
Please read these rules. Because TerranQuest is a game involving other people and the environment, it's important to show good etiquette.

  1. Do not endanger yourself or others
  2. be considerate and polite in the in-game chat, and don't swear
  3. Observe all local laws and rules
  4. Respect property rights and obtain permission for playing on private land
  5. Be nice to other people and try not to look too creepy
  6. Respect and minimize your impact on the environment
  7. Don't tamper with or deface any objects, landmarks, barcodes, or other real-world items
  8. Pick up any trash you find and dispose of it properly if you can
  9. Socialize with any players of other games, such as Geocaching and Ingress, you might meet
  10. Follow the Netsyms Technologies Terms of Service at