PDB_TYPE, 'database_name' => PDB_NAME, 'server' => PDB_SERVER, 'username' => PDB_USER, 'password' => PDB_PASS, 'charset' => PDB_CHARSET ]); } catch (Exception $ex) { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); sendError('Location database error. Try again later.', true); } use AnthonyMartin\GeoLocation\GeoLocation as GeoLocation; if (is_empty($VARS['lat'])) { sendError("Missing required latitude (lat) variable.", true); } if (is_empty($VARS['long'])) { sendError("Missing required longitude (long) variable.", true); } if (!preg_match('/-?[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,}/', $VARS['lat'])) { sendError("Latitude (lat) is in the wrong format, or does not have enough precision (DD.DD, at least 2 decimal places.", true); } if (!preg_match('/-?[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,}/', $VARS['long'])) { sendError("Longitude (long) is in the wrong format, or does not have enough precision (DD.DD, at least 2 decimal places.", true); } $lat = number_format((float) $VARS['lat'], 5, '.', ''); $long = number_format((float) $VARS['long'], 5, '.', ''); $radius = 5; if (!is_empty($VARS['radius']) && is_numeric($VARS['radius'])) { $radius = floatval($VARS['radius']); } $userlocation = GeoLocation::fromDegrees($VARS['lat'], $VARS['long']); $searchbounds = $userlocation->boundingCoordinates($radius, 'miles'); if (is_empty($VARS['names'])) { $places = $placebase->select('places', '*', ['AND' => [ 'latitude[>]' => $searchbounds[0]->getLatitudeInDegrees(), 'latitude[<]' => $searchbounds[1]->getLatitudeInDegrees(), 'longitude[>]' => $searchbounds[0]->getLongitudeInDegrees(), 'longitude[<]' => $searchbounds[1]->getLongitudeInDegrees()], "LIMIT" => 100 ]); } else { $places = $placebase->select('places', '*', ['AND' => [ 'latitude[>]' => $searchbounds[0]->getLatitudeInDegrees(), 'latitude[<]' => $searchbounds[1]->getLatitudeInDegrees(), 'longitude[>]' => $searchbounds[0]->getLongitudeInDegrees(), 'longitude[<]' => $searchbounds[1]->getLongitudeInDegrees(), 'name[!]' => ''], "LIMIT" => 100 ]); } $data['status'] = 'OK'; $data['places'] = $places; header('Content-Type: application/json'); $geo['name'] = "Places"; $geo['type'] = 'FeatureCollection'; $geo['features'] = []; foreach ($places as $place) { if (!$database->has('locations', ['osmid' => $place['osmid']])) { $database->insert('locations', ['osmid' => $place['osmid'], 'teamid' => 0]); } $gameinfo = $database->select('locations', ['locationid', 'teamid', 'owneruuid', 'currentlife', 'maxlife'], ['osmid' => $place['osmid']])[0]; // Reset owner info for dead places if ($gameinfo['currentlife'] <= 0) { $database->update('locations', ['teamid' => 0, 'owneruuid' => null], ['locationid' => $gameinfo['locationid']]); $gameinfo = $database->select('locations', ['locationid', 'teamid', 'owneruuid', 'currentlife', 'maxlife'], ['osmid' => $place['osmid']])[0]; } $geo['features'][] = array("type" => "Feature", "geometry" => [ "type" => "Point", "coordinates" => [ floatval($place['longitude']), floatval($place['latitude']) ] ], "properties" => [ "osm_id" => intval($place['osmid']), "name" => ($place['name'] == '' ? null : $place['name']), "name:en" => ($place['name'] == '' ? null : $place['name']), "amenity" => ($place['amenity'] == '' ? null : $place['amenity']), "historic" => ($place['historic'] == '' ? null : $place['historic']), "tourism" => ($place['tourism'] == '' ? null : $place['tourism']), "gameinfo" => $gameinfo//['teamid' => $gameinfo['teamid'], 'owneruuid' => $gameinfo['owneruuid']] ] ); } echo json_encode($geo);