setDomainName("") ->setServers(['']) ->setLazyBind(TRUE) ->setUsername("admin-account") ->setPassword("password") ->setUseTls(TRUE); $ldap_config->addDomain($ldap_config_domain); /* * End LDAP Configuration */ define("SITE_TITLE", "AccountHub"); // Which pages to show the app icon on: // index, app, both, none define("SHOW_ICON", "both"); // Where to put the icon: top or menu // Overridden to 'menu' if MENU_BAR_STYLE is 'fixed'. define("ICON_POSITION", "menu"); // App menu bar style: fixed or static define("MENU_BAR_STYLE", "fixed"); // Used to identify the system in OTP and other places define("SYSTEM_NAME", "Netsyms SSO Demo"); // For supported values, see define("TIMEZONE", "America/Denver"); // Allow or prevent users from logging in via the mobile app. define("MOBILE_ENABLED", TRUE); // Base URL for site links. define('URL', 'http://localhost/accounthub'); // Use reCAPTCHA on login screen // define("RECAPTCHA_ENABLED", FALSE); define('RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY', ''); define('RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY', ''); // API URL and index URL for TaskFloor define('TASKFLOOR_API', 'http://localhost/taskfloor/api.php'); define('TASKFLOOR_HOME', '/taskfloor/app.php'); define('INVENTORY_HOME', '/inventory/app.php'); define('QWIKCLOCK_API', 'http://localhost/qwikclock/api.php'); define('QWIKCLOCK_HOME', '/qwikclock/app.php'); // See lang folder for language options define('LANGUAGE', "en_us"); // List of available applications, icons, and other info. // Used in the mobile app and in the "dock" in AccountHub. define('EXTERNAL_APPS', [ "accounthub" => [ "url" => "http://localhost/accounthub", "mobileapi" => "/mobile/index.php", "icon" => "/static/img/logo.svg", "title" => SITE_TITLE ], "binstack" => [ "url" => "http://localhost/inventory", "mobileapi" => "/mobile/index.php", "icon" => "/static/img/logo.svg", "title" => "BinStack" ], "taskfloor" => [ "url" => "http://localhost/taskfloor", "mobileapi" => "/mobile/index.php", "icon" => "/static/img/logo.svg", "title" => "TaskFloor" ], "qwikclock" => [ "url" => "http://localhost/qwikclock", "mobileapi" => "/mobile/index.php", "icon" => "/static/img/logo.svg", "title" => "QwikClock" ], "managepanel" => [ "url" => "http://localhost/managepanel", "mobileapi" => "/mobile/index.php", "icon" => "/static/img/logo.svg", "title" => "ManagePanel" ] ]); // Email settings for receiving admin alerts. define("USE_SMTP", TRUE); // if FALSE, will use PHP's mail() instead define("ADMIN_EMAIL", ""); define("FROM_EMAIL", ""); define("SMTP_HOST", ""); define("SMTP_AUTH", true); define("SMTP_PORT", 587); define("SMTP_SECURE", 'tls'); define("SMTP_USER", ""); define("SMTP_PASS", ""); define("SMTP_ALLOW_INVALID_CERTIFICATE", TRUE); // Minimum length for new passwords // The system checks new passwords against the 500 worst passwords and rejects // any matches. // If you want to have additional password requirements, go edit action.php. // However, all that does is encourage people to use the infamous // "post-it password manager". See also and // for reasons why forcing passwords // like CaPs45$% is not actually a great idea. // Encourage users to use 2-factor auth whenever possible. define("MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH", 8); // Maximum number of rows to get in a query. define("QUERY_LIMIT", 1000); define("LICENSE_TEXT", ""); define("COPYRIGHT_NAME", "Netsyms Technologies"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////