Add place attack/claim

Skylar Ittner 8 years ago
parent ca722b28d1
commit 6257547a05

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
require 'required.php';
require 'onlyloggedin.php';
if (is_empty($VARS['locationid'])) {
sendError("No target!", true);
$place = $database->select('locations', ['locationid', 'teamid', 'owneruuid', 'currentlife', 'maxlife'], ['locationid' => $VARS['locationid']])[0];
$user = $database->select('players', ['level', 'teamid', 'energy', 'maxenergy', 'latitude', 'longitude'], ['uuid' => $_SESSION['uuid']])[0];
// This (probably) shouldn't happen in normal play
if ($place['teamid'] == $user['teamid']) {
sendError("Don't attack your own kind!", true);
// The underwhelming damage formulas :P
$userdrain = 5 * floor($user['level']);
$damage = 2 * $userdrain;
// Check if action possible
if ($user['energy'] < $userdrain) {
sendError("Not enough life left!", true);
// Calculate resulting user HP
$userhp = $user['energy'] - $userdrain;
// Calculate resulting place HP
$placehp = $place['currentlife'] - $damage;
// No negatives plz
if ($placehp < 0) {
$placehp = 0;
// Update the user's health
// TODO: calculate XP and add to decimal portion of level
$database->update('players', ['energy' => $userhp], ['uuid' => $_SESSION['uuid']]);
if ($placehp == 0) {
// It's dead
$database->update('locations', ['owneruuid' => null, 'teamid' => 0, 'currentlife' => 0, 'maxlife' => 0], ['locationid' => $VARS['locationid']]);
} else {
// or not
$database->update('locations', ['currentlife' => $placehp], ['locationid' => $VARS['locationid']]);

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
require 'required.php';
require 'onlyloggedin.php';
if (is_empty($VARS['locationid'])) {
sendError("No target!", true);
$place = $database->select('locations', ['locationid', 'teamid', 'owneruuid', 'currentlife', 'maxlife'], ['locationid' => $VARS['locationid']])[0];
$user = $database->select('players', ['level', 'teamid', 'energy', 'maxenergy', 'latitude', 'longitude'], ['uuid' => $_SESSION['uuid']])[0];
// This (probably) shouldn't happen in normal play
if ($place['teamid'] == $user['teamid']) {
sendError("Don't attack your own kind!", true);
if ($place['currentlife'] > 0) {
sendError("Cannot claim!", true);
$userdrain = 5 * floor($user['level']);
// Calculate resulting user HP
$userhp = $user['energy'] - $userdrain;
// Check if action possible
if ($userhp < 0) {
sendError("Not enough life left!", true);
// Update the user's health
// TODO: calculate XP and add to decimal portion of level
$database->update('players', ['energy' => $userhp], ['uuid' => $_SESSION['uuid']]);
// Update the place
$database->update('locations', ['currentlife' => 100, 'maxlife' => 100, 'owneruuid' => $_SESSION['uuid'], 'teamid' => $user['teamid']], ['locationid' => $VARS['locationid']]);

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* Get the stats for a place. Useful for reloading stats after doing something.
require 'required.php';
if (is_empty($VARS['locationid'])) {
sendError("Missing internal location ID.", true);
$data['status'] = 'OK';
if (!$database->has('locations', ['locationid' => $VARS['locationid']])) {
sendError("No stats found.", true);
$gameinfo = $database->select('locations', ['locationid', 'teamid', 'owneruuid', 'currentlife', 'maxlife'], ['locationid' => $VARS['locationid']])[0];
$data['stats'] = $gameinfo;
echo json_encode($data);