TerranQuest Mapbox GL Styles ============================ This is a set of three Mapbox GL map styles. The styles are very simplified, showing roads, water, buildings, and parks/grass/woods. These styles are best viewed at very high (>16) zoom level. They were designed for TerranQuest, a mobile location-based video game. Folders ------- **terranquest-3d:** Style and sprites for a textured map with 3D buildings. **terranquest-flat:** Style and sprites for a textured map with flat/2D buildings. **terranquest-simple:** Style for a 2D plain-color map with no textures. **krita-files:** Krita project files for the textures. **png:** Individual PNG textures, at 256x256 and 512x512 sizes. Preview ------- Live maps: [3D](https://maps.netsyms.net/styles/terranquest-3d/), [Flat](https://maps.netsyms.net/styles/terranquest-flat/), [Simple](https://maps.netsyms.net/styles/terranquest-simple/) #### 3D style: ![3D City](preview/3d-city.png) #### Flat style: ![Flat City](preview/2d-city.png) #### Simple style: ![Simple](preview/simple.png) #### Planet (3D/Flat): ![Planet](preview/planet.png) #### Rural (3D/Flat): ![Planet](preview/rural.png) License ------- Creative Commons Zero, CC0 http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ Please note that the license only applies to the texture/sprite files and the `style.json` files. Whatever map you use has its own license terms. For example, the CC0 license does not apply to the preview images, as they contain ODbL-licenses code from OpenStreetMap.