cordova.define("cordova-plugin-dialogs.notification", function(require, exports, module) { /* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ var exec = require('cordova/exec'); var platform = require('cordova/platform'); /** * Provides access to notifications on the device. */ module.exports = { /** * Open a native alert dialog, with a customizable title and button text. * * @param {String} message Message to print in the body of the alert * @param {Function} completeCallback The callback that is called when user clicks on a button. * @param {String} title Title of the alert dialog (default: Alert) * @param {String} buttonLabel Label of the close button (default: OK) */ alert: function(message, completeCallback, title, buttonLabel) { var _title = (typeof title === "string" ? title : "Alert"); var _buttonLabel = (buttonLabel || "OK"); exec(completeCallback, null, "Notification", "alert", [message, _title, _buttonLabel]); }, /** * Open a native confirm dialog, with a customizable title and button text. * The result that the user selects is returned to the result callback. * * @param {String} message Message to print in the body of the alert * @param {Function} resultCallback The callback that is called when user clicks on a button. * @param {String} title Title of the alert dialog (default: Confirm) * @param {Array} buttonLabels Array of the labels of the buttons (default: ['OK', 'Cancel']) */ confirm: function(message, resultCallback, title, buttonLabels) { var _title = (typeof title === "string" ? title : "Confirm"); var _buttonLabels = (buttonLabels || ["OK", "Cancel"]); // Strings are deprecated! if (typeof _buttonLabels === 'string') { console.log("Notification.confirm(string, function, string, string) is deprecated. Use Notification.confirm(string, function, string, array)."); } // Some platforms take an array of button label names. // Other platforms take a comma separated list. // For compatibility, we convert to the desired type based on the platform. if ( == "amazon-fireos" || == "android" || == "ios" || == "windowsphone" || == "firefoxos" || == "ubuntu" || == "windows8" || == "windows") { if (typeof _buttonLabels === 'string') { _buttonLabels = _buttonLabels.split(","); // not crazy about changing the var type here } } else { if (Array.isArray(_buttonLabels)) { var buttonLabelArray = _buttonLabels; _buttonLabels = buttonLabelArray.toString(); } } exec(resultCallback, null, "Notification", "confirm", [message, _title, _buttonLabels]); }, /** * Open a native prompt dialog, with a customizable title and button text. * The following results are returned to the result callback: * buttonIndex Index number of the button selected. * input1 The text entered in the prompt dialog box. * * @param {String} message Dialog message to display (default: "Prompt message") * @param {Function} resultCallback The callback that is called when user clicks on a button. * @param {String} title Title of the dialog (default: "Prompt") * @param {Array} buttonLabels Array of strings for the button labels (default: ["OK","Cancel"]) * @param {String} defaultText Textbox input value (default: empty string) */ prompt: function(message, resultCallback, title, buttonLabels, defaultText) { var _message = (typeof message === "string" ? message : "Prompt message"); var _title = (typeof title === "string" ? title : "Prompt"); var _buttonLabels = (buttonLabels || ["OK","Cancel"]); var _defaultText = (defaultText || ""); exec(resultCallback, null, "Notification", "prompt", [_message, _title, _buttonLabels, _defaultText]); }, /** * Causes the device to beep. * On Android, the default notification ringtone is played "count" times. * * @param {Integer} count The number of beeps. */ beep: function(count) { var defaultedCount = count || 1; exec(null, null, "Notification", "beep", [ defaultedCount ]); } }; });