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8 years ago
Coordinate decimal places to earth resolution
places degrees distance
------- ------- --------
0 1 111 km
1 0.1 11.1 km
2 0.01 1.11 km
3 0.001 111 m
4 0.0001 11.1 m
5 0.00001 1.11 m
6 0.000001 11.1 cm
7 0.0000001 1.11 cm
8 0.00000001 1.11 mm
require 'required.php';
use AnthonyMartin\GeoLocation\GeoLocation as GeoLocation;
if (is_empty($VARS['lat']) || is_empty($VARS['long'])) {
sendError("Missing information.", true);
if (!preg_match('/-?[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{3,}/', $VARS['lat'])) {
sendError("Latitude (lat) is in the wrong format.", true);
if (!preg_match('/-?[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{3,}/', $VARS['long'])) {
sendError("Longitude (long) is in the wrong format.", true);
$radius = .25;
8 years ago
if (!is_empty($VARS['radius']) && is_numeric($VARS['radius'])) {
$radius = intval($VARS['radius']);
$userlocation = GeoLocation::fromDegrees($VARS['lat'], $VARS['long']);
$searchbounds = $userlocation->boundingCoordinates($radius, 'miles');
$people = $database->select('players', ['uuid', 'level', 'nickname', 'teamid', 'energy', 'maxenergy'], ['AND' => [
8 years ago
'latitude[>]' => $searchbounds[0]->getLatitudeInDegrees(),
'latitude[<]' => $searchbounds[1]->getLatitudeInDegrees(),
'longitude[>]' => $searchbounds[0]->getLongitudeInDegrees(),
'longitude[<]' => $searchbounds[1]->getLongitudeInDegrees(),
'lastping[>]' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 minute'))],
"LIMIT" => 20
8 years ago
$out = ["status" => "OK", "people" => []];
foreach ($people as $person) {
$out['people'][] = ["uuid" => $person["uuid"], "name" => $person["nickname"], "team" => $person["teamid"]];
8 years ago
echo json_encode($out);