has('report_access_codes', ["AND" => ['code' => $VARS['code'], 'expires[>]' => $date]])) { dieifnotloggedin(); } } else { dieifnotloggedin(); } // Delete old DB entries $database->delete('report_access_codes', ['expires[<=]' => $date]); if (LOADED) { if (isset($VARS['type']) && isset($VARS['format'])) { generateReport($VARS['type'], $VARS['format']); die(); } else { lang("invalid parameters"); die(); } } /** * Get a 2d array of the items in the database. * @global type $database * @param array $filter Medoo WHERE clause. * @return string */ function getItemReport($filter = []) { global $database; $items = $database->select( "items", [ "[>]locations" => ["locid"], "[>]categories" => ["catid"] ], [ "itemid", "name", "catname", "locname", "code1", "code2", "qty", "want", "userid", "text1", "text2", "text3" ], $filter ); $header = [ lang("itemid", false), lang("name", false), lang("category", false), lang("location", false), lang("code 1", false), lang("code 2", false), lang("quantity", false), lang("want", false), lang("assigned to", false), lang("description", false), lang("notes", false), lang("comments", false) ]; $out = [$header]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) { $user = ""; if (!is_null($items[$i]["userid"])) { require_once __DIR__ . "/userinfo.php"; $u = getUserByID($items[$i]["userid"]); $user = $u['name'] . " (" . $u['username'] . ')'; } $out[] = [ $items[$i]["itemid"], $items[$i]["name"], $items[$i]["catname"], $items[$i]["locname"], $items[$i]["code1"], $items[$i]["code2"], $items[$i]["qty"], $items[$i]["want"], $user, $items[$i]["text1"], $items[$i]["text2"], $items[$i]["text3"] ]; } return $out; } function getCategoryReport() { global $database; $cats = $database->select('categories', [ 'catid', 'catname' ]); $header = [lang("id", false), lang("category", false), lang("item count", false)]; $out = [$header]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($cats); $i++) { $itemcount = $database->count('items', ['catid' => $cats[$i]['catid']]); $out[] = [ $cats[$i]["catid"], $cats[$i]["catname"], $itemcount . "" ]; } return $out; } function getLocationReport() { global $database; $locs = $database->select('locations', [ 'locid', 'locname', 'loccode', 'locinfo' ]); $header = [lang("id", false), lang("location", false), lang("code", false), lang("item count", false), lang("description", false)]; $out = [$header]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($locs); $i++) { $itemcount = $database->count('items', ['locid' => $locs[$i]['locid']]); $out[] = [ $locs[$i]["locid"], $locs[$i]["locname"], $locs[$i]["loccode"], $itemcount . "", $locs[$i]["locinfo"] ]; } return $out; } function getReportData($type) { switch ($type) { case "item": return getItemReport(); break; case "category": return getCategoryReport(); break; case "location": return getLocationReport(); break; case "itemstock": return getItemReport(["AND" => ["qty[<]want", "want[>]" => 0]]); break; default: return [["error"]]; } } function dataToCSV($data, $name = "report") { $csv = Writer::createFromString(''); $csv->insertAll($data); header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . "_" . date("Y-m-d_Hi") . ".csv" . '"'); echo $csv; die(); } function dataToODS($data, $name = "report") { $ods = new ods(); $styleColumn = new odsStyleTableColumn(); $styleColumn->setUseOptimalColumnWidth(true); $headerstyle = new odsStyleTableCell(); $headerstyle->setFontWeight("bold"); $table = new odsTable($name); for ($i = 0; $i < count($data[0]); $i++) { $table->addTableColumn(new odsTableColumn($styleColumn)); } $rowid = 0; foreach ($data as $datarow) { $row = new odsTableRow(); foreach ($datarow as $cell) { if ($rowid == 0) { $row->addCell(new odsTableCellString($cell, $headerstyle)); } else { $row->addCell(new odsTableCellString($cell)); } } $table->addRow($row); $rowid++; } $ods->addTable($table); $ods->downloadOdsFile($name . "_" . date("Y-m-d_Hi") . ".ods"); } function dataToHTML($data, $name = "report") { global $SECURE_NONCE; // HTML exporter doesn't like null values for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($data[$i]); $j++) { if (is_null($data[$i][$j])) { $data[$i][$j] = ''; } } } header('Content-type: text/html'); $converter = new HTMLConverter(); $out = "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "" . $name . "_" . date("Y-m-d_Hi") . "\n" . << STYLE . $converter->convert($data); echo $out; } function generateReport($type, $format) { $data = getReportData($type); switch ($format) { case "ods": dataToODS($data, $type); break; case "html": dataToHTML($data, $type); break; case "csv": default: echo dataToCSV($data, $type); break; } }