Update README.md

Peter Dematté 9 years ago
parent 3bbd372a7b
commit dbf00f0888

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
Looking for mobile first, tiny foot print, fast, scaleable, flexible, pluggable and a rich color model...<br>
This small (4.9KB gZip, 10.8KB minified, no HTML, images or css needed) HSB color picker is based on a subset of [colors.js](https://github.com/PitPik/colorPicker/blob/master/colors.js) from it's big brother [colorPicker](https://github.com/PitPik/colorPicker/) for a precise and rich color model, supports all modern features like touch and MS pointer, GPU accelerated rendering, battery friendly requestAnimationFrame and provides a lot of hooks for developers to write plugins.
tinyColorPicker now supports AMD. See colors-amd-wrapper.js and jqColorPicker-amd-wrapper.js for more information.
See **demo** at [dematte.at/tinyColorPicker](http://dematte.at/tinyColorPicker)
@ -22,6 +24,23 @@ Supported color spaces are: rgb, hsv(b), hsl, HEX
## AMD wrapper
tinyColorPicker now supports AMD (thanks to [Munawwar](https://github.com/Munawwar)). Both files colors.js and jqColorPicker.js return their constructors so that it is easy to wrap them inside colors-amd-wrapper.js and jqColorPicker-amd-wrapper.js. So, if you want to use require.js or other module loaders just follow the instructions inside those 2 files. (Maybe someone of you wants to write a grunt task to automate this ;o)
If you don't want to use AMD but would like to store the constructor `Colors` on a different name space you can change this in color.js where you find:
window.Colors = (function...
// change this to what you want
window.myNameSpace.ColorTool = (function...
If you do so you also need to change this reference in jqColorPicker.js at the very end:
})(window, jQuery, Colors);
// changes to
})(window, jQuery, myNameSpace.ColorTool);
colorPicker uses an instance of Colors and passes the options to it, so some values are the same...
