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37 lines
494 B

#define SYS_write 4
#define STDOUT 1
#define PIPE_SIZE 0x10000
.align 4
.section .text, "ax", %progbits
type _start, %function
globl _start
mov r1, #PIPE_SIZE
ldr r3, =('e'|('e'<<8)|('e'<<16)|('e'<<24))
mov r4, r3
mov r5, r3
mov r6, r3
push {r3-r6}
sub r1, #(4*4)
cmp r1, #0
bgt .Lloop
mov r7, #SYS_write
mov r1, sp
mov r2, #PIPE_SIZE
mov r0, #STDIN
swi #0
b .Lcall
.align 4