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27 lines
642 B

"actions": "Actions",
"name": "Name",
"location": "Location",
"category": "Category",
"code": "Code",
"code 1": "Code 1",
"code 2": "Code 2",
"qty": "Qty",
4 years ago
"want": "Min",
"assigned to": "Assigned to",
"quantity": "Quantity",
4 years ago
"minwant": "Minimum on hand",
"item count": "Item count",
"Item cost": "Item cost",
"Sale price": "Sale price",
"Description": "Description",
"Notes": "Notes",
"Comments": "Comments",
"Cost": "Cost",
"Price": "Price",
"date": "Date",
"amount": "Stock amount",
"description": "Description",
"changed by": "Changed by"