You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

176 lines
6.6 KiB

* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
var routes = [
path: '/home',
name: 'home',
async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
var total = countPackages();
var undelivered = countRemainingPackages();
var delivered = total - undelivered;
var percent = (total > 0 ? (delivered / total) : 1);
templateUrl: './pages/home.html'
}, {
context: {
packageTotal: total,
packageLeft: undelivered,
packageDelivered: delivered,
packagePercent: percent
path: '/manage',
url: './pages/manage.html',
name: 'manage',
on: {
pageAfterIn: function () {
inputEl: '#streetInput',
openIn: 'dropdown',
/* If we set valueProperty to "id" then input value on select will be set according to this property */
valueProperty: 'name', //object's "value" property name
textProperty: 'name', //object's "text" property name
limit: 10, //limit to 10 results
typeahead: true,
dropdownPlaceholderText: '',
source: function (query, render) {
var streets = searchAutofill(query, $("input[name=number]").val());
path: '/list',
templateUrl: './pages/list.html',
name: 'list',
on: {
pageAfterIn: function () {
searchbar = app.searchbar.create({
el: '.package-list-searchbar',
searchContainer: '#addresslist',
searchIn: '.item-title',
backdrop: false,
on: {
search(sb, query, previousQuery) {
console.log(query, previousQuery);
keepAlive: true
path: '/map',
url: './pages/map.html',
name: 'map',
keepAlive: true,
on: {
pageAfterIn: function () {
path: '/credits',
url: './pages/credits.html',
name: 'credits'
path: '/settings',
name: 'settings',
async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
templateUrl: './pages/settings.html'
}, {
context: {
settings: [
setting: "alertsound",
title: "Alert sound",
text: "Select which sound to play when a package is nearby.",
onclick: "pickAlertSound()"
setting: "alertvolume",
title: "Alert volume",
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
value: localStorage.getItem("alertvolume"),
slider: true
setting: "alertinterval",
title: "Alert interval (seconds)",
min: 15,
max: 120,
step: 15,
value: localStorage.getItem("alertinterval") == null ? 30 : localStorage.getItem("alertinterval"),
slider: true
setting: "wakelock",
title: "Keep screen on",
text: "Improves GPS accuracy and alert sound reliability, but uses more battery.",
toggle: true,
checked: localStorage.getItem("wakelock") == "true",
onclick: ""
setting: "darktheme",
title: "Use dark theme",
text: "Saves power on phones with OLED screens.",
toggle: true,
checked: localStorage.getItem("darktheme") == "true",
onclick: ""
setting: "units",
title: "Measurement units",
text: "Use feet and miles for showing distance",
toggle: true,
checked: localStorage.getItem("units") == "imperial",
onclick: ""
setting: "mapsource",
title: "Map style",
text: "Choose which map style to use.",
onclick: "pickMapSource()"
setting: "versions",
title: "PackageHelper app v1.0.0",
text: "Copyright © 2019 Netsyms Technologies. Licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.",
onclick: ""
setting: "opensource",
title: "Credits and open source info",
text: "",
onclick: "router.navigate('/credits')"
setting: "privacy",
title: "Privacy policy and legal",
text: "",
onclick: "openBrowser('')"