Add places to map, improve player level badge

Skylar Ittner 5 years ago
parent 68ef3685ec
commit 15a3d106b1

@ -69,4 +69,9 @@ file, You can obtain one at
background-color: #3ffc5e;
border-top-right-radius: 2px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
#player-level-badge {
margin-bottom: 4px;
margin-left: auto;

@ -10,4 +10,82 @@ file, You can obtain one at
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
TODO: Change image based on place health/strength {0,1,2}.png
#mapbox .place-marker {
width: 10em;
height: 10em;
background-image: url(../img/place/2.png);
background-size: contain;
Colorize images for map display
TODO: Adjust green and lightblue for better map visibility
.color-filter-red {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(43%) sepia(63%) saturate(6607%) hue-rotate(344deg) brightness(111%) contrast(101%);
.color-filter-green {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(82%) sepia(6%) saturate(5468%) hue-rotate(70deg) brightness(96%) contrast(76%);
.color-filter-blue {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(51%) sepia(33%) saturate(1529%) hue-rotate(172deg) brightness(94%) contrast(104%);
.color-filter-pink {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(54%) sepia(96%) saturate(5960%) hue-rotate(330deg) brightness(99%) contrast(106%);
.color-filter-yellow {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(76%) sepia(89%) saturate(2826%) hue-rotate(8deg) brightness(112%) contrast(103%);
.color-filter-orange {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(53%) sepia(77%) saturate(1004%) hue-rotate(359deg) brightness(103%) contrast(108%);
.color-filter-purple {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(18%) sepia(61%) saturate(4153%) hue-rotate(281deg) brightness(95%) contrast(89%);
.color-filter-deeppurple {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(26%) sepia(27%) saturate(4860%) hue-rotate(246deg) brightness(89%) contrast(93%);
.color-filter-lightblue {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(78%) sepia(10%) saturate(4807%) hue-rotate(168deg) brightness(99%) contrast(98%);
.color-filter-teal {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(32%) sepia(93%) saturate(1351%) hue-rotate(149deg) brightness(94%) contrast(101%);
.color-filter-lime {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(80%) sepia(12%) saturate(1890%) hue-rotate(22deg) brightness(95%) contrast(114%);
.color-filter-deeporange {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(67%) sepia(41%) saturate(6786%) hue-rotate(342deg) brightness(98%) contrast(106%);
.color-filter-gray {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(64%) sepia(7%) saturate(162%) hue-rotate(202deg) brightness(87%) contrast(86%);
.color-filter-white {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(288deg) brightness(102%) contrast(102%);
.color-filter-black {
filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(0%) sepia(100%) saturate(7432%) hue-rotate(210deg) brightness(88%) contrast(115%);

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 74 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 79 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 95 KiB

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function loadHomePage(callback) {
function setupProfile() {
$("#player-level-badge").text("Lv. " + playerProfile.level * 1);
$("#player-level-badge").html("<i class=\"" + SETTINGS["teams"][playerProfile.teamid]["icon"] + "\"></i> &nbsp; Lv. " + playerProfile.level * 1);
$("#player-level-badge").addClass("bg-color-" + SETTINGS["teams"][playerProfile.teamid]["color"]);
$("#player-level-badge").addClass("text-color-" + SETTINGS["teams"][playerProfile.teamid]["textcolor"]);
app.progressbar.set($("#player-healthbar"), ( / playerProfile.maxenergy) * 100, 500);

@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'mapbox',
style: SETTINGS['map_style_json'],
attributionControl: false,
touchZoomRotate: 'center',
pitch: 0,
zoom: 0,
maxZoom: 18
maxZoom: 20
map.touchZoomRotate.enable({around: 'center'});
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ gotfirstfix = false;
watchLocation(function (position) {
if (gotfirstfix) {
setMapLocation(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
updatePlaceLayer(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
} else {
animateMapIn(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude, 16, position.coords.heading);
gotfirstfix = true;
@ -61,6 +63,39 @@ function setMapLocation(latitude, longitude) {
function updatePlaceLayer(latitude, longitude) {
callAPI("nearbyplaces", {
username: localStorage.getItem("username"),
password: localStorage.getItem("password"),
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude,
radius: 5
}, function (data) {
var oldmarkers = document.getElementsByClassName("place-marker");
if (oldmarkers.length > 0) {
markerparent = oldmarkers[0].parentNode;
while (oldmarkers.length > 0) {
data.features.forEach(function (place) {
var el = document.createElement("div");
el.className = "place-marker";
if ( != null && > 0) {
el.className += " color-filter-" + SETTINGS["teams"][]["color"];
el.addEventListener('click', function () {
window.alert( + " \n" +;
new mapboxgl.Marker(el)
function animateMapIn(latitude, longitude, zoom, heading) {
if (typeof zoom == 'undefined') {
zoom = 15;

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<div class="username-healthbar">
<span class="username">
<span class="player-nickname"></span>
<span class="badge" id="player-level-badge"></span>
<span class="badge margin-left" id="player-level-badge"></span>
<span data-progress="0" class="progressbar healthbar" id="player-healthbar"></span>

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ var SETTINGS = {
teams: {
1: {id: 1, name: "Water", icon: "fas fa-tint", color: "blue", textcolor: "black"},
2: {id: 2, name: "Fire", icon: "fas fa-fire", color: "red", textcolor: "black"},
3: {id: 3, name: "Earth", icon: "fas fa-mountain", color: "deeporange", textcolor: "black"},
3: {id: 3, name: "Earth", icon: "fas fa-mountain", color: "green", textcolor: "black"},
4: {id: 4, name: "Wind", icon: "fas fa-wind", color: "lightblue", textcolor: "black"},
5: {id: 5, name: "Light", icon: "fas fa-sun", color: "white", textcolor: "black"},
5: {id: 5, name: "Light", icon: "fas fa-sun", color: "yellow", textcolor: "black"},
6: {id: 6, name: "Dark", icon: "fas fa-moon", color: "black", textcolor: "white"}