");
function loadKeyFromLocalStorageWithUserFeedback() {
loadKeyFromLocalStorage(function (msg, ok) {
if (ok) {
showToast("<i class='fas fa-unlock'></i> " + msg);
} else {
showAlert("Error: " + msg);
* Load a private key.
* @param {string} armoredkey PGP private key
* @param {string} pass key password
* @param {function} callback Passed a new keymanager for the key.
* @returns {undefined}
function loadPrivateKey(armoredkey, pass, callback) {
armored: armoredkey
}, function (err, key) {
if (!err) {
if (key.is_pgp_locked()) {
passphrase: pass
}, function (err) {
if (!err) {
console.log("Loaded private key with passphrase");
} else {
} else {
console.log("Loaded private key w/o passphrase");
} else {
* Sign a message with a key and return the signed message in the callback.
* @param {type} text
* @param {type} key
* @param {type} callback
* @returns {undefined}
function signMessage(text, key, callback) {
var params = {
msg: text,
sign_with: key
};, function (err, result_string, result_buffer) {
//console.log(err, result_string, result_buffer);
* Read a signed PGP message and return the contents and signer's fingerprint/key ID.
* @param {string} pgpmsg "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- ..."
* @param {function} callback function(message, fingerprint) {}
* @param {function} onerror function(errormessage) {}
* @returns {undefined}
function verifyMessage(pgpmsg, callback, onerror) {
kbpgp.unbox({keyfetch: keyring, armored: pgpmsg}, function (err, literals) {
if (err != null) {
} else {
var message = literals[0].toString();
var fingerprint = null;
var ds = km = null;
ds = literals[0].get_data_signer();
if (ds) {
km = ds.get_key_manager();
if (km) {
fingerprint = km.get_pgp_fingerprint().toString('hex');
callback(message, fingerprint);
* Generate a new private key.
* @param {string} userid Something like "Test User <>"
* @param {string} passphrase protects the key
* @param {function} callback Passed the keymanager for the new key
* @returns {undefined}
function generatePrivateKey(userid, passphrase, callback) {
var statustextEl = $("#statustext");
statustextEl.html("<i class='fas fa-spin fa-spinner'></i> Generating cryptographic key...");
setTimeout(function () {
var F = kbpgp["const"].openpgp;
var opts = {
userid: userid,
primary: {
nbits: 2048,
flags: F.certify_keys | F.sign_data | F.auth | F.encrypt_comm | F.encrypt_storage,
expire_in: 0 // never expire
subkeys: []
kbpgp.KeyManager.generate(opts, function (err, alice) {
if (!err) {
alice.sign({}, function (err) {
passphrase: passphrase
}, function (err, pgp_private) {
statustextEl.html("<i class='fas fa-check'></i> Key generated!");
setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000);
}, 100);
function exportPublicKey() {
loadKeyFromLocalStorage(function (message, ok) {
if (ok) {
openSaveFileDialog(function (path) {
keymgr.export_pgp_public({}, function (err, pgp_public) {
if (err) {
showAlert("Something went wrong.");
} else {
writeToFile(path, pgp_public);
}, "public-key.asc", ".asc");
} else {
showAlert("Error: " + message);
function exportPrivateKey() {
showPasswordPrompt("Enter password for private key:", function (pass) {
const savepriv = function (key) {
showPasswordPrompt("Enter a password to protect the key backup:", function (pass2) {
openSaveFileDialog(function (path) {
passphrase: pass2
}, function (err, pgp_private) {
if (err) {
showAlert("Something went wrong.");
} else {
writeToFile(path, pgp_private);
}, "private-key.asc", ".asc");
armored: getStorage("signingkey")
}, function (err, key) {
if (!err) {
if (key.is_pgp_locked()) {
passphrase: pass
}, function (err) {
if (!err) {
} else {
showAlert("Could not unlock key. Password is probably incorrect.");
} else {
console.log("Loaded private key w/o passphrase");
} else {
showAlert("Could not unlock key: " + err);
function importPrivateKey() {
if (inStorage("signingkey") && getStorage("signingkey") != "undefined") {
if (!confirm("The restored key will replace the current key, which will be unrecoverable unless you made a backup. Continue?")) {
keymgr = null;
openFileDialog(function (path) {
var keyfile = getFileAsString(path);
showPasswordPrompt("Enter password for imported key (password was set when exported):", function (pass) {
loadPrivateKey(keyfile, pass, function (key) {
if (typeof key == "undefined") {
showAlert("Could not import key. Password is probably incorrect.");
keymgr = key;
setStorage("signingkey", keymgr.armored_pgp_private);
showAlert("Private key imported.");
}, ".asc");
function calculateSHA256HashOfBuffer(buffer) {
const hasha = require('hasha');
var hashstr = hasha(Buffer.from(buffer), {algorithm: 'sha256'});
return hashstr;
function calculateSHA256HashOfString(str) {
const hasha = require('hasha');
var hashstr = hasha(str, {algorithm: 'sha256'});
return hashstr;
function openPublicKeyFile() {
openFileDialog(function (path, html5file) {
var importpk = function (keyfile) {
armored: keyfile
}, function (err, pubkeymgr) {
if (!err) {
showAlert("Public key file loaded. You can now analyze PDFs signed by the key's owner.");
} else {
showAlert("Error loading public key: " + err);
if (typeof nw != 'undefined') {
var keyfile = getFileAsString(path);
} else {
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function (e) {
}, ".asc");
* Show visual indicator when private key is not loaded/unlocked.
* @returns {undefined}
setInterval(function () {
if (typeof keymgr == "undefined") {
$("#lockstatus").css("display", "");
} else {
$("#lockstatus").css("display", "none");
}, 1000);