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NotePost App
This is a client app for NotePost. It has some offline capabilities and can be
built for most platforms by using [Apache Cordova](
for mobile devices or [NW.js]( for PCs.
[Get prebuilt binaries here](
Platform Support
Tested and should work on:
* Android 5+ (up-to-date WebView implementation required)
* Linux (amd64 and i386)
Not tested but should work on:
* Raspberry Pi (using a custom build of NW.js like
[this one](
* Windows
* MacOS (we don't currently offer Mac builds, see below)
There are no official builds for Mac for a few reasons: we don't own any Mac
computers; Mac builds are about 4x the size of the other builds; and the best
Mac build we could get working on a Linux build server was a ZIP file. If you
want official Mac builds, you'll need to write a working Jenkins build script
for us to use (build server is running Ubuntu Server 18.04).
If you want an iOS build, send us $100 for an Apple Developer account and we'll
make it.
Building for NW.js
Since this is a webapp, there isn't really a build process.
1. Install [Yarn](, and run `./` to grab dependencies.
2. Get [NW.js]( and unpack it into a folder (we'll use `~/nw.js`).
3. Move to the `www` folder in this repository and run `~/nw.js/nw .`
4. The process is basically the same for non-Linux systems, just use the appropriate
version of NW.js.
Building for Cordova/Android
This assumes you have Cordova and a working Android SDK installed.
1. Install [Yarn](, and run `./` to grab dependencies.
2. Run `./` to cut the APK size in half.
3. Run `cordova platform add android`.
4. Run `cordova build android --release`.
The code in `www` (except `node_modules`) is licensed under the Mozilla Public
License 2.0. We didn't write the rest, most of it is autogenerated or third-party.
Consult `licenses.txt` or the built-in open source info page for details.
If you're making custom builds and distributing them, you need to [contact us]( and
get permission to use the app name ("NotePost") and icon (`logo.png` and the files in `/res`).
If you're not customizing anything but simply building the app, you don't need permission,
but we would love if you contact us and let us know.