/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var playerProfile = []; function loadHomePage(callback) { callAPI("getprofile", { username: localStorage.getItem("username"), password: localStorage.getItem("password") }, function (data) { playerProfile = data.profile; setupProfile(); callback(); }); } function setupProfile() { $(".player-nickname").text(playerProfile.name); $("#player-level-badge").html("   Lv. " + playerProfile.level * 1); $("#player-level-badge").addClass("bg-color-" + SETTINGS["teams"][playerProfile.teamid]["color"]); $("#player-level-badge").addClass("text-color-" + SETTINGS["teams"][playerProfile.teamid]["textcolor"]); app.progressbar.set($("#player-healthbar"), (playerProfile.energy / playerProfile.maxenergy) * 100, 500); } function scanCode() { if (platform_type != "cordova") { app.dialog.alert("You can't scan barcodes with this device.", "Sorry!"); } cordova.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan( function (result) { if (!result.cancelled) { callAPI("code", { username: localStorage.getItem("username"), password: localStorage.getItem("password"), code: result.text }, function (resp) { if (resp.item == "" && resp.munzee == "") { app.dialog.alert("You didn't find anything new.", ""); } else { if (resp.item == "") { $("#founditem-block").addClass("display-none"); } else { $("#founditem-name").text(resp.item); $("#founditem-block").removeClass("display-none"); } if (resp.munzee == "") { $("#foundmunzee-block").addClass("display-none"); } else { $("#foundmunzee-name").text(resp.munzee); $("#foundmunzee-block").removeClass("display-none"); } app.popup.open("#founditem-popup"); } }, function (msg) { app.dialog.alert(msg, "Error"); }); } }, function (error) { app.dialog.alert(error, "Scan Error"); }, { showTorchButton: true, prompt: "Find a code", resultDisplayDuration: 0, disableSuccessBeep: true } ); }