Demo update / Readme update

- demo for sending data on every switch
 - demo for re-appending color picker for relative positioning
 - update of documentation
peterd 8 년 전
부모 0bfa3f10b2
커밋 81321faa74

@ -2,33 +2,69 @@
# tinyColorPicker and colors
Looking for mobile first, tiny foot print, fast, scaleable, flexible, pluggable and a rich color model...<br>
This small (4.9KB gZip, 10.8KB minified, no HTML, images or css needed) HSB colorpicker is based on a subset of [colors.js]( from it's big brother [colorPicker]( for a precise and rich color model, supports all modern features like touch and MS pointer, GPU accelerated rendering, battery friendly requestAnimationFrame and provides a lot of hooks for developers to write plugins.
tinyColorPicker now supports AMD / CommonJS and bower.
This small (5.07KB gZip, 11.39KB minified, no extra HTML, images or css needed) HSB colorpicker is based on a subset of [colors.js]( from it's big brother [colorPicker]( for a precise and rich color model, supports all modern features like touch and MS pointer, GPU accelerated rendering, battery friendly requestAnimationFrame and provides a lot of hooks for developers to write plugins or extend the UI.
See **demo** at [](
<img src="development/screen-shot-all.jpg" />
All the WCAG 2.0 calculations for readability are also based on opacity levels of all layers.<br>
Supported color spaces are: rgb, hsv(b), hsl, HEX
Supports WCAG 2.0 calculations for readability based on opacity levels of multiple layers.<br>
Supported color spaces are: rgb, hsv(b), hsl, HEX.<br>
CMYK, CMY, Lab and XYZ and more standards are supported if using [colors.js]( from [](
## Usage
<script type="text/javascript" src="jqColorPicker.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('.color').colorPicker(); // that's it
// $().colorPicker.destroy(); // for singlePageApps
$('.color').colorPicker(/* optinal options */); // that's it
```jqColorPicker.min.js``` holds all necessary data such as HTML, CSS and images in one file to run tinyColorPicker. So, it is not needed to include anything else than this single file.<br>
If you need to debug things for development, you can also use ```colors.js```, the color calculation module, and ```jqColorPicker.js```, the UI and interaction module seperately.
<script type="text/javascript" src="colors.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jqColorPicker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
## AMD / CommonJS wrapper
tinyColorPicker now supports AMD and CommonJS import (thanks to [Munawwar](
tinyColorPicker now supports AMD and CommonJS import (thanks to [Munawwar]( in both, the minified version and the single fies (```colors.js``` and ```jqColorPicker.js```).
// example for requirejs configuration
baseUrl: 'scripts',
paths: {
jquery: 'lib/jquery-2.2.1.min'
shim: {
'colorPicker': {
deps: [ 'jquery' ],
exports: 'jQuery.fn.colorPicker'
## bower support
tinyColorPicker can be received by bower:
// then use tinyColorPicker in your module...
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['jquery', 'jqColorPicker'], function (jQuery) {
return factory(root, jQuery);
} else {
factory(root, root.jQuery);
}(this, function(window, $){
## Bower support
tinyColorPicker can be received via bower:
bower install tinyColorPicker
@ -36,24 +72,35 @@ bower install tinyColorPicker
## jqColorPicker.js
colorPicker uses an instance of Colors and passes the options to it, so some values are the same...
```jqColorPicker.js``` is a jQuery plugin including the UI, CSS and images and uses an instance of Colors (from ```colors.js```) for all the color calculations. It passes the options to that instance, so some values might be the same when inspecting...
color: ..., // see Colors...
customBG: '#FFF' // see Colors...
color: ..., // see Colors below...
customBG: '#FFF' // see Colors below...
animationSpeed: 150, // toggle animation speed
GPU: true, // use transform: translate3d
doRender: true | 'selector', // manipulate color and bgColor of input field (on certain elements if selector)
GPU: true, // use transform: translate3d or regular rendereing (top, left)
doRender: true | 'selector', // render color and bgColor of input field (on certain elements if selector)
opacity: true, // enable / disable alpha slider
renderCallback: function($elm, toggled) {}, // this === instance; $elm: the input field;toggle === true -> just appeared; false -> opposite; else -> is rendering on pointer move
// toggled true/false can for example be used to check if the $elm has a certain className and then hide alpha,...
buildCallback: function($elm) {}, // this === instance; $elm: the UI
positionCallback: function($elm) {return {top: y, left: x}}, // this === instance; $elm: the trigger element;
css: '', // replaces existing css
cssAddon: '', // adds css to existing
buildCallback: function($elm) {
// 'this': colorPicker instance; // will be the same as in positionCallback() and renderCallback();
// $elm: the UI (<div class="cp-color-picker"></div>)
renderCallback: function($elm, toggled) {
// 'this': current colorPicker instance; // instance has all kinds of information about colorPicker such as $UI including dimensions etc...
// $elm: the input field or other element that just toggled the colorPicker;
// toggle -> 'true': just appeared; 'false': just closed; 'undefined': is rendering
positionCallback: function($elm) {
// 'this': current colorPicker instance;
// $elm: the input field or other element that just toggled the colorPicker;
// optionally...
return {top: y, left: x}; // positions colorPicker before appearing
css: '', // String: replaces existing css
cssAddon: '', // String: adds css to existing
margin: '', // positioning margin (can also be set in cssAddon)
scrollResize: true // toggle for reposition colorPicker on window.resize/scroll
scrollResize: true // toggle for repositioning colorPicker on window.resize/scroll
gap: 4 // gap to right and bottom edge of view port if repositioned to fit
dark: '#222' // default font color if background is light
light: '#DDD' // default font color if background is dark
@ -62,6 +109,8 @@ $('.color').colorPicker({
forceAlpha: // force printing alpha channel (undefined = auto; false = never print alpha)
See the following section or the demos on how the callbacks work and what you can do with them...
#### Some tips
The positionCallback can be used to optionally position the colorPicker different from its default; in case you want it to also show above or to the left of the input field etc.
@ -70,23 +119,24 @@ If you return an object (```{left: x, top: y}``` to position the colorPicker) th
positionCallback: function($elm) {
var _$UI = this.$UI, // this is the instance; this.$UI is the colorPicker DOMElement
var $UI = this.$UI, // this is the instance; this.$UI is the colorPicker DOMElement
position = $elm.offset(), // $elm is the current trigger that opened the UI
gap =, // this.color.options stores all options
top = 0,
left = 0;
// do here your calculations with top and left and...
// $UI.appendTo('#somwhereElse');
// do here your calculations with top and left and then...
return { // the object will be used as in $('.something').css({...});
left: left,
top: top
This callback is also good if you need to append your colorPicker to a different element then document.body. This way you can calculate the coordinates relative to the appended container...
This callback is also good if you need to append your colorPicker to a different container than document.body. This way you can then calculate the coordinates relative to the appended container...
The renderCallback can be used as openCallback and closeCallback:
The renderCallback can be used as openCallback and closeCallback:
renderCallback: function($elm, toggled) {
if (toggled === true) { // simple, lightweight check
@ -105,7 +155,7 @@ this.$UI.find('.cp-alpha').toggle(!$elm.hasClass('no-alpha'));
## colors.js
This section only shows the options for color.js. They are picked up automatically if set in $('.color').colorPicker
This section only shows the options for color.js. They are picked up automatically if set in ```$('.color').colorPicker({/* options */});```
Colors({ // all options have a default value...

@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
<p>This is a demo that describes tinyColorPicker custumization 'Skinned dev-tools like with RGB sliders' in a more understandable way.</p>
<a name="demo" id="demo" class="a-inline"></a>
<h2>Skinned dev-tools like, with RGB sliders</h2>
<div class="input-toggles">
<div class="input-toggles wrapper">
<input class="color" value="#B6BD79" />
<input class="color no-alpha" value="rgb(162, 63, 3)" />
<input class="color no-sliders" value="hsl(32, 95%, 23%)" />
<div class="div-toggles">
<div class="div-toggles wrapper">
<div class="trigger" value="#556B2F"><div><div></div></div></div>
<div class="trigger" value="rgb(100, 86, 70)"><div><div></div></div></div>
<div class="trigger" value="hsla(167, 29%, 68%, 0.8)"><div><div></div></div></div>

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ $(function(){
$window = $(window),
gap =; // this.color.options stores all options
// _$UI.appendTo('#content-wrapper'); // demonstration only
// _$UI.appendTo($elm.closest('.wrapper').eq(0)); // demonstration only
return { // this demo is a copy of the internal usage (to show how it works);
'left': (_$UI._left = position.left) -
@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ $(function(){
renderCallback: function($elm, toggled) {
var colors = this.color.colors; // the whole color object
var rgb = colors.RND.rgb; // the RGB color in 0-255
var oldValue = '';
var currentValue = '';
// the following 6 lines are not necessary if you don't have the trigger icons with the arrows...
// if (toggled === true) { // just showing (only on show)
@ -99,6 +101,23 @@ $(function(){
// $elm.css({'color': 'transparent'});
// }
// following section (13 lines) show how to get values on every switch to an other
// input field and on close...
if (toggled === true) { // this happens on open (first time or when switching to another one)
if (this.$oldElement && this.$oldElement[0] !== $elm[0]) { // previously closed while opening this one
currentValue = this.color.toString(); // store current value
oldValue = this.$oldElement.val(); // actual value of previous element
oldValue = this.color.setColor(oldValue); // set color to that old value
console.log(this.color.toString()); // show color of previously opened in rgba mode
this.color.setColor(currentValue); // set it back to normal
this.$oldElement = $elm; // store for next switch...
} else if (toggled === false) { // this happens on close (only)
console.log(this.color.toString()); // show color model of just closed
this.$oldElement = null; // delete $oldElement as there is no other swich possible
if (toggled === true) { // on show colorPicker

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