{ "setup 2fa": "Setup 2-factor authentication", "2fa removed": "2-factor authentication disabled.", "2fa enabled": "2-factor authentication activated.", "remove 2fa": "Disable 2-factor authentication", "2fa explained": "2-factor authentication adds more security to your account. You can use the Auth Keys (key icon) feature of the Netsyms Business Mobile app, or another TOTP-enabled app (Authy, FreeOTP, etc) on your smartphone. When you have the app installed, you can enable 2-factor authentication by clicking the button below and scanning a QR code with the app. Whenever you sign in in the future, you'll need to input a six-digit code from your phone into the login page when prompted. You can disable 2-factor authentication from this page if you change your mind.", "2fa active": "2-factor authentication is active on your account. To remove 2fa, reset your authentication secret, or change to a new security device, click the button below.", "enable 2fa": "Enable 2-factor authentication", "scan 2fa qrcode": "Scan the QR Code with the authenticator app, or enter the information manually. Then type in the six-digit code the app gives you and press Finish Setup.", "confirm 2fa": "Finish setup", "enter otp code": "Enter 6-digit code", "secret key": "Secret key", "label": "Label", "issuer": "Issuer", "no such code or code expired": "That code is incorrect or expired.", "2-factor is enabled, you need to use the QR code or manual setup for security reasons": "2-factor is enabled, you need to use the QR code or manual setup for security reasons." }