Video Format
@ Hz
Warning: Non-Standard Refresh Rate
The CTA-861 standard only defines timing parameters for this resolution at the following refresh rates:
  • 50.000 Hz (VIC: 24)
  • 59.940 Hz (VIC: 25)
  • 60.000 Hz (VIC: 26)
This calculator uses the timing parameters from 60 Hz for non-standard refresh rates.
Advanced Settings
Color Depth:

Pixel Format:


Scan Type:


Timing Format:

VIC: 218
Front Porch: Sync Width: Back Porch: Total:
Hblank  px  px  px 1234 px
Vblank  px  px  px 0 px
(Odd) Vblank  px  px  px 0 px
Detailed Results
Video Format:
4096 × 2560 (8:5 ratio), progressive scan
120 Hz vertical refresh rate (frame rate)
10 bpc (30 bit/px) color depth (1,073,741,824 colors)
YCBCR 4:4:4 pixel format
CTA-861 timing (VIC: 63)

Data Rate: 37.75 Gbit/s
Blanking Overhead: 10.3 %
8b/10b Encoding: 45.30 Gbit/s
16b/18b Encoding: 51.20 Gbit/s
Character Rate ("Pixel Clock"): 1.26 GHz
Pixel Rate (Actual): 1.26 Gpx/s
Pixel Rate (Incl. Blank): 1.58 Gpx/s
Vertical Refresh Frequency (Actual): 120.001 Hz
Deviation: 0.001 %
Period: 8.333 ms
Horizontal Refresh Frequency: 161.25 kHz
Period: 15.2 µs
$$\texttt{Pixels per frame:}$$
$$\texttt{4,096} \times \texttt{2,560 lines} = \texttt{10,485,760 px (10.5 Mpx)}$$
$$\texttt{Pixels per second:}$$
$$10\,485\,760\;\mathtt{px/frame} \times 120\;\mathtt{frame/s} = 1\,258\,291\,200\;\mathtt{px/s}\;(1.26\;\mathtt{Gpx/s})$$
$$\texttt{Bits per second:}$$
$$1\,258\,291\,200\;\mathtt{px/s} \times 30\;\mathtt{bit/px} = 37\,748\,736\,000\;\mathtt{bit/s}\;(37.7\;\mathtt{Gbit/s})$$

$$\texttt{Timing Formula:}$$
$$\texttt{Constants:}$$ $$\texttt{H = 4,096 px}$$ $$\texttt{V = 2,560 px}$$ $$\texttt{F = 120 Hz}$$
$$\texttt{V}_{\texttt{blank}} \texttt{ = } {{\texttt{V × V}_{\texttt{min}}} \over {{\texttt{1} \over \texttt{F}} - \texttt{V}_{\texttt{min}}}}$$
The timing parameters used for these calculations are defined by the CTA-861 standard. The definitions for this format are listed under Video Identification Code (VIC) #98, first defined in CTA-861-F (formerly CEA-861-F).
Interface Support