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81 lines
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# coding: utf-8
10 years ago
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
from .common import InfoExtractor
10 years ago
from ..utils import ExtractorError
10 years ago
class BRIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_DESC = "Bayerischer Rundfunk Mediathek"
_VALID_URL = r"^https?://(?:www\.)?br\.de/mediathek/video/(?:sendungen/)?(?P<id>[a-z0-9\-]+)\.html$"
_BASE_URL = ""
10 years ago
_TEST = {
"url": "",
"md5": "c4f83cf0f023ba5875aba0bf46860df2",
"info_dict": {
"id": "2c8d81c5-6fb7-4a74-88d4-e768e5856532",
"ext": "mp4",
"title": "Feiern und Verzichten",
"description": "Anselm Grün: Feiern und Verzichten",
"uploader": "BR/Birgit Baier",
"upload_date": "20140301"
10 years ago
def _real_extract(self, url):
10 years ago
mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
display_id ='id')
page = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
xml_url = self._search_regex(
r"return BRavFramework\.register\(BRavFramework\('avPlayer_(?:[a-f0-9-]{36})'\)\.setup\({dataURL:'(/mediathek/video/[a-z0-9/~_.-]+)'}\)\);", page, "XMLURL")
xml = self._download_xml(self._BASE_URL + xml_url, None)
10 years ago
videos = [{
"id": xml_video.get("externalId"),
"title": xml_video.find("title").text,
"formats": self._extract_formats(xml_video.find("assets")),
"thumbnails": self._extract_thumbnails(xml_video.find("teaserImage/variants")),
"description": " ".join(xml_video.find("shareTitle").text.splitlines()),
"uploader": xml_video.find("author").text,
"upload_date": "".join(reversed(xml_video.find("broadcastDate").text.split("."))),
"webpage_url": xml_video.find("permalink").text,
} for xml_video in xml.findall("video")]
if len(videos) > 1:
10 years ago
'found multiple videos; please '
'report this with the video URL to')
if not videos:
raise ExtractorError('No video entries found')
return videos[0]
def _extract_formats(self, assets):
10 years ago
formats = [{
"url": asset.find("downloadUrl").text,
"ext": asset.find("mediaType").text,
"format_id": asset.get("type"),
"width": int(asset.find("frameWidth").text),
"height": int(asset.find("frameHeight").text),
"tbr": int(asset.find("bitrateVideo").text),
"abr": int(asset.find("bitrateAudio").text),
"vcodec": asset.find("codecVideo").text,
"container": asset.find("mediaType").text,
"filesize": int(asset.find("size").text),
} for asset in assets.findall("asset")
if asset.find("downloadUrl") is not None]
return formats
def _extract_thumbnails(self, variants):
10 years ago
thumbnails = [{
"url": self._BASE_URL + variant.find("url").text,
"width": int(variant.find("width").text),
"height": int(variant.find("height").text),
} for variant in variants.findall("variant")]
thumbnails.sort(key=lambda x: x["width"] * x["height"], reverse=True)
return thumbnails