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# This script removes some stuff in `www/node_modules` that the app doesn't need to run.
# It removes about 6MB from the build size.
echo "Removing bloat in node_modules..."
5 years ago
cd www/node_modules
rm -rf {ansicolors,buffer-from,cardinal,chartjs-color,chartjs-color-string,color-convert,color-name,concat-stream,core-util-is,csscolorparser}
rm -rf {dom7,earcut,esprima,geojson-vt,gl-matrix,grid-index,ieee754,inherits,isarray}
rm -rf {kdbush,leaflet-geometryutil,@mapbox,minimist,murmurhash-js}
rm -rf {path-to-regexp,pbf,potpack,process-nextick-args}
rm -rf {protocol-buffers-schema,quickselect,readable-stream,redeyed,resolve-protobuf-schema}
rm -rf {rw,safe-buffer,sharkdown,split,ssr-window,string_decoder,supercluster}
rm -rf {template7,text-encoding,through,tinyqueue,ts-custom-error,typedarray}
rm -rf {util-deprecate,vt-pbf,wgs84}
# Make npm stop complaining that these don't exist by actually removing them
rm -rf .bin/*
cd bwip-js
rm -rf {bin,examples,src,,demo.html,stb_truetype.h}
rm -rf dist/bwip-js.js
rm -rf dist/node-bwipjs.js
cd ..
cd chart.js
cd dist
rm {Chart.bundle.js,Chart.css,Chart.js}
cd ../..
cd @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
rm -rf {js,less,metadata,scss,sprites,svgs}
find css -type f -not -name 'all.min.css' -delete
cd ../..
cd framework7
rm -rf components
rm -rf lazy-components
rm -rf less
rm -rf modules
rm -rf utils
rm -f framework7.*
rm -f framework7-lite.*
find css -type f -not -name 'framework7.bundle.min.css' -delete
find js -type f -not -name 'framework7.bundle.min.js' -delete
cd ..
cd jquery
rm -rf src
rm -rf external
find dist -type f -not -name 'jquery.min.js' -delete
cd ..
cd jsbarcode
rm -rf .dockerignore .eslintignore .eslintrcautomation bower.json docker-compose.yml Dockerfile example gulpfile.js jsbarcode.d.ts src test .travis.yml
rm -rf {automation,bin}
rm -rf dist/barcodes
rm -rf dist/JsBarcode.all.js
cd ..
cd leaflet
rm -rf {,src}
find dist -type f -not -name 'leaflet.css' -not -name 'leaflet.js' -delete
cd ..
cd leaflet.locatecontrol
rm -rf {,,src}
find dist -type f -not -name 'L.Control.Locate.min.css' -not -name 'L.Control.Locate.min.js' -delete
cd ..
cd leaflet.markercluster
rm -rf {build,example,spec,src,}
find dist -type f -not -name 'leaflet.markercluster.js' -not -name 'MarkerCluster.css' -not -name 'MarkerCluster.Default.css' -delete
cd ..
cd material-design-icons
# Remove everything except the icon font and license, but also exclude the
# current and parent folder (. , ..) so rm won't complain about refusing
# to delete the whole filesystem
find . -maxdepth 1 -not -name '.' -not -name 'LICENSE' -not -name 'iconfont' -exec rm -rf {} \;
cd ..
cd mapbox-gl
rm -rf {build,flow-typed,src}
find dist -type f -not -name 'mapbox-gl.css' -not -name 'mapbox-gl.js' -delete
rm -rf dist/style-spec
cd ..
cd @zxing/library
rm -rf {esm,esm5}
rm -f umd/
cd ../..
echo "Cleanup finished"