q; $_SESSION["textcaptchaanswers"] = $textcaptcha->a; } catch (Exception $ex) { $captchaquestion = ""; } $form = new FormBuilder("", "", "", "POST"); $form->setID("signupform"); $form->addInput("username", "", "text", true, null, null, "Username", "fas fa-id-card", 6, 4, 100, "[a-zA-Z0-9]+", $Strings->get("Please enter your username (4-100 characters, alphanumeric).", false)); $form->addInput("password", "", "password", true, null, null, "Password", "fas fa-lock", 6, $SETTINGS['min_password_length'], 255, "", $Strings->build("Your password must be at least {n} characters long.", ["n" => $SETTINGS['min_password_length']], false)); $form->addInput("email", "", "email", false, null, null, "Email", "fas fa-envelope", 6, 5, 255, "", $Strings->get("That email address doesn't look right.", false)); $form->addInput("name", "", "text", true, null, null, "Name", "fas fa-user", 6, 2, 200, "", $Strings->get("Enter your name.", false)); if (!empty($captchaquestion)) { $form->addInput("textcaptcha", "", "text", true, null, null, "$captchaquestion", "fas fa-robot", 12, 1, 200, "", ""); } else { $form->addHiddenInput("textcaptcha", "DISABLE" . hash("sha1", hash("md5", date("Ymd")))); } $form->addHiddenInput("code", empty($_GET["code"]) ? "" : $_GET["code"]); $form->addHiddenInput("redirect", empty($_GET["redirect"]) ? "" : $_GET["code"]); if (!empty($SETTINGS['tos_url'])) { $form->addInput("agree_tos", "1", "checkbox", true, null, null, "I agree to the terms of service"); } $form->addHiddenInput("submit", "1"); $form->addButton($Strings->get("Create Account", false), "fas fa-user-plus", null, "submit", "savebtn"); ?> <?php echo $SETTINGS['site_title']; ?>

get("Create Account"); } else { echo $title; } ?>

generate(); } else { echo $noformcontent; } ?>
get("Choose a username.", false)); } $_POST['username'] = strtolower($_POST['username']); if (!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+$/", $_POST['username'])) { showHTML($Strings->get("Please enter your username (4-100 characters, alphanumeric).", false)); } if (User::byUsername($_POST['username'])->exists()) { showHTML($Strings->get("Username already taken, pick another.", false)); } if (empty($_POST['password'])) { showHTML($Strings->get("Choose a password.", false)); } if (strlen($_POST['password']) < $SETTINGS['min_password_length']) { showHTML($Strings->build("Your password must be at least {n} characters long.", ["n" => $SETTINGS[min_password_length]], false)); } require_once __DIR__ . "/../lib/worst_passwords.php"; $passrank = checkWorst500List($_POST['password']); if ($passrank !== FALSE) { showHTML($Strings->get("That password is one of the most popular and insecure ever, make a better one.", false)); } if (!empty($_POST['email']) && !filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { showHTML($Strings->get("That email address doesn't look right.", false)); } if (!empty($_POST['email']) && $database->has("accounts", ["email" => strtolower($_POST['email'])])) { showHTML($Strings->get("That email address is already in use.", false)); } if (empty($_POST['name'])) { showHTML($Strings->get("Enter your name.", false)); } if ($_POST["textcaptcha"] != "DISABLE" . hash("sha1", hash("md5", date("Ymd")))) { $answer = hash("md5", strtolower($_POST["textcaptcha"])); $ok = false; foreach ($_SESSION["textcaptchaanswers"] as $ans) { if ($ans == $answer) { $ok = true; } } if (!$ok) { showHTML($Strings->get("CAPTCHA answer incorrect.", false)); } } // Create account $userid = User::add($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['name'], (filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) ? strtolower($_POST['email']) : null)); $signinstr = $Strings->get("sign in", false); $redirect = urlencode($_POST["redirect"]); $code = urlencode($_POST["code"]); if (!empty($code)) { showHTML(null, false, <<
END , $Strings->get("Account Created", false)); } else { showHTML(null, false, << END , $Strings->get("Account Created", false)); }