Add text captcha to signup

Skylar Ittner 4 years ago
parent 14a4fe7c46
commit 368cb6bbbf

@ -9,5 +9,6 @@
"That email address doesn't look right.": "That email address doesn't look right.",
"Please enter your username (4-100 characters, alphanumeric).": "Please enter your username (4-100 characters, alphanumeric).",
"That password is one of the most popular and insecure ever, make a better one.": "That password is one of the most popular and insecure ever, make a better one.",
"Account creation not allowed. Contact the site administrator for an account.": "Account creation not allowed. Contact the site administrator for an account."
"Account creation not allowed. Contact the site administrator for an account.": "Account creation not allowed. Contact the site administrator for an account.",
"CAPTCHA answer incorrect.": "CAPTCHA answer incorrect."

@ -13,6 +13,15 @@ if ($SETTINGS['signups_enabled'] !== true) {
function showHTML($errormsg = null, $genform = true, $noformcontent = "", $title = null) {
global $SETTINGS, $SECURE_NONCE, $Strings;
try {
$textcaptcha = json_decode(file_get_contents(""));
$captchaquestion = $textcaptcha->q;
$_SESSION["textcaptchaanswers"] = $textcaptcha->a;
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$captchaquestion = "";
$form = new FormBuilder("", "", "", "POST");
@ -21,6 +30,11 @@ function showHTML($errormsg = null, $genform = true, $noformcontent = "", $title
$form->addInput("password", "", "password", true, null, null, "Password", "fas fa-lock", 6, $SETTINGS['min_password_length'], 255, "", $Strings->build("Your password must be at least {n} characters long.", ["n" => $SETTINGS['min_password_length']], false));
$form->addInput("email", "", "email", false, null, null, "Email", "fas fa-envelope", 6, 5, 255, "", $Strings->get("That email address doesn't look right.", false));
$form->addInput("name", "", "text", true, null, null, "Name", "fas fa-user", 6, 2, 200, "", $Strings->get("Enter your name.", false));
if (!empty($captchaquestion)) {
$form->addInput("textcaptcha", "", "text", true, null, null, "$captchaquestion", "fas fa-robot", 12, 1, 200, "", "");
} else {
$form->addHiddenInput("textcaptcha", "DISABLE" . hash("sha1", hash("md5", date("Ymd"))));
$form->addHiddenInput("code", empty($_GET["code"]) ? "" : $_GET["code"]);
$form->addHiddenInput("redirect", empty($_GET["redirect"]) ? "" : $_GET["code"]);
@ -150,6 +164,18 @@ if (!empty($_POST['email']) && !filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAI
if (empty($_POST['name'])) {
showHTML($Strings->get("Enter your name.", false));
if ($_POST["textcaptcha"] != "DISABLE" . hash("sha1", hash("md5", date("Ymd")))) {
$answer = hash("md5", strtolower($_POST["textcaptcha"]));
$ok = false;
foreach ($_SESSION["textcaptchaanswers"] as $ans) {
if ($ans == $answer) {
$ok = true;
if (!$ok) {
showHTML($Strings->get("CAPTCHA answer incorrect.", false));
// Create account
@ -167,7 +193,7 @@ if (!empty($code)) {
, $Strings->get("Account Created", false));
} else {
showHTML(null, false, <<<END
showHTML(null, false, <<<END
<div class="card mt-4">
<div class="card-body">
<a href="../" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">$signinstr</a>
