$(function(){ 'use strict'; var options = { customBG: '#222', // bg of page is dark, so if opcity close to 0 -> dark shines through doRender: 'div div', // tell it where to render bg-color if no input colorNames: { // get more colors in the other demo... will be displayed next to color patch '808080': 'grey', '00FFFF': 'cyan', '000000': 'black', '0000FF': 'blue', 'FF00FF': 'magenta', '008000': 'green', 'FF0000': 'red', 'C0C0C0': 'silver', 'FFFFFF': 'white', 'FFFF00': 'yellow' }, buildCallback: function($elm) { // called the first time colorPicker gets triggered var that = this; // for callback function var currentRGB = ''; // either r, g or b var $currentSlider = $(); // the clicked rgb slider var currentOffset = {}; // of slider var $window = $(window); var mouseMove = function(e) { // don't render sliders here. Just setColor; var color = {}; // new calculated color color[currentRGB] = (e.pageX - currentOffset.left) / that.currentWidth * 255; that.color.setColor(color, 'rgb'); // set calculated value that.render(); // tell colorPicker to render }; $elm.append( // render extra sliders and patch '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'); this.$sliders = $elm.find('.cp-rgb-r, .cp-rgb-g, .cp-rgb-b'); this.cursorRStyle = this.$sliders.find('.cp-rgb-r-cursor')[0].style; // caching for faster render renderCallback this.cursorGStyle = this.$sliders.find('.cp-rgb-g-cursor')[0].style; this.cursorBStyle = this.$sliders.find('.cp-rgb-b-cursor')[0].style; this.patchStyle = $('.cp-patch div')[0].style; this.$display = $('.cp-disp'); this.$alpha = $elm.find('.cp-alpha'); $elm.on('mousedown', '.cp-rgb-r, .cp-rgb-g, .cp-rgb-b', function(e) { // event delegation $currentSlider = $(this); // well ;o) currentRGB = this.className.replace(/cp-rgb-(\D){1}/, "$1"); // cp-rgb-r -> r currentOffset = $currentSlider.offset(); // for later calculations that.currentWidth = $currentSlider.width(); // ... also here $window.on('mousemove.rgb', mouseMove); // install mousemove listener e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(); // prevent selecting text mouseMove(e); // render color picker the first time return false; // for IE }); $window.on('mouseup', function(e) { $window.off('mousemove.rgb'); // turn off mousemove event handler }); // append css after just generated / use cssAddon instead if you want $('#colorPickerMod').appendTo('head'); }, positionCallback: function($elm) { // optional function to position colorPicker on toggle var _$UI = this.$UI, // this is the instance; this.$UI is the colorPicker DOMElement position = $elm.offset(), // $elm is the current trigger / element that opened the colorPicker $window = $(window), gap = this.color.options.gap; // this.color.options stores all options // _$UI.appendTo('#content-wrapper'); // demonstration only return { // this demo is a copy of the internal usage (to show how it works); 'left': (_$UI._left = position.left) - ((_$UI._left += _$UI._width - ($window.scrollLeft() + $window.width())) + gap > 0 ? _$UI._left + gap : 0), 'top': (_$UI._top = position.top + $elm.outerHeight()) - ((_$UI._top += _$UI._height - ($window.scrollTop() + $window.height())) + gap > 0 ? _$UI._top + gap : 0) } }, renderCallback: function($elm, toggled) { var colors = this.color.colors; // the whole color object var rgb = colors.RND.rgb; // the RGB color in 0-255 // the following 6 lines are not necessary if you don't have the trigger icons with the arrows... // if (toggled === true) { // just showing (only on show) // $('.trigger').removeClass('active'); // turns arrow of color triggers // $elm.closest('.trigger').addClass('active'); // } else if (toggled === false) { // just hiding (only on hide) // $elm.closest('.trigger').removeClass('active'); // } // demonstrates not showing numbers in input field (part 1) // if (toggled === false) { // $elm.css({'color': 'transparent'}); // } if (toggled === true) { // on show colorPicker this.$alpha.toggle(!$elm.hasClass('no-alpha')); this.$sliders.toggle(!$elm.hasClass('no-sliders')); // demonstrates not showing numbers in input field (part 2) // $(this.$oldElm).css({'color': 'transparent'}); // this.$oldElm = $elm; // $elm.css({'color': colors.RGBLuminance > 0.22 ? '#222' : '#ddd'}); } // this.patchStyle.backgroundColor = $elm[0].style.backgroundColor; // set patch color... this.patchStyle.backgroundColor = this.color.toString(); // no DOM access this.$display.text(this.color.options.colorNames[colors.HEX] || $elm.val()); // ...and text aside this.currentWidth = this.currentWidth || this.$UI.find('.cp-rgb-r')[0].clientWidth; // first time this.cursorRStyle.left = (rgb.r / 255 * this.currentWidth) + 'px'; // render sliders this.cursorGStyle.left = (rgb.g / 255 * this.currentWidth) + 'px'; // faster than with $().css this.cursorBStyle.left = (rgb.b / 255 * this.currentWidth) + 'px'; } }; window.myColorPicker = $('.color').colorPicker(options) // .css({'color': 'transparent'}); // demonstrates not showing numbers in input field (part 3) $('.trigger').colorPicker(options); });