/* * TerranQuest - Augmented Reality fantasy game * * Copyright 2016 Netsyms Technologies * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Important Globals username = ""; password = ""; energy = 100; maxenergy = 100; level = 1; userteamid = 0; MUNZEE_CLIENT_ID = '616cecc70e17f4a3cb64146dce2d33f5'; MUNZEE_REDIRECT = 'http://gs.terranquest.net/munzee.php'; CODE_SCAN_COOLDOWN_SECONDS = 15; // Also change in CSS (.cooldown-fade-anim) currentscreen = ""; /* * Runs when the app opens */ $(document).ready(function () { document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false); }); function onDeviceReady() { openscreen("login"); if (navigator.network.connection.type === Connection.NONE) { navigator.notification.alert("You need an Internet connection to continue.", function () { navigator.app.exitApp(); }, "No network", 'OK'); clientProblemsDialog("You need an Internet connection to continue."); return; } $.getJSON(mkApiUrl("minclientversion"), function (data) { if (data.status == "OK") { if (compareVersions(window.cordova.plugins.version.getAppVersion(), data.version) < 0) { navigator.notification.alert("Your game client is too old. You must update the app before playing.", function () { navigator.app.exitApp(); }, "Outdated app", 'OK'); clientProblemsDialog("Your game client is too old. You must update the app before playing."); } } }); } // Depending on the device, a few examples are: // - "Android" // - "BlackBerry" // - "iOS" // - "webOS" // - "WinCE" // - "Tizen" var DEVICE_ANDROID = 0; var DEVICE_GOOGLEPLAY = 1; var DEVICE_IOS = 2; var DEVICE_WEB = 3; var DEVICE_WINDOWS_PHONE = 5; var DEVICE_WINDOWS = 6; var DEVICE_OTHER = 10; function getPlatform() { var devicePlatform = device.platform; switch (devicePlatform) { case 'Android': return DEVICE_ANDROID; case 'iOS': return DEVICE_IOS; case 'WinCE': return DEVICE_WINDOWS_PHONE; case 'Win32NT': return DEVICE_WINDOWS_PHONE; case 'Windows': return DEVICE_WINDOWS; case 'browser': return DEVICE_WEB; default: return DEVICE_OTHER; } } function getDeviceVersion() { return device.version; } /** * Compare two version strings. * http://stackoverflow.com/a/16187766/2534036 * @param {string} a * @param {string} b * @returns a number < 0 if a < b, a number > 0 if a > b, 0 if a = b */ function compareVersions(a, b) { var i, diff; var regExStrip0 = /(\.0+)+$/; var segmentsA = a.replace(regExStrip0, '').split('.'); var segmentsB = b.replace(regExStrip0, '').split('.'); var l = Math.min(segmentsA.length, segmentsB.length); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { diff = parseInt(segmentsA[i], 10) - parseInt(segmentsB[i], 10); if (diff) { return diff; } } return segmentsA.length - segmentsB.length; } function mkApiUrl(action, server) { if (server === 'cs') { var chatserverurl = "http://gs.terranquest.net/"; if (localStorage.getItem("chatserv") !== null && localStorage.getItem("chatserv") !== '') { chatserverurl = localStorage.getItem("chatserv"); } return chatserverurl + action + ".php"; } else { var gameserverurl = "http://gs.terranquest.net/"; if (localStorage.getItem("gameserv") !== null && localStorage.getItem("gameserv") !== '') { gameserverurl = localStorage.getItem("gameserv"); } return gameserverurl + action + ".php"; } } /** * Update the status bar color depending on context. * @returns {undefined} */ function updateStatusBarColor() { if (currentscreen == 'munzeelink') { StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#009444"); return; } if (currentscreen == 'login') { if ($('#loading').css('display') == 'none') { StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#060606"); } else { StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#324150"); } return; } if (currentscreen == 'chooseteam' || currentscreen == 'signup') { StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#060606"); return; } if (currentscreen == 'home') { if ($('#loading').css('display') != 'none') { StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#324150"); } else { if ($('#overlay-main').css('display') == 'block') { StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#060606"); } else { StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#008000"); } } return; } StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#324150"); } /** * Switches the app to the given screen. * @param {String} screenname The name of the screen to show. * @param {String} effect FADE, SLIDE, or nothing * @returns {undefined} */ function openscreen(screenname, effect) { if (effect === 'FADE') { $('#content-zone').fadeOut('slow', function () { $('#content-zone').load("screens/" + screenname + ".html", function () { $('#content-zone').fadeIn('slow'); }); }); } else if (effect === 'SLIDE') { $('#content-zone').slideToggle('400', function () { $('#content-zone').load("screens/" + screenname + ".html", function () { $('#content-zone').slideToggle('400'); }); }); } else { $('#content-zone').load("screens/" + screenname + ".html"); } currentscreen = screenname; updateStatusBarColor(); } /** * Opens a modal dialog over the top of everything else. * @param {String} filename screens/[filename].html * @param {String} modalselector [#id-of-the-modal] * @returns {undefined} */ function openmodal(filename, modalselector) { $('#modal-load-box').load("screens/" + filename + ".html", null, function (x) { $(modalselector).css('z-index', 9999999); $(modalselector).modal('show'); }); } /** * Close a modal (see openmodal) * @param {String} modalselector * @returns {undefined} */ function closemodal(modalselector) { $(modalselector).modal(hide); } var scanCodeEnabled = true; function startCooldown() { scanCodeEnabled = false; // don't do animation on old stuff if (getPlatform() === DEVICE_ANDROID && compareVersions(getDeviceVersion(), "4.4") < 0) { fallback_anim('#codescanbtn', 0, CODE_SCAN_COOLDOWN_SECONDS, 1000); } else { $('#codescanbtn').addClass('cooldown-fade-anim'); } setTimeout(function () { endCooldown(); }, CODE_SCAN_COOLDOWN_SECONDS * 1000); } function fallback_anim(selector, currstep, maxstep, interval) { var cval = Math.round((currstep / maxstep) * 255); $(selector).css('background-color', 'rgba(' + cval + ',' + cval + ',' + cval + ',.8)'); if (currstep < maxstep) { setTimeout(function () { fallback_anim(selector, currstep + 1, maxstep, interval); }, intervalsecs); } } function endCooldown() { scanCodeEnabled = true; $('#codescanbtn').removeClass('cooldown-fade-anim'); $('#codescanbtn').css('background-color', 'rgba(255,255,255,.8)'); } function scanCode() { // If code scanning disabled (cooldown, etc) if (!scanCodeEnabled) { return; } try { cordova.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan( function (result) { if (!result.cancelled) { startCooldown(); $.getJSON(mkApiUrl('code2item', 'gs'), { code: result.text, latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, accuracy: gpsaccuracy }, function (data) { if (data.status === 'OK') { if (data.messages.length >= 2) { showFoundBox2(data.messages[0].title, data.messages[0].text, data.messages[1].title, data.messages[1].text); } else { showFoundBox(data.messages[0].title, data.messages[0].text); } } else { endCooldown(); showFoundBox("Huh?", data.message); } }).fail(function () { endCooldown(); showFoundBox("Huh?", "Nothing happened!"); //navigator.notification.alert("Nothing happened!", null, "Huh?", 'OK'); }); //navigator.notification.alert("Scanned code: " + result.text, null, "OK", 'Dismiss'); } }, function (error) { endCooldown(); navigator.notification.alert("Scanning failed: " + error, null, "Error", 'Dismiss'); }, { "showFlipCameraButton": true, "prompt": "Scan a barcode to discover an item!" } ); } catch (ex) { scanCodeEnabled = true; $('#codescanbtn').removeClass('cooldown-fade-anim'); navigator.notification.alert(ex.message, null, "Error", 'Dismiss'); } } function sortResults(array, prop, asc) { array = array.sort(function (a, b) { if (asc) { return (a[prop] > b[prop]) ? 1 : ((a[prop] < b[prop]) ? -1 : 0); } else { return (b[prop] > a[prop]) ? 1 : ((b[prop] < a[prop]) ? -1 : 0); } }); return array; } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Other things ////////////////////////////////////////////// function closeMain() { $('#overlay-main').slideDown(100, function () { $('#overlay-main').css('display', 'none'); $('#main-content').html(""); updateStatusBarColor(); }); } function getTeamInfoFromId(id) { id = id + ""; var team_string = "None"; var team_color = "FFFFFF"; switch (id) { case "1": team_string = "Water"; team_color = "00BFFF"; break; case "2": team_string = "Fire"; team_color = "FF4000"; break; case "3": team_string = "Earth"; team_color = "D1A000"; break; case "4": team_string = "Wind"; team_color = "96FFFF"; break; case "5": team_string = "Light"; team_color = "FFFF96"; break; case "6": team_string = "Dark"; team_color = "ABABAB"; break; default: team_string = "None"; team_color = "FFFFFF"; break; } return {'name': team_string, 'color': team_color}; } function getTeamNameFromId(id) { return getTeamInfoFromId(id)['name']; } function getTeamColorFromId(id) { return getTeamInfoFromId(id)['color']; } /** * Get the actual path to the www folder. Includes trailing slash. * http://stackoverflow.com/a/35782322/2534036 */ function getWwwFolderPath() { var path = window.location.pathname; var sizefilename = path.length - (path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); path = path.substr(path, path.length - sizefilename); return path; } ; // Handle back button to close things document.addEventListener("backbutton", function (event) { if (currentscreen == "munzeelink") { openscreen("home"); } if ($('#overlay-main').css('display') !== 'none') { closeMain(); } else if ($('#chatmsgs').css('display') !== 'none') { toggleChat(); } }, false); /* * Konami-JS ~ * :: Now with support for touch events and multiple instances for * :: those situations that call for multiple easter eggs! * Code: https://github.com/snaptortoise/konami-js * Examples: http://www.snaptortoise.com/konami-js * Copyright (c) 2009 George Mandis (georgemandis.com, snaptortoise.com) * Version: 1.4.6 (3/2/2016) * Licensed under the MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) * Tested in: Safari 4+, Google Chrome 4+, Firefox 3+, IE7+, Mobile Safari 2.2.1 and Dolphin Browser */ var Konami = function (callback) { var konami = { addEvent: function (obj, type, fn, ref_obj) { if (obj.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false); else if (obj.attachEvent) { // IE obj["e" + type + fn] = fn; obj[type + fn] = function () { obj["e" + type + fn](window.event, ref_obj); } obj.attachEvent("on" + type, obj[type + fn]); } }, input: "", pattern: "38384040373937396665", load: function (link) { this.addEvent(document, "keydown", function (e, ref_obj) { if (ref_obj) konami = ref_obj; // IE konami.input += e ? e.keyCode : event.keyCode; if (konami.input.length > konami.pattern.length) konami.input = konami.input.substr((konami.input.length - konami.pattern.length)); if (konami.input == konami.pattern) { konami.code(link); konami.input = ""; e.preventDefault(); return false; } }, this); this.iphone.load(link); }, code: function (link) { window.location = link }, iphone: { start_x: 0, start_y: 0, stop_x: 0, stop_y: 0, tap: false, capture: false, orig_keys: "", keys: ["UP", "UP", "DOWN", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "TAP", "TAP"], code: function (link) { konami.code(link); }, load: function (link) { this.orig_keys = this.keys; konami.addEvent(document, "touchmove", function (e) { if (e.touches.length == 1 && konami.iphone.capture == true) { var touch = e.touches[0]; konami.iphone.stop_x = touch.pageX; konami.iphone.stop_y = touch.pageY; konami.iphone.tap = false; konami.iphone.capture = false; konami.iphone.check_direction(); } }); konami.addEvent(document, "touchend", function (evt) { if (konami.iphone.tap == true) konami.iphone.check_direction(link); }, false); konami.addEvent(document, "touchstart", function (evt) { konami.iphone.start_x = evt.changedTouches[0].pageX; konami.iphone.start_y = evt.changedTouches[0].pageY; konami.iphone.tap = true; konami.iphone.capture = true; }); }, check_direction: function (link) { x_magnitude = Math.abs(this.start_x - this.stop_x); y_magnitude = Math.abs(this.start_y - this.stop_y); x = ((this.start_x - this.stop_x) < 0) ? "RIGHT" : "LEFT"; y = ((this.start_y - this.stop_y) < 0) ? "DOWN" : "UP"; result = (x_magnitude > y_magnitude) ? x : y; result = (this.tap == true) ? "TAP" : result; if (result == this.keys[0]) this.keys = this.keys.slice(1, this.keys.length); if (this.keys.length == 0) { this.keys = this.orig_keys; this.code(link); } } } } typeof callback === "string" && konami.load(callback); if (typeof callback === "function") { konami.code = callback; konami.load(); } return konami; }; var konamicounter = 0; var dev_console = new Konami(function () { konamicounter++; if (konamicounter > 2) { alert(eval(prompt("Enter console command: ", "$(\"#\")"))); } }); /** * Cancel all timeouts and intervals that may or may not exist. * * http://stackoverflow.com/a/8345814/2534036 */ function forceCancelAllTimers() { var highestTimeoutId = setTimeout(";"); for (var i = 0; i < highestTimeoutId; i++) { clearTimeout(i); } }