You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

14 lines
979 B

"Create Account": "Create Account",
"Account Created": "Account Created",
"Choose a username.": "Choose a username.",
"Choose a password.": "Choose a password.",
"Enter your name.": "Enter your name.",
"Username already taken, pick another.": "Username already taken, pick another.",
"Your password must be at least {n} characters long.": "Your password must be at least {n} characters long.",
"That email address doesn't look right.": "That email address doesn't look right.",
"Please enter your username (4-100 characters, alphanumeric).": "Please enter your username (4-100 characters, alphanumeric).",
"That password is one of the most popular and insecure ever, make a better one.": "That password is one of the most popular and insecure ever, make a better one.",
"Account creation not allowed. Contact the site administrator for an account.": "Account creation not allowed. Contact the site administrator for an account."