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App Template
7 years ago
This is an empty (but fully functional) PHP application. It is designed to
6 years ago
integrate with AccountHub, an account management web interface. AccountHub manages
user credentials and account data, and is accessed by this app via [a simple API](
7 years ago
Program Structure
### Folders
* api
An API framework. See api/apisettings.php below.
* api/actions
A place to put your API actions.
6 years ago
* langs
Translations and alert messages.
6 years ago
The language files that are loaded depends on the value of `LANGUAGE` in `settings.php`.
All .json files in a language folder are parsed and loaded into the dictionary (use via `$Strings->get('some key')`).
* lib
6 years ago
A good place to put helper functions that you don't want "in the way". All files that end with `.lib.php` are automatically loaded.
* pages
What it looks like. If you go into `pages.php` and define a page with the name `foo`, there should be a `foo.php` in here.
The app checks before loading, so it will give a friendly 404 error if it doesn't find your page.
7 years ago
Woe to you if you delete `home.php` or `404.php`, as those are assumed to exist for fallback behavior.
* static
CSS, JavaScript, fonts, images...
* vendor
7 years ago
If you don't know what this is about, or you don't have it, you need to read up on Composer. Right now.
7 years ago
### Files
* settings.template.php
7 years ago
App configuration. Copy to `settings.php` and customize. Documented with inline comments.
6 years ago
* app.php
Handles the web part of the app. If you have problems with too many items on the navbar, change `$navbar_breakpoint`.
To change the navbar colors, find and edit `<nav class="navbar ...`, changing `navbar-dark bg-blue` to suit.
* static/img/logo.svg
The app logo. Should be a square, we don't test any other sizes.
* required.php
The "duct tape" that holds the app together. Use `require_once __DIR__."/required.php"` at the top of every file.
6 years ago
It loads Composer dependencies, library files, app settings, language data, and creates `$database` for accessing the database.
It also has some utility functions, including `dieifnotloggedin()`.
Read through it to see exactly what it does.
* action.php
6 years ago
A good place to put form handling code. By default it only handles logging out, but is easily expanded.
* api/apisettings.php
An array of API actions. Validates any variables required by your actions before running them. See for a full example of its capabilities.
7 years ago
* api.php
Legacy shim for code that still expects the API endpoint to be here.
* index.php
Handles login and checking permissions.
* app.php
Main app page after login. Handles loading app pages and 404 errors.
Redirects to `index.php` if the user is not logged in.
7 years ago
Note: to show an alert message (success, error, whatever), set the GET argument `msg` to a message ID from `lang/messages.php`.
* pages.php
Define app pages/screens in an array. The page ID/array key is assumed to exist as a file `pages/{key}.php`, or it will 404.
__Optional parameters:__
`'navbar' => true` will show the page as a button in the app menu bar.
`'icon' => '...'` will show an icon from FontAwesome in the menu bar. Setting this to `home` will show the icon `fa-home`.
`'styles' => ["file.css"]` will inject the listed CSS files into the page header (after all other CSS, like Bootstrap).
7 years ago
`'scripts' => ["file.js"]` will inject the listed JavaScript files into the page footer (after jQuery and other builtin scripts).
6 years ago
* langs/messages.php
7 years ago
Array of alert messages.
7 years ago
`"string"` is the language string for the message, `"type"` is one of `success`, `info`, `warning`, or `danger` (i.e. Bootstrap alert classes).
7 years ago
Changing the type changes the icon and color of the alert box.
6 years ago
Setup Tips
* Run composer install (or composer.phar install) to install dependency libraries
* If you don't have any color in the navbar, run `git submodule init` and `git submodule update`.