-- MySQL Script generated by MySQL Workbench -- Thu 16 Nov 2017 07:38:14 PM MST -- Model: New Model Version: 1.0 -- MySQL Workbench Forward Engineering SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0; SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='TRADITIONAL,ALLOW_INVALID_DATES'; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Schema accounthub -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Schema accounthub -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 ; USE `accounthub` ; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`acctstatus` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`acctstatus` ( `statusid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `statuscode` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`statusid`), UNIQUE INDEX `statusid_UNIQUE` (`statusid` ASC), UNIQUE INDEX `statuscode_UNIQUE` (`statuscode` ASC)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`accttypes` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`accttypes` ( `typeid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `typecode` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`typeid`), UNIQUE INDEX `typeid_UNIQUE` (`typeid` ASC), UNIQUE INDEX `typecode_UNIQUE` (`typecode` ASC)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`accounts` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`accounts` ( `uid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` VARCHAR(190) NOT NULL, `password` VARCHAR(255) NULL, `realname` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `email` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT 'NOEMAIL@EXAMPLE.COM', `authsecret` VARCHAR(100) NULL, `phone1` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, `phone2` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, `acctstatus` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `accttype` INT NOT NULL, `deleted` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`uid`, `username`), UNIQUE INDEX `userid_UNIQUE` (`uid` ASC), UNIQUE INDEX `username_UNIQUE` (`username` ASC), INDEX `fk_accounts_acctstatus_idx` (`acctstatus` ASC), INDEX `email_index` (`email` ASC), INDEX `fk_accounts_accttypes1_idx` (`accttype` ASC), CONSTRAINT `fk_accounts_acctstatus` FOREIGN KEY (`acctstatus`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`acctstatus` (`statusid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `fk_accounts_accttypes1` FOREIGN KEY (`accttype`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`accttypes` (`typeid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`apps` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`apps` ( `appid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `appname` VARCHAR(45) NULL, `appcode` VARCHAR(45) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`appid`), UNIQUE INDEX `appid_UNIQUE` (`appid` ASC)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`available_apps` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`available_apps` ( `appid` INT NOT NULL, `uid` INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`appid`, `uid`), INDEX `fk_apps_has_accounts_accounts1_idx` (`uid` ASC), INDEX `fk_apps_has_accounts_apps1_idx` (`appid` ASC), CONSTRAINT `fk_apps_has_accounts_apps1` FOREIGN KEY (`appid`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`apps` (`appid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `fk_apps_has_accounts_accounts1` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`apikeys` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`apikeys` ( `key` VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, `notes` TEXT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`key`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`groups` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`groups` ( `groupid` INT NOT NULL, `groupname` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`groupid`), UNIQUE INDEX `groupid_UNIQUE` (`groupid` ASC), UNIQUE INDEX `groupname_UNIQUE` (`groupname` ASC)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`assigned_groups` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`assigned_groups` ( `groupid` INT NOT NULL, `uid` INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`groupid`, `uid`), INDEX `fk_groups_has_accounts_accounts1_idx` (`uid` ASC), INDEX `fk_groups_has_accounts_groups1_idx` (`groupid` ASC), CONSTRAINT `fk_groups_has_accounts_groups1` FOREIGN KEY (`groupid`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`groups` (`groupid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `fk_groups_has_accounts_accounts1` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`managers` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`managers` ( `managerid` INT NOT NULL, `employeeid` INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`managerid`, `employeeid`), INDEX `fk_managers_accounts2_idx` (`employeeid` ASC), CONSTRAINT `fk_managers_accounts1` FOREIGN KEY (`managerid`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `fk_managers_accounts2` FOREIGN KEY (`employeeid`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`logtypes` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`logtypes` ( `logtype` INT NOT NULL, `typename` VARCHAR(45) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`logtype`), UNIQUE INDEX `logtype_UNIQUE` (`logtype` ASC)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`authlog` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`authlog` ( `logid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `logtime` DATETIME NOT NULL, `logtype` INT NOT NULL, `uid` INT NULL, `ip` VARCHAR(45) NULL, `otherdata` VARCHAR(255) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`logid`), UNIQUE INDEX `logid_UNIQUE` (`logid` ASC), INDEX `fk_authlog_logtypes1_idx` (`logtype` ASC), INDEX `fk_authlog_accounts1_idx` (`uid` ASC), CONSTRAINT `fk_authlog_logtypes1` FOREIGN KEY (`logtype`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `fk_authlog_accounts1` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`permissions` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`permissions` ( `permid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `permcode` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, `perminfo` VARCHAR(200) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`permid`), UNIQUE INDEX `permid_UNIQUE` (`permid` ASC)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`assigned_permissions` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`assigned_permissions` ( `uid` INT NOT NULL, `permid` INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`uid`, `permid`), INDEX `fk_permissions_has_accounts_accounts1_idx` (`uid` ASC), INDEX `fk_permissions_has_accounts_permissions1_idx` (`permid` ASC), CONSTRAINT `fk_permissions_has_accounts_permissions1` FOREIGN KEY (`permid`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`permissions` (`permid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `fk_permissions_has_accounts_accounts1` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`mobile_codes` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`mobile_codes` ( `codeid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` INT NOT NULL, `code` VARCHAR(45) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`codeid`), UNIQUE INDEX `codeid_UNIQUE` (`codeid` ASC), INDEX `fk_mobile_codes_accounts1_idx` (`uid` ASC), UNIQUE INDEX `code_UNIQUE` (`code` ASC), CONSTRAINT `fk_mobile_codes_accounts1` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `accounthub`.`accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `accounthub`.`rate_limit` -- ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounthub`.`rate_limit` ( `ipaddr` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, `lastaction` DATETIME NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ipaddr`)) ENGINE = MEMORY; SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS; SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Data for table `accounthub`.`acctstatus` -- ----------------------------------------------------- START TRANSACTION; USE `accounthub`; INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`acctstatus` (`statusid`, `statuscode`) VALUES (1, 'NORMAL'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`acctstatus` (`statusid`, `statuscode`) VALUES (2, 'LOCKED_OR_DISABLED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`acctstatus` (`statusid`, `statuscode`) VALUES (3, 'CHANGE_PASSWORD'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`acctstatus` (`statusid`, `statuscode`) VALUES (4, 'TERMINATED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`acctstatus` (`statusid`, `statuscode`) VALUES (5, 'ALERT_ON_ACCESS'); COMMIT; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Data for table `accounthub`.`accttypes` -- ----------------------------------------------------- START TRANSACTION; USE `accounthub`; INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`accttypes` (`typeid`, `typecode`) VALUES (1, 'LOCAL'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`accttypes` (`typeid`, `typecode`) VALUES (2, 'LDAP'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`accttypes` (`typeid`, `typecode`) VALUES (3, 'LIGHT'); COMMIT; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Data for table `accounthub`.`logtypes` -- ----------------------------------------------------- START TRANSACTION; USE `accounthub`; INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (1, 'PORTAL_LOGIN_OK'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (2, 'PORTAL_LOGIN_FAILED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (3, 'PASSWORD_CHANGED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (4, 'API_LOGIN_OK'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (5, 'API_LOGIN_FAILED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (6, 'PORTAL_BAD_AUTHCODE'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (7, 'API_BAD_AUTHCODE'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (8, 'BAD_CAPTCHA'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (9, '2FA_ADDED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (10, '2FA_REMOVED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (11, 'PORTAL_LOGOUT'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (12, 'API_AUTH_OK'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (13, 'API_AUTH_FAILED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (14, 'API_BAD_KEY'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (15, 'LOG_CLEARED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (16, 'USER_REMOVED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (17, 'USER_ADDED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (18, 'USER_EDITED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (19, 'MOBILE_LOGIN_OK'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (20, 'MOBILE_LOGIN_FAILED'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`logtypes` (`logtype`, `typename`) VALUES (21, 'MOBILE_BAD_KEY'); COMMIT; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Data for table `accounthub`.`permissions` -- ----------------------------------------------------- START TRANSACTION; USE `accounthub`; INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`permissions` (`permid`, `permcode`, `perminfo`) VALUES (1, 'ADMIN', 'System administrator'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`permissions` (`permid`, `permcode`, `perminfo`) VALUES (100, 'INV_VIEW', 'Access inventory system'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`permissions` (`permid`, `permcode`, `perminfo`) VALUES (101, 'INV_EDIT', 'Edit inventory system'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`permissions` (`permid`, `permcode`, `perminfo`) VALUES (200, 'TASKFLOOR', 'Access TaskFloor'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`permissions` (`permid`, `permcode`, `perminfo`) VALUES (300, 'QWIKCLOCK', 'Access QwikClock and punch in/out'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`permissions` (`permid`, `permcode`, `perminfo`) VALUES (301, 'QWIKCLOCK_MANAGE', 'Edit punches and other data for managed users'); INSERT INTO `accounthub`.`permissions` (`permid`, `permcode`, `perminfo`) VALUES (302, 'QWIKCLOCK_EDITSELF', 'Edit own punches and other data'); COMMIT;