You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

104 lines
2.7 KiB

"use strict";
import babelify from 'babelify'
import gulp from 'gulp'
import minifycss from 'gulp-clean-css'
import uglify from 'gulp-uglify'
import concat from 'gulp-concat'
import header from 'gulp-header'
import buffer from 'vinyl-buffer'
import pkg from './package.json'
import debug from 'gulp-debug'
import eslint from 'gulp-eslint'
import prettify from 'gulp-jsbeautifier'
import browserify from 'browserify'
import source from 'vinyl-source-stream'
import rename from 'gulp-rename'
const banner = `/**
* <%= %> v<%= pkg.version %>
* Copyright <%= %>
* @link <%= pkg.homepage %>
* @license <%= pkg.license %>
gulp.task("prettify-js", [], () =>{
return gulp.src("./src/js/simplemde.js")
js: {
brace_style: "collapse",
indent_char: "\t",
indent_size: 1,
max_preserve_newlines: 3,
space_before_conditional: false
gulp.task("prettify-css", [], () =>{
return gulp.src("./src/css/simplemde.css")
.pipe(prettify({css: {indentChar: "\t", indentSize: 1}}))
gulp.task("lint", ["prettify-js"], () =>{
function taskBrowserify(opts) {
return browserify("./src/js/simplemde.js", opts)
.transform("babelify", {presets: ['es2015', 'stage-3']})
gulp.task("browserify:debug", ["lint"], () =>{
return taskBrowserify({debug:true, standalone:"SimpleMDE"})
.pipe(header(banner, {pkg: pkg}))
gulp.task("browserify", ["lint"], () =>{
return taskBrowserify({standalone:"SimpleMDE"})
.pipe(header(banner, {pkg: pkg}))
gulp.task("scripts", ["browserify:debug", "browserify", "lint"], () =>{
const js_files = ["./debug/simplemde.js"];
return gulp.src(js_files)
.pipe(header(banner, {pkg: pkg}))
gulp.task("styles", ["prettify-css"], () =>{
const css_files = [
return gulp.src(css_files)
.pipe(header(banner, {pkg: pkg}))
.pipe(header(banner, {pkg: pkg}))
gulp.task("default", ["scripts", "styles"]);