Switch places.php over to GIS API, remove external placedb connection

Skylar Ittner 8 years ago
parent ea7e60d329
commit 84413765f7

@ -9,21 +9,6 @@ require 'required.php';
try {
$placebase = new medoo([
'database_type' => PDB_TYPE,
'database_name' => PDB_NAME,
'server' => PDB_SERVER,
'username' => PDB_USER,
'password' => PDB_PASS,
'charset' => PDB_CHARSET
} catch (Exception $ex) {
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
sendError('Location database error. Try again later.', true);
use AnthonyMartin\GeoLocation\GeoLocation as GeoLocation;
if (is_empty($VARS['lat'])) {
@ -50,31 +35,11 @@ if (!is_empty($VARS['radius']) && is_numeric($VARS['radius'])) {
$radius = floatval($VARS['radius']);
$userlocation = GeoLocation::fromDegrees($VARS['lat'], $VARS['long']);
$searchbounds = $userlocation->boundingCoordinates($radius, 'miles');
if ($VARS['debug']) {
echo "got to the place data query ";
if (is_empty($VARS['names'])) {
$places = $placebase->select('places', '*', ['AND' => [
'latitude[>]' => $searchbounds[0]->getLatitudeInDegrees(),
'latitude[<]' => $searchbounds[1]->getLatitudeInDegrees(),
'longitude[>]' => $searchbounds[0]->getLongitudeInDegrees(),
'longitude[<]' => $searchbounds[1]->getLongitudeInDegrees()],
"LIMIT" => 200
} else {
$places = $placebase->select('places', '*', ['AND' => [
'latitude[>]' => $searchbounds[0]->getLatitudeInDegrees(),
'latitude[<]' => $searchbounds[1]->getLatitudeInDegrees(),
'longitude[>]' => $searchbounds[0]->getLongitudeInDegrees(),
'longitude[<]' => $searchbounds[1]->getLongitudeInDegrees(),
'name[!]' => ''],
"LIMIT" => 200
$places = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://gis.terranquest.net/places.php?key=" . GIS_API_KEY . "&lat=" . $VARS['lat'] . "&long=" . $VARS['long'] . "&radius=" . $radius), TRUE)['features'];
$data['status'] = 'OK';
$data['places'] = $places;
@ -86,30 +51,30 @@ if ($VARS['debug']) {
echo "got to the game data loop ";
foreach ($places as $place) {
if (!$database->has('locations', ['osmid' => $place['osmid']])) {
$database->insert('locations', ['osmid' => $place['osmid'], 'teamid' => 0]);
$osmid = $place['properties']['osm_id'];
$name = $place['properties']['name'];
$plong = $place['geometry']['coordinates'][0];
$plat = $place['geometry']['coordinates'][1];
if (!$database->has('locations', ['osmid' => $osmid])) {
$database->insert('locations', ['osmid' => $osmid, 'teamid' => 0]);
$gameinfo = $database->select('locations', ['locationid', 'teamid', 'currentlife', 'maxlife'], ['osmid' => $place['osmid']])[0];
$gameinfo = $database->select('locations', ['locationid', 'teamid', 'currentlife', 'maxlife'], ['osmid' => $osmid])[0];
// Reset owner info for dead places
if ($gameinfo['currentlife'] <= 0) {
$database->update('locations', ['teamid' => 0, 'owneruuid' => null], ['locationid' => $gameinfo['locationid']]);
$gameinfo = $database->select('locations', ['locationid', 'teamid', 'currentlife', 'maxlife'], ['osmid' => $place['osmid']])[0];
$gameinfo = $database->select('locations', ['locationid', 'teamid', 'currentlife', 'maxlife'], ['osmid' => $osmid])[0];
$geo['features'][] = array("type" => "Feature",
"geometry" => [
"type" => "Point",
"coordinates" => [
"properties" => [
"osm_id" => intval($place['osmid']),
"name" => ($place['name'] == '' ? null : $place['name']),
"name:en" => ($place['name'] == '' ? null : $place['name']),
"amenity" => ($place['amenity'] == '' ? null : $place['amenity']),
"historic" => ($place['historic'] == '' ? null : $place['historic']),
"tourism" => ($place['tourism'] == '' ? null : $place['tourism']),
"osm_id" => intval($osmid),
"name" => $name,
"gameinfo" => $gameinfo//['teamid' => $gameinfo['teamid'], 'owneruuid' => $gameinfo['owneruuid']]

@ -10,13 +10,6 @@ define("DB_USER", "");
define("DB_PASS", "");
define("DB_CHARSET", "latin1");
define("PDB_TYPE", "mysql");
define("PDB_NAME", "");
define("PDB_SERVER", "");
define("PDB_USER", "");
define("PDB_PASS", "");
define("PDB_CHARSET", "latin1");
define("MIN_CLIENT_VERSION", "1.6.0");
define("GEOCACHE_KEY", "");