Demo for invisible input values

peterd 8 years ago
parent 5cfdd6bfa8
commit d0ae0544e4

@ -67,20 +67,25 @@ $(function(){
var _$UI = this.$UI, // this is the instance; this.$UI is the colorPicker DOMElement
position = $elm.offset(), // $elm is the current trigger / element that opened the colorPicker
$window = $(window),
gap =; // this.color.options stores all options
gap =; // this.color.options stores all options
// _$UI.appendTo('#content-wrapper'); // demonstration only
// demonstrates not showing numbers in input field (part 1)
// $(this.$oldElm).css({'color': 'transparent'});
// this.$oldElm = $elm;
// $elm.css({'color': ''});
return { // this demo is a copy of the internal usage (to show how it works);
'left': (_$UI._left = position.left) -
((_$UI._left += _$UI._width -
($window.scrollLeft() + $window.width())) + gap > 0 ?
_$UI._left + gap : 0),
'top': (_$UI._top = + $elm.outerHeight()) -
((_$UI._top += _$UI._height -
($window.scrollTop() + $window.height())) + gap > 0 ?
_$UI._top + gap : 0)
((_$UI._left += _$UI._width -
($window.scrollLeft() + $window.width())) + gap > 0 ?
_$UI._left + gap : 0),
'top': (_$UI._top = + $elm.outerHeight()) -
((_$UI._top += _$UI._height -
($window.scrollTop() + $window.height())) + gap > 0 ?
_$UI._top + gap : 0)
renderCallback: function($elm, toggled) {
var colors = this.color.colors; // the whole color object
@ -88,10 +93,15 @@ $(function(){
// the following 6 lines are not necessary if you don't have the trigger icons with the arrows...
// if (toggled === true) { // just showing (only on show)
// $('.trigger').removeClass('active'); // turns arrow of color triggers
// $elm.closest('.trigger').addClass('active');
// $('.trigger').removeClass('active'); // turns arrow of color triggers
// $elm.closest('.trigger').addClass('active');
// } else if (toggled === false) { // just hiding (only on hide)
// $elm.closest('.trigger').removeClass('active');
// $elm.closest('.trigger').removeClass('active');
// }
// demonstrates not showing numbers in input field (part 2)
// if (toggled === false) {
// $elm.css({'color': 'transparent'});
// }
if (toggled === true) { // on show colorPicker
@ -111,6 +121,7 @@ $(function(){
window.myColorPicker =
// .css({'color': 'transparent'}); // demonstrates not showing numbers in input field (part 3)