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/* global PositionError */
// GPS and terrain stuff
* Handles GPS and terrain data.
// Globals
lockGot = false;
terrainGot = false;
latitude = 0.0000;
longitude = 0.0000;
gpsaccuracy = 9999;
requiredaccuracy = 40;
// End Globals
var fetchplacecounter = 0;
var lastgpstime = 0;
var terraintypeid = 0;
var map ='map');
var tileurl = "{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg";
$(".leaflet-control-zoom").css("visibility", "hidden");
// Disable tap handler, if present.
//if (map.tap) {
// map.tap.disable();
// Tile layer
map.addLayer(new L.tileLayer(tileurl, {minZoom: 16, maxZoom: 18}));
// Places layer
var placeLayer = L.geoJson(
{"name": "Places", "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0]}, "properties": {"osm_id": -1, "name": null, 'gameinfo': {'teamid': "0"}}}]},
onEachFeature: onPlaceTap,
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
var teamcolor = "#" + getTeamColorFromId(;
return L.circleMarker(latlng, {
radius: 14,
fillColor: teamcolor,
color: "#000",
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.6
var placemarkers = L.markerClusterGroup({
spiderfyDistanceMultiplier: 2,
showCoverageOnHover: false,
zoomToBoundsOnClick: false
var lc = L.control.locate({
position: 'topleft', // set the location of the control
layer: undefined, // use your own layer for the location marker, creates a new layer by default
drawCircle: false, // controls whether a circle is drawn that shows the uncertainty about the location
follow: true, // follow the user's location
setView: true, // automatically sets the map view to the user's location, enabled if `follow` is true
keepCurrentZoomLevel: true, // keep the current map zoom level when displaying the user's location. (if `false`, use maxZoom)
stopFollowingOnDrag: false, // stop following when the map is dragged if `follow` is true (deprecated, see below)
remainActive: true, // if true locate control remains active on click even if the user's location is in view.
markerClass: L.circleMarker, // L.circleMarker or L.marker
circleStyle: {}, // change the style of the circle around the user's location
markerStyle: {color: '#008000', fillColor: '#32CD32'},
followCircleStyle: {}, // set difference for the style of the circle around the user's location while following
followMarkerStyle: {},
icon: 'fa fa-map-marker', // class for icon, fa-location-arrow or fa-map-marker
iconLoading: 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse', // class for loading icon
iconElementTag: 'span', // tag for the icon element, span or i
circlePadding: [0, 0], // padding around accuracy circle, value is passed to setBounds
metric: true, // use metric or imperial units
onLocationError: function (err) {
}, // define an error callback function
onLocationOutsideMapBounds: function (context) { // called when outside map boundaries
showPopup: false, // display a popup when the user click on the inner marker
strings: {
title: ".", // title of the locate control
metersUnit: "meters", // string for metric units
feetUnit: "feet", // string for imperial units
popup: "You are within {distance} {unit} from this point", // text to appear if user clicks on circle
outsideMapBoundsMsg: "You seem located outside the boundaries of the map" // default message for onLocationOutsideMapBounds
locateOptions: {} // define location options e.g enableHighAccuracy: true or maxZoom: 10
function mapPos(lat, lon) {
lockGot = true;
// Don't update places every time
if (fetchplacecounter === 0) {
loadPlaces(latitude, longitude);
if (fetchplacecounter > 10) {
fetchplacecounter = 0;
//map.setView(new L.LatLng(lat, lon), 16, {animate: true});
//map.panTo(new L.LatLng(lat, lon));
// $('.leaflet-map-plane').css('height', '90%');
// setTimeout(function () {
// $('#map').css('width', '100%');
// $('#map').css('height', '100%');
// }, 100);
function onPlaceTap(feature, layer) {
layer.on('click', function (e) {
function loadPlaces(lat, long) {
var url = mkApiUrl('places', 'gs') + "?lat=" + lat + "&long=" + long + "&radius=.5&names=1";
try {
function (data) {
if (data.type === 'FeatureCollection') {
data.features.forEach(function (item) { = "<span class='marker-popup-text' onclick='openPlace(" + + ")'>" + + "</span>";
} catch (ex) {
function openPlace(feature) {
$('#main-content').load("screens/place.html", null, function () {
$('#overlay-main').css('display', 'block');
* Hide the loading overlay if everything is loaded, otherwise do nothing
function hideLoading() {
if (lockGot && terrainGot && gpsaccuracy < requiredaccuracy && $('#loading').css('display') !== 'none') {
$('#loading').fadeOut('slow', function () {
$('#loading').css('display', 'none');
var updatePosition = function (position) {
latitude = position.coords.latitude;
longitude = position.coords.longitude;
lastgpstime = position.timestamp;
gpsaccuracy = position.coords.accuracy;
if (gpsaccuracy > requiredaccuracy) {
$('#no-lock').css('display', 'block');
} else {
$('#no-lock').css('display', 'none');
mapPos(latitude, longitude);
var updateTerrain = function (position) {
latitude = position.coords.latitude;
longitude = position.coords.longitude;
lastgpstime = position.timestamp;
gpsaccuracy = position.coords.accuracy;
var rasterurl = ""
+ latitude + "&long=" + longitude;
$.get(rasterurl, function (data) {
if (data.status === 'OK') {
terraintypeid = data.typeid;
terraintypename = data.typename;
$('#terrain-image').attr('src', 'assets/terrain/' + terraintypeid + '.png');
terrainGot = true;
}, "json").fail(function (err) {
$('#terrain-image').attr('src', 'assets/terrain/0.png');
function pingServer() {
if (lockGot && gpsaccuracy < requiredaccuracy) {
$.get(mkApiUrl('ping') + "?user=" + username + "&lat=" + latitude + "&long=" + longitude);
function onError(error) {
$('#loading-error').text("Check your device's network and location settings, and ensure a clear view of the sky.");
function popGPS() {
navigator.notification.alert("Latitude: " + latitude +
"\nLongitude: " + longitude +
"\nAccuracy: " + gpsaccuracy +
"\nTerrain: " + terraintypename + " (" + terraintypeid + ")",
"GPS Information",
$('#terrain-image').click(function () {
// Initial GPS position and stuff
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(updateTerrain, onError, {timeout: 10000, enableHighAccuracy: true});
// Update position
setInterval(function () {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(updatePosition, onError, {timeout: 10000, enableHighAccuracy: true});
}, 1000);
// Update position + terrain
setInterval(function () {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(updateTerrain, onError, {timeout: 10000, enableHighAccuracy: true});
loadPlaces(latitude, longitude);
}, 1000 * 20);
// Ping the server with coordinates
setInterval(pingServer, 5000);
// Show error if it's taking too long
setTimeout(function () {
}, 15 * 1000);