"OK"])); } if (MOBILE_ENABLED !== TRUE) { exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $Strings->get("mobile login disabled", false)])); } // Make sure we have a username and access key if (is_empty($VARS['username']) || is_empty($VARS['key'])) { http_response_code(401); die(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => "Missing username and/or access key."])); } $username = strtolower($VARS['username']); $key = strtoupper($VARS['key']); // Make sure the username and key are actually legit $user_key_valid = $database->has('mobile_codes', ['[>]accounts' => ['uid' => 'uid']], ["AND" => ['mobile_codes.code' => $key, 'accounts.username' => $username]]); if ($user_key_valid !== TRUE) { engageRateLimit(); //http_response_code(401); Log::insert(LogType::MOBILE_BAD_KEY, null, "Username: " . $username . ", Key: " . $key); die(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => "Invalid username and/or access key."])); } // Obscure key if (strlen($key) > 7) { for ($i = 3; $i < strlen($key) - 3; $i++) { $key[$i] = "*"; } } // Process the action switch ($VARS['action']) { case "check_key": // Check if the username/key combo is valid. // If we get this far, it is, so return success. exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK"])); case "check_password": // Check if the user-supplied password is valid. engageRateLimit(); $user = User::byUsername($username); if ($user->getStatus()->get() != AccountStatus::NORMAL) { Log::insert(LogType::MOBILE_LOGIN_FAILED, null, "Username: " . $username . ", Key: " . $key); exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $Strings->get("login failed try on web", false)])); } if ($user->checkPassword($VARS['password'])) { Log::insert(LogType::MOBILE_LOGIN_OK, $user->getUID(), "Key: " . $key); exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK", "uid" => $user->getUID()])); } else { Log::insert(LogType::MOBILE_LOGIN_FAILED, null, "Username: " . $username . ", Key: " . $key); exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $Strings->get("login incorrect", false)])); } case "user_info": engageRateLimit(); $user = User::byUsername($username); if ($user->getStatus()->get() != AccountStatus::NORMAL) { Log::insert(LogType::MOBILE_LOGIN_FAILED, null, "Username: " . $username . ", Key: " . $key); exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $Strings->get("login failed try on web", false)])); } if ($user->checkPassword($VARS['password'])) { $userinfo = ["uid" => $user->getUID(), "username" => $user->getUsername(), "realname" => $user->getName(), "email" => $user->getEmail()]; Log::insert(LogType::MOBILE_LOGIN_OK, $user->getUID(), "Key: " . $key); exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK", "info" => $userinfo])); } else { Log::insert(LogType::MOBILE_LOGIN_FAILED, null, "Username: " . $username . ", Key: " . $key); exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $Strings->get("login incorrect", false)])); } case "start_session": // Do a web login. engageRateLimit(); $user = User::byUsername($username); if ($user->exists()) { if ($user->getStatus()->get() == AccountStatus::NORMAL) { if ($user->checkPassword($VARS['password'])) { Session::start($user); $_SESSION['mobile'] = true; exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK"])); } } } Log::insert(LogType::MOBILE_LOGIN_FAILED, null, "Username: " . $username . ", Key: " . $key); exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $Strings->get("login incorrect", false)])); case "listapps": $apps = EXTERNAL_APPS; // Format paths as absolute URLs foreach ($apps as $k => $v) { if (strpos($apps[$k]['url'], "http") === FALSE) { $apps[$k]['url'] = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https" : "http") . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443 ? ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : "") . $apps[$k]['url']; } } exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK", "apps" => $apps])); case "gencode": engageRateLimit(); $user = User::byUsername($username); $code = ""; do { $code = random_int(100000, 999999); } while ($database->has("onetimekeys", ["key" => $code])); $database->insert("onetimekeys", ["key" => $code, "uid" => $user->getUID(), "expires" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("+1 minute"))]); $database->delete("onetimekeys", ["expires[<]" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]); // cleanup exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK", "code" => $code])); case "checknotifications": if (!empty($VARS['username'])) { $user = User::byUsername($VARS['username']); } else if (!empty($VARS['uid'])) { $user = new User($VARS['uid']); } else { http_response_code(400); die("\"400 Bad Request\""); } try { $notifications = Notifications::get($user, false); exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK", "notifications" => $notifications])); } catch (Exception $ex) { exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $ex->getMessage()])); } break; case "readnotification": if (!empty($VARS['username'])) { $user = User::byUsername($VARS['username']); } else if (!empty($VARS['uid'])) { $user = new User($VARS['uid']); } else { http_response_code(400); die("\"400 Bad Request\""); } if (empty($VARS['id'])) { exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $Strings->get("invalid parameters", false)])); } try { Notifications::read($user, $VARS['id']); exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK"])); } catch (Exception $ex) { exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $ex->getMessage()])); } break; case "addnotification": if (!empty($VARS['username'])) { $user = User::byUsername($VARS['username']); } else if (!empty($VARS['uid'])) { $user = new User($VARS['uid']); } else { http_response_code(400); die("\"400 Bad Request\""); } try { $timestamp = ""; if (!empty($VARS['timestamp'])) { $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($VARS['timestamp'])); } $url = ""; if (!empty($VARS['url'])) { $url = $VARS['url']; } $nid = Notifications::add($user, $VARS['title'], $VARS['content'], $timestamp, $url, isset($VARS['sensitive'])); exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK", "id" => $nid])); } catch (Exception $ex) { exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $ex->getMessage()])); } break; case "deletenotification": if (!empty($VARS['username'])) { $user = User::byUsername($VARS['username']); } else if (!empty($VARS['uid'])) { $user = new User($VARS['uid']); } else { http_response_code(400); die("\"400 Bad Request\""); } if (empty($VARS['id'])) { exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $Strings->get("invalid parameters", false)])); } try { Notifications::delete($user, $VARS['id']); exit(json_encode(["status" => "OK"])); } catch (Exception $ex) { exit(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $ex->getMessage()])); } break; default: http_response_code(404); die(json_encode(["status" => "ERROR", "msg" => "The requested action is not available."])); }