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2 years ago
// Type definitions for Shuffle 6.0.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Glen Cheney <>
import { TinyEmitter } from 'tiny-emitter';
export as namespace Shuffle;
export default Shuffle;
/** Default options that can be overridden. */
export interface ShuffleOptions {
* Useful for percentage based heights when they might not always be exactly
* the same (in pixels).
buffer?: number;
* Reading the width of elements isn't precise enough and can cause columns to
* jump between values.
columnThreshold?: number;
* A static number or function that returns a number which determines
* how wide the columns are (in pixels).
columnWidth?: number | ((containerWidth: number) => number);
* If your group is not json, and is comma delimited, you could set delimiter to ','.
delimiter?: string | null;
* CSS easing function to use.
easing?: string;
* Affects using an array with filter. e.g. `filter(['one', 'two'])`. With "any",
* the element passes the test if any of its groups are in the array. With "all",
* the element only passes if all groups are in the array.
filterMode?: Shuffle.FilterMode;
* Initial filter group.
group?: string;
* A static number or function that determines how wide the gutters
* between columns are (in pixels).
gutterWidth?: number | ((containerWidth: number) => number);
* Shuffle can be initialized with a sort object. It is the same object
* given to the sort method.
initialSort?: SortOptions | null;
* Whether to center grid items in the row with the leftover space.
isCentered?: boolean;
* Whether to align grid items to the right in the row.
isRTL?: boolean;
* e.g. '.picture-item'.
itemSelector?: string;
* Whether to round pixel values used in translate(x, y). This usually avoids blurriness.
roundTransforms?: boolean;
* Element or selector string. Use an element to determine the size of columns and gutters.
sizer?: HTMLElement | string;
* Transition/animation speed (milliseconds).
speed?: number;
* Transition delay offset for each item in milliseconds.
staggerAmount?: number;
* Maximum stagger delay in milliseconds.
staggerAmountMax?: number;
* Whether to use transforms or absolute positioning.
useTransforms?: boolean;
export interface SortOptions {
// Use array.reverse() to reverse the results of your sort.
reverse?: boolean;
// Sorting function which gives you the element each shuffle item is using by default.
by?: ((element: Shuffle.ShuffleItem['element']) => any) | null;
// Custom sort function.
compare?: ((a: Shuffle.ShuffleItem, b: Shuffle.ShuffleItem) => number) | null;
// If true, this will skip the sorting and return a randomized order in the array.
randomize?: boolean;
// Determines which property of the `ShuffleItem` instance is passed to the `by` function.
key?: keyof Shuffle.ShuffleItem;
export interface InlineCssStyles {
[property: string]: string | number;
export interface ShuffleItemCss {
INITIAL: InlineCssStyles;
ltr: InlineCssStyles;
rtl: InlineCssStyles;
before: InlineCssStyles;
after: InlineCssStyles;
before: InlineCssStyles;
after: InlineCssStyles;
export type FilterFunction = (this: HTMLElement, element: HTMLElement, shuffle: Shuffle) => boolean;
export type FilterArg = string | string[] | FilterFunction;
export interface ShuffleEventData {
shuffle: Shuffle;
collection?: HTMLElement[];
export type ShuffleEventCallback = (data: ShuffleEventData) => void;
declare class Shuffle extends TinyEmitter {
constructor(element: HTMLElement, options?: ShuffleOptions);
on(event: Shuffle.EventType, callback: ShuffleEventCallback, context?: any): this;
once(event: Shuffle.EventType, callback: ShuffleEventCallback, context?: any): this;
// Use inherited version of emit.
off(event: Shuffle.EventType, callback?: ShuffleEventCallback): this;
* New items have been appended to shuffle. Mix them in with the current filter or sort status.
* @param {HTMLElement[]} newItems Collection of new items.
add(newItems: HTMLElement[]): void;
* Destroys shuffle, removes events, styles, and classes
destroy(): void;
* Disables shuffle from updating dimensions and layout on resize
disable(): void;
* Enables shuffle again.
* @param {boolean} [isUpdateLayout=true] if undefined, shuffle will update columns and gutters
enable(isUpdateLayout?: boolean): void;
* Filter items.
* @param {FilterArg} [category] Category to filter by.
* Can be a function, string, or array of strings.
* @param {SortOptions} [sortOptions] A sort object which can sort the visible set
filter(category?: FilterArg, sortOptions?: SortOptions): void;
* Retrieve a shuffle item by its element.
* @param {HTMLElement} element Element to look for.
getItemByElement(element: HTMLElement): Shuffle.ShuffleItem | null;
* Use this instead of `update()` if you don't need the columns and gutters updated
* Maybe an image inside `shuffle` loaded (and now has a height), which means calculations
* could be off.
layout(): void;
* Remove 1 or more shuffle items.
* @param {HTMLElement[]} elements An array containing one or more
* elements in shuffle
remove(elements: HTMLElement[]): Shuffle;
* Dump the elements currently stored and reinitialize all child elements which
* match the `itemSelector`.
resetItems(): void;
* Gets the visible elements, sorts them, and passes them to layout.
* @param {SortOptions} [sortOptions] The options object to pass to `sorter`.
sort(sortOptions?: SortOptions): void;
* Reposition everything.
* @param {object} options options object
* @param {boolean} [options.recalculateSizes=true] Whether to calculate column, gutter, and container widths again.
* @param {boolean} [options.force=false] By default, `update` does nothing if the instance is disabled. Setting this
* to true forces the update to happen regardless.
update(options?: { recalculateSizes?: boolean; force?: boolean }): void;
* Returns styles which will be applied to the an item for a transition.
* @param {object} obj Transition options.
protected getStylesForTransition(obj: { item: Shuffle.ShuffleItem; styles: InlineCssStyles }): InlineCssStyles;
* Mutate positions before they're applied.
* @param {Shuffle.Rect[]} itemRects Item data objects.
* @param {number} containerWidth Width of the containing element.
protected getTransformedPositions(itemRects: Shuffle.Rect[], containerWidth: number): Shuffle.Point[];
* Sets css transform transition on a group of elements. This is not executed
* at the same time as `item.init` so that transitions don't occur upon
* initialization of Shuffle.
* @param {ShuffleItem[]} items Shuffle items to set transitions on.
protected setItemTransitions(items: Shuffle.ShuffleItem[]): void;
/** Width of one column */
colWidth: number;
/** Total number of columns */
cols: number;
/** Width of `element` */
containerWidth: number;
/** Main element */
element: HTMLElement;
/** Current filter group */
group: string;
/** Unique identifier for this instance */
id: string;
/** Whether this instance has been destroyed */
isDestroyed: boolean;
/** Whether this instance is enabled */
isEnabled: boolean;
/** Whether this instance has been initialized */
isInitialized: boolean;
/** Whether items are currently transitioning */
isTransitioning: boolean;
/** ShuffleItems being kept track of, sorted in DOM order. */
items: Shuffle.ShuffleItem[];
/** Visible ShuffleItems being tracked, sorted in the current sort order */
sortedItems: Shuffle.ShuffleItem[];
lastFilter: FilterArg;
lastSort: SortOptions;
/** Current (merged) options */
options: ShuffleOptions;
/** Item positions */
positions: number[];
/** Number of currently visible items */
visibleItems: number;
* Returns the outer width of an element, optionally including its margins.
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element.
* @param {boolean} [includeMargins=false] Whether to include margins.
static getSize(element: HTMLElement, includeMargins?: boolean): { width: number; height: number };
declare namespace Shuffle {
/** Filter string for all items */
let ALL_ITEMS: string;
/** Data attribute key to use. */
/** Class name strings */
enum Classes {
BASE = 'shuffle',
SHUFFLE_ITEM = 'shuffle-item',
VISIBLE = 'shuffle-item--visible',
HIDDEN = 'shuffle-item--hidden',
/** Event types emitted by the instance */
enum EventType {
LAYOUT = 'shuffle:layout',
REMOVED = 'shuffle:removed',
/** Available filter modes. */
enum FilterMode {
ALL = 'all',
ANY = 'any',
/** ShuffleItem class */
class ShuffleItem {
constructor(element: HTMLElement);
addClasses(classes: string[]): void;
applyCss(obj: InlineCssStyles): void;
dispose(): void;
hide(): void;
init(): void;
removeClasses(classes: string[]): void;
show(): void;
id: number;
element: HTMLElement;
isVisible: boolean;
static Css: ShuffleItemCss;
static Scale: {
HIDDEN: number;
VISIBLE: number;
class Rect {
constructor(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, id?: number);
id: number;
left: number;
top: number;
width: number;
height: number;
static intersects(a: Rect, b: Rect): boolean;
class Point {
constructor(x?: number, y?: number);
x: number;
y: number;
static equals(a: Point, b: Point): boolean;