You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

303 lines
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9 years ago
;(function($, Colors, undefined){
'use strict';
var $document = $(document),
9 years ago
_cache = {},
_selector = '',
_$UI, _$xy_slider, _$xy_cursor, _$z_cursor , _$alpha , _$alpha_cursor,
9 years ago
_pointermove = 'touchmove mousemove pointermove',
_pointerup = 'touchend mouseup pointerup',
_GPU = false,
_animate = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function(cb){cb()},
_html = '<div class="cp-color-picker"><div class="cp-z-slider"><div c' +
'lass="cp-z-cursor"></div></div><div class="cp-xy-slider"><div cl' +
'ass="cp-white"></div><div class="cp-xy-cursor"></div></div><div ' +
'class="cp-alpha"><div class="cp-alpha-cursor"></div></div></div>',
// 'grunt-contrib-uglify' puts all this back to one single string...
_css = '.cp-color-picker{position:absolute;overflow:hidden;padding:6p' +
'x 6px 0;background-color:#444;color:#bbb;font-family:Arial,Helve' +
'tica,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;cursor:default;bo' +
'rder-radius:5px}.cp-color-picker>div{position:relative;overflow:' +
'hidden}.cp-xy-slider{float:left;height:128px;width:128px;margin-' +
'bottom:6px;background:linear-gradient(to right,rgba(255,255,255,' +
'1)0,rgba(255,255,255,0)100%)}.cp-white{height:100%;width:100%;ba' +
'ckground:linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(0,0,0,0)0,rgba(0,0,0,1)1' +
'00%)}.cp-xy-cursor{position:absolute;top:0;width:10px;height:10p' +
'x;margin:-5px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100%;box-sizin' +
'g:border-box}.cp-z-slider{float:right;margin-left:6px;height:128' +
'px;width:20px;background:linear-gradient(to bottom,red 0,#f0f 17' +
'%,#00f 33%,#0ff 50%,#0f0 67%,#ff0 83%,red 100%)}.cp-z-cursor{pos' +
'ition:absolute;margin-top:-4px;width:100%;border:4px solid #fff;' +
'border-color:transparent #fff;box-sizing:border-box}.cp-alpha{cl' +
9 years ago
'ear:both;width:100%;height:16px;margin:6px 0;background:linear-g' +
9 years ago
'radient(to right,rgba(68,68,68,1)0,rgba(0,0,0,0)100%)}.cp-alpha-' +
'cursor{position:absolute;margin-left:-4px;height:100%;border:4px' +
' solid #fff;border-color:#fff transparent;box-sizing:border-box}',
ColorPicker = function(options) {
_color = this.color = new Colors(options);
_options = _color.options;
ColorPicker.prototype.render = render;
ColorPicker.prototype.toggle = toggle;
9 years ago
function extractValue(elm) {
return elm.value || elm.getAttribute('value') ||
$(elm).css('background-color') || '#fff';
9 years ago
function resolveEventType(event) {
return event.originalEvent.touches ?
event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event;
function findElement($elm) {
return $($elm.find(_options.doRender)[0] || $elm[0]);
9 years ago
function toggle(event) {
var $this = $(this),
if (event) {
// if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' &&
// event.type === 'click') return;
// _options.preventFocus && this.blur();
9 years ago
position = $this.offset();
_cache.$element = findElement($this);
9 years ago
(_$UI || build()).css({
'left': position.left, // check for space...
'top': + $this.outerHeight(true)
}).show(_options.animationSpeed, function() {
_cache.alphaWidth = $('.cp-alpha', _$UI).width();
_cache.sliderWidth = $('.cp-xy-slider', _$UI).width();
9 years ago
} else {
$(_$UI).hide(_options.animationSpeed, function() {
9 years ago
function build() {
// CSS
$('head').append('<style type="text/css">' +
(_options.css || _css) + (_options.cssAddon || '') + '</style>');
return _$UI = $(_html).css({'margin': _options.margin}).
parent(). // back to $(_html)
show(0, function() {
_GPU = _options.GPU && $(this).css('perspective') === '';
// _GPU = _options.GPU &&
// $('<div>').css('transform', 'matrix(1,0,0,2,0,0)').
// css('transform').replace(/2.*$/, '1,');
9 years ago, $(this));
_$xy_slider = $('.cp-xy-slider', this);
_$xy_cursor = $('.cp-xy-cursor', this);
_$z_cursor = $('.cp-z-cursor', this);
_$alpha = $('.cp-alpha', this);
_$alpha_cursor = $('.cp-alpha-cursor', this);
9 years ago
on('touchstart mousedown pointerdown',
'.cp-xy-slider,.cp-z-slider,.cp-alpha', pointerdown).
function pointerdown(e) {
var action = this.className.replace('cp-', '').replace('-', '_');
_cache.elementOrigin = $(this).offset();
(action = action === 'xy_slider' ? xy_slider :
action === 'z_slider' ? z_slider : alpha)(e);
$document.on(_pointerup, pointerup).on(_pointermove, action);
function pointerup(e) {
function xy_slider(event) {
var e = resolveEventType(event),
x = e.pageX - _cache.elementOrigin.left,
y = e.pageY -;
s: x / _cache.sliderWidth * 100,
v: 100 - (y / _cache.sliderWidth * 100)
}, 'hsv');
function z_slider(event) {
var z = resolveEventType(event).pageY -,
hsv = _color.colors.hsv;
_color.setColor({h: 360 - (z / _cache.sliderWidth * 360)}, 'hsv');
function alpha(event) {
var x = resolveEventType(event).pageX - _cache.elementOrigin.left,
alpha = x / _cache.alphaWidth;
_color.setColor({}, 'rgb', alpha > 1 ? 1 : alpha < 0 ? 0 : alpha);
function render(toggled) {
var colors = _color.colors,
hueRGB = colors.hueRGB,
RGB = colors.RND.rgb,
HSL = colors.RND.hsl,
dark = '#222',
light = '#ddd',
$element = _cache.$element,
colorMode = $'colorMode'),
9 years ago
isAlpha = colors.alpha !== 1,
alpha = Math.round(colors.alpha * 100) / 100,
RGBInnerText = RGB.r + ', ' + RGB.g + ', ' + RGB.b,
text = (colorMode === 'HEX' && !isAlpha ? '#' + colors.HEX :
colorMode === 'rgb' || (colorMode === 'HEX' && isAlpha) ?
(!isAlpha ? 'rgb(' + RGBInnerText + ')' :
'rgba(' + RGBInnerText + ', ' + alpha + ')') :
9 years ago
('hsl' + (isAlpha ? 'a(' : '(') + HSL.h + ', ' + HSL.s + '%, ' +
HSL.l + '%' + (isAlpha ? ', ' + alpha : '') + ')')),
HUEContrast = colors.HUELuminance > 0.22 ? dark : light,
alphaContrast = colors.rgbaMixBlack.luminance > 0.22 ? dark : light,
h = (1 - colors.hsv.h) * _cache.sliderWidth,
s = colors.hsv.s * _cache.sliderWidth,
v = (1 - colors.hsv.v) * _cache.sliderWidth,
a = alpha * _cache.alphaWidth,
t3d = _GPU ? 'translate3d' : '';
backgroundColor: 'rgb(' +
hueRGB.r + ',' + hueRGB.g + ',' + hueRGB.b + ')'});
transform: t3d + '(' + s + 'px, ' + v + 'px, 0)',
left: !_GPU ? s : '',
top: !_GPU ? v : '',
borderColor : colors.RGBLuminance > 0.22 ? dark : light
transform: t3d + '(0, ' + h + 'px, 0)',
top: !_GPU ? h : '',
borderColor : 'transparent ' + HUEContrast,
_$alpha.css({backgroundColor: 'rgb(' + RGBInnerText + ')'});
transform: t3d + '(' + a + 'px, 0, 0)',
left: !_GPU ? a : '',
borderColor : alphaContrast + ' transparent'
_options.doRender && $element.css({
backgroundColor : text,
color: colors.rgbaMixBGMixCustom.luminance > 0.22 ? dark : light
$element.val() !== text && $element.val(text); // avoids carret jump
9 years ago
// faster version (more than 2.5x)... though, no jQuery (colors, ...)
// _$xy_slider[0].style.cssText =
// 'background-color:' + 'rgb(' +
// hueRGB.r + ',' + hueRGB.g + ',' + hueRGB.b + ');';
// _$xy_cursor[0].style.cssText =
// (_GPU ? _GPU + s + ',' + v + ');' :
// 'left:' + s + 'px;' + 'top:' + v + 'px;') +
// 'border-color:' + (colors.RGBLuminance > 0.22 ? dark : light);
// _$z_cursor[0].style.cssText =
// (_GPU ? _GPU + '0,' + h + ');' :
// 'top:' + h + 'px;') +
// 'border-color:' + 'transparent ' + HUEContrast;
// if (_options.opacity) {
// _$alpha[0].style.cssText = 'background-color:' + '#' + colors.HEX;
// _$alpha_cursor[0].style.cssText =
// (_GPU ? _GPU + a + ', 0);' :
// 'left:' + a + 'px;') +
// 'border-color:' + alphaContrast + ' transparent';
// }
// _options.doRender && (_cache.$element[0].style.cssText =
// 'background-color:' + text +
// ';color:' + (colors.rgbaMixBGMixCustom.luminance > 0.22 ? dark : light));
// _cache.$element[0].value = text;
9 years ago
typeof toggled === 'boolean' ? toggled : undefined
9 years ago
// export as plugin to jQuery
$.fn.colorPicker = function(options) {
var noop = function(){};
9 years ago
options = $.extend({
animationSpeed: 150,
GPU: true,
doRender: true,
customBG: '#FFF',
opacity: true,
renderCallback: noop,
buidCallback: noop,
body: document.body
9 years ago
// css: '',
// cssAddon: '',
// margin: '',
// preventFocus: false
}, options);
_instance = _instance ? _instance.add(this) : this;
_selector += (_selector ? ', ' : '') + this.selector;
this.colorPicker = _colorPicker ||
(_colorPicker = new ColorPicker(options));
on('touchstart.a mousedown.a pointerdown.a', function(e) {
var $target = $(;
if ($.inArray($target.closest(_selector)[0],
_instance) === -1 &&
!$target.closest(_$UI).length) {
on('focus.a click.a', _selector, toggle).
on('change.a', _selector, function() {
9 years ago
return this.each(function() {
var value = extractValue(this),
9 years ago
mode = value.split('('),
$elm = findElement($(this));
9 years ago
// save initial color mode and set color and bgColor
$'colorMode', mode[1] ? mode[0].substr(0, 3) : 'HEX').
attr('readonly', _options.preventFocus);
9 years ago
options.doRender && $elm.
css({'background-color': value,
9 years ago
'color': function() {
return _color.setColor(value).
rgbaMixBGMixCustom.luminance > 0.22 ? '#222' : '#ddd'
9 years ago
})(window.jQuery, Colors);